The day of the dollar is over. The euro is
in, and the world is making it increasingly clear that it
will no longer participate in propping up U.S. hegemony. Amid
a weakening dollar and rising oil prices, OPEC considers dropping
its ties to the American currency. Venezuelan President Hugo
Chavez - who said the “empire of the dollar is crashing,”
and is providing 112
million gallons of oil to poor American families who cannot
afford to heat their homes - and Iranian president Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad - who called the dollar “a worthless piece of
paper” - have concluded that they do not need the dollar,
and agreed to set up a joint Iranian-Venezuelan bank. Meanwhile,
China - which holds over $1 trillion of U.S. debt - must
decide whether it is time to cut and run.
And European and Canadian tourists visit the
U.S. and spend as if they’ve traveled to an underdeveloped
The idea of an America
that controls the world, and exploits the world, economically,
militarily, culturally and politically, is one that is best
relegated to the dustbin of history. Accordingly, we should
celebrate all efforts to bring about the demise of that concept,
so that the international community can breathe more freely,
and so that America
may gain a sense of humility and justice.
It seems fitting that we have Bush himself
to thank for precipitating this decline. In seven years, through
his antidemocratic policies, a crippling and senseless war
in Iraq, and the human rights abuse commonly known as the
war on terror, he has single-handedly accomplished what no
other before him has done: bring down the U.S. before the
eyes of the world.

As is the case with all declining empires,
the rot is both internal and external. In ancient Rome,
like modern-day America, military
spending, contracting out government services, corruption,
and enormous wealth inequality ultimately did them in.
the self-described world police officer, snooping into other
people’s business with over 700
overseas military bases in over 130 countries, America is bleeding money and fuelling resentment.
Many U.S.
citizens, uninformed and uneducated with regard to its country’s
exploits around the world, are apt to believe Bush when he
tells us “they hate us for our freedom.” Outsourcing much
of its dirty work to Blackwater, Halliburton and other private
corporate contractors, America
chooses to rape and pillage Iraq
in high-tech fashion, outside the reach of the Constitution.
War profiteering is conducted under the guise of defending
freedom and democracy.
Today, with corporations given free rein through
a deliberate policy of tax breaks, deregulation and upward
wealth transfer - not to mention the job outsourcing and downward
push on wages brought about by globalization – bestow economic
benefits for a few robber barons and empty hands for the rest
of us are the logical result.
Americans always were told that they lived
in the greatest country on Earth, a model egalitarian society.
But a report by The
Pew Charitable Trusts sheds light on the fallacy of the
so-called American Dream. According to the report, America
is less upwardly-mobile than Canada,
or Finland. In the land of opportunity, your birth,
more than in other countries, determines how you will end
up. The wealthiest among us are likely to remain wealthy,
and the poorest are also likely to remain poor. While only
one-third can be considered upwardly mobile, the rest are
either treading water or falling behind. And one-third of
Americans are downwardly mobile, earning less than their parents
and slipping down the income ladder.
Not surprisingly, as the proverbial canary
in the coalmine, African Americans are particularly vulnerable.
Only 31 percent of Blacks born to middle-income parents make
more than their parents, compared with 68 percent of Whites.
And nearly half of Blacks whose parents were middle income
end up in poverty, compared with 16 percent of Whites.

And as the Children’s
Defense Fund recently reported, prison is the only universally
guaranteed program for youth, as the U.S. prepares its poor
children, disproportionately Black and Brown boys, for a life
behind bars. With a cut-rate education system, few opportunities
and an environment of violence and deprivation, many children
are programmed for a cradle to prison pipeline. One child
in six lives in poverty, and over 9.4 million children are
without health insurance. One-third of Latino babies and one-half
of Black babies are born into poverty, and one-quarter of
Latino children and one-third of Black children are poor.
With $100 billion spent on the Iraq War each year, a total
of $450 billion so far, a mere $75 billion a year would eradicate
poverty in America.
Repealing the tax cuts for the richest one percent would provide
$57 billion. But do we have the will, in a nation that refuses
to do anything unless someone makes a profit from it?
of focusing on the real problems, we allow the distractions
to drive the debate. Rather than point the finger at a predatory
economic system that is eating its people alive - and causing
millions to lose their jobs and homes - many find convenient
scapegoats, including Mexican immigrants, the LGBT community,
beneficiaries of affirmative action and the Muslim world.
The scapegoat industry is a full employment program for such
caustic talking heads as Lou Dobbs, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity,
Rush Limbaugh and other standard bearers for intolerance and
hatred. What if the Angry White Men, for once in their lives,
actually acted in the true interests of all and broke bread
with the rest of us, including the angry people of color who
also want a better life, and know that something is wrong
with America?
Nothing will or should save the American empire,
but perhaps Americans can save themselves and make the nation
something it never was - fair and just, truly equal, and respectful
of the world. What we need is Dr. King’s “radical revolution
of values,” in which the U.S.
becomes a “person-oriented” society rather than a “thing-oriented”
society. Now let’s get to work and make that happen. Editorial Board member David A. Love, JD is a lawyer
and prisoners’ rights advocate based in Philadelphia,
and a contributor to the Progressive Media Project, McClatchy-Tribune News Service,
In These Times and Philadelphia Independent
Media Center. He contributed to the book, States of Confinement:
Policing, Detention, and Prisons
(St. Martin's Press, 2000). Love is a former Amnesty International UK
spokesperson, organized the first national police brutality
conference as a staff member with the Center for Constitutional
Rights, and served as a law clerk to two Black federal judges.
His blog is Click
here to contact Mr. Love.