New York Times reported that according to a newly declassified
document, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, in 1950, planned
to suspend habeas corpus and permanently imprison 12,000
“disloyal” American citizens in military prisons. Under
Hoover’s proposal, the mass arrests of “all individuals
potentially dangerous to national security” would be carried
out under “a master warrant attached to a list of names”
provided by the FBI. Hoover
saw the arrests necessary to “protect the country against
treason, espionage and sabotage.”
Hoover was guilty of projection when he called Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr., “the most dangerous man in America, and a moral degenerate.” With his one-man
war on progressive social movements, the civil rights movement
and African American leadership, antiwar activists, and
radical groups, he had been the greatest threat to democracy
until the current occupants of the White House came to power.
Under his COINTELPRO program, devised to “prevent the rise
of a black messiah,” Dr. King, Malcolm X and other leaders
were assassinated or otherwise neutralized, members of leftwing
political groups framed and imprisoned, and their causes
denigrated and defamed. Even today, the appalling COINTELPRO
legacy lives on, as eight former Black Panthers were arrested
for the 1971 killing of a San
Francisco police officer, trumped up charges based on evidence
obtained through torture. Perhaps we will never know how
much better America would have been without J. Edgar Hoover.
Clearly, Hoover and his
ilk represent the worst in America - an aversion to the
rule of law, secret government, spying on citizens, condoning
torture, squelching democratic movements and other fascistic
tendencies. So, why do we allow a federal building to take
the name of such a loathsome individual?
Of course, I speak of the J. Edgar Hoover
Building, the headquarters of the FBI in Washington,
DC. Perhaps it can be argued that it really doesn’t matter, Hoover
left us a long time ago and can no longer harm us, and having
a building named after him is mere symbolism in any case.
But it does matter, primarily because the
U.S. has not learned lessons from its past. Although
Hoover died in
1972, he lives on in an antidemocratic mindset that pushes
the nation towards fascistic behavior. “Enhanced interrogation
techniques,” or torture, is viewed as an acceptable weapon
in America’s war on terror. Terror suspects are kidnapped
and imprisoned indefinitely, without charges, without evidence
and without trial. Citizens are secretly monitored. That
we have allowed the Bush administration to engage in these
activities is proof that we have not come to terms with
the shameful Hoover
legacy. Once we erase Hoover’s
name from the building, and revoke all posthumous honors
bestowed upon him, then we can begin to repair the damage
done by this petty American dictator and his ideological
heirs. Editorial Board member David A. Love, JD is a lawyer
and prisoners’ rights advocate based in Philadelphia,
and a contributor to the Progressive Media Project, McClatchy-Tribune News Service,
These Times and Philadelphia Independent Media
Center. He contributed to the book, States of Confinement: Policing, Detention, and Prisons
(St. Martin's Press, 2000). Love is a former Amnesty International UK
spokesperson, organized the first national police brutality
conference as a staff member with the Center for Constitutional
Rights, and served as a law clerk to two Black federal judges.
His blog is Click
here to contact Mr. Love.