There are of course, many angles from which to view
the escalating immigration debate. Mexican immigrants, who constitute
the largest share of the undocumented, have a unique history with
the African population inside the United States. As the Black community
weighs-in on this very contentious issue, it becomes necessary for
us (both black and brown) to review the history that we share. However,
before reviewing our history together, I need to say unequivocally
that the U.S. seizure of more than half of Mexico’s territory in
1848 netted Washington more than 80% of Mexico’s mineral wealth
and was a criminal act. And that if Mexico today still included
California and Texas, she would possess more oil than Saudi Arabia
and have sufficient economic infrastructure to employ all of her
When Mexican people say that “the border crossed us,
we did not cross the border,” they speak the truth, and more black
people (most of whom are not strangers to oppression, exploitation,
domination and exclusion) need to appreciate that. It has been said
that for most of the 19th century, Mexican immigrants were more
highly regarded by African Americans, than any other immigrant group.
What may account for this, at least in part, is the enormous if
not pivotal role undertaken by black fighters in the war to secure
Mexican independence from Spain and abolish slavery. Unfortunately,
many of us repeat the falsehoods of our adversaries and have forgotten
our special relationship with Mexican and Indigenous peoples. It
is time that our memories be restored and that the naysayers and
nativist negroes among us either put up or shut up. What follows
is the little known history of Mexico serving as a refuge for fugitive
slaves and a provider of job opportunities for blacks emigrating
from the U.S. to Mexico.
Mexico Rejected Fugitive Slave Extradition
From the very beginning of his Texas colonization
scheme, a determined and deceitful Stephen Austin sought to have
Mexican officials acquiesce to the settlement of slave-owning whites
into the territory. It was generally acknowledged that the people
and government of Mexico abhorred slavery and were determined to
prohibit its practice within the Mexican republic. Beginning in
1822, at least 20,000 Anglos, many with their slave property, settled
into Texas. Jared Groce, one of the first of Stephen Austin’s Texas
settlers that year, arrived with 90 enslaved Africans. The Mexican
Federal Law of July 13, 1824 clearly favored and promoted the emancipation
of slaves. Mexico had even stipulated that it was prepared to compensate
North American owners of fugitive slaves. Determined instead to
have things their way, Anglos began to press for an extradition
treaty which would require Mexico to return fugitive slaves.

From 1825 until the end of the Civil War in 1865,
Mexican authorities continuously thwarted attempts by slave-holding
Texas settlers, to conclude fugitive slave extradition treaties
between the two parties. During this period of extremely tense
relations between the two governments, Mexico consistently repudiated
and forbade the institution of slavery in its territory, while U.S.
officials and Texas slave-owners continuously sought ways to circumvent
Mexican law. The Mexican authorities thwarted repeated attempts
by slave-holding Texas settlers, to conclude fugitive slave extradition
treaties between the two parties.

In 1826 the Committee of Foreign Relations of the
Mexican Chamber of Deputies refused to compromise on the issue of
fugitive slaves and defended the right of enslaved Africans to liberate
themselves. Mexican government officials cited “the inalienable
right which the Author of nature has conceded to him (meaning enslaved
Congress member Erasmo Seguin from Texas commented
that the Congress was “resolved to decree the perpetual extinction
in the Republic of commerce and traffic in slaves, and that their
introduction into our territory should not be permitted under any

Again, in October 1828 the Mexican Senate rejected
14 articles of a newly-proposed treaty and harshly criticized article
33, stating “it would be most extraordinary that in a treaty between
two free republics slavery should be encouraged by obliging ours
to deliver up fugitive slaves to their merciless and barbarous masters
of North America.”
Reporting on the growing number of Anglo settlers
in Texas, Mexican General Teran reported “most of them have slaves,
and these slaves are beginning to learn the favorable intent of
Mexican law to their unfortunate condition and are becoming restless
under their yokes …” General Teran went on to describe the cruelty
meted out by masters to restless slaves; “they extract their teeth,
set on the dogs to tear them in pieces, the most lenient being he
who but flogs his slaves until they are flayed.”
September 15, 1829 Afro-Mexican President Vicente Guerrero signed
a decree banning slavery in the Mexican Republic. Yielding to appeals
from panicked settlers and Mexican collaborators who saw Mexico
benefiting economically from the Anglo presence, Guerrero exempted
Texas from the prohibition on the introduction of slaves into the
republic, on December 2nd. Several months later, the Mexican government
severely restricted Anglo immigration and banned the introduction
of slaves into the republic.
Undeterred, the Anglos succeeded in negotiating a
new treaty with Mexico in 1831, which included article 34, which
called for pursuit and reclamation of fugitive slaves. After considerable
wrangling between the Mexican Chamber of Deputies and Senate, article
34 was removed from the treaty. Also, by 1831 it became apparent
through debate within the Mexican Senate that the government’s welcoming
of fugitive slaves was not completely altruistic. Some Mexican
officials, fearful of U.S. military intervention, had began to
see it as wise to encourage the development of runaway slave colonies
along the Northern border as a way to lessen the threat posed by
the U.S. As historian Rosalie Schwartz put it, many Mexican officials
“reasoned, these fugitives, choosing between liberty under the Mexican
government and bondage in the United States, would fight to protect
their Mexican freedom more vigorously than any mercenaries.” As
the interests of Mexican officials and U.S. abolitionists coincided
during the early 1830’s, a modest number of former slaves established
themselves in Texas and fared well during the period.

In 1836, after the fall of the Alamo and its slave-owning
or pro-slavery leaders, such as William Travis, Jim Bowie and Davy
Crockett, Mexican forces were defeated and an independent Texas
was eventually annexed by the United States. However, before the
expulsion of Mexican forces from Texas, Brigadier General Jose Urrea
evicted scores of illegally-settled plantation owners, liberated
slaves, and in many instances, granted them on-the-spot titles to
the land they had worked. Oddly enough, many black people call for
“forty acres and a mule” – a reference to Union General Sherman’s
Special Field Order 15 and General Howard’s Circular 13, which made
some land available to former slaves. But what one never hears
are references to Mexican General Jose Urrea and the land titles
that he and his men granted to former Texas slaves, following the
defeat of the Alamo, a generation before the “Civil War.”
Even after the loss of Texas, Mexican officials refused
to formally acknowledge Texas independence on the grounds that it
“would be equivalent to the sanction and recognition of slavery.”
After Texas independence the slave population mushroomed and the
number of runaways across the South Texas–North Mexico border, increased.
In 1842 Mexico’s Constitutional Congress reasserted the nation’s
commitment to fugitive slaves. In 1847, 38,753 slaves and 102,961
whites were listed in the first official Texas census. In 1850,
in a new treaty accord with the United States, Mexico again refused
to provide for the return of fugitive slaves.
The slave institution in Texas was continuously undermined
by defiant Tejanos (Mexicans in Texas) who took great risks and
invested enormous resources toward facilitating the escape of enslaved
Africans. The Texas to Mexico routes to freedom constituted major
unacknowledged extensions of the “Underground Railroad.” Tejanos
were variously accused of “tampering with slave property,” “consorting
with blacks” and stirring up among the slave population “a spirit
of insubordination.”
Plantation owners in Central Texas adopted various
resolutions aimed at preventing Mexicans from aiding the slave population.
Whites in Guadalupe County prohibited Mexican “peons” from entering
the county and anyone from conducting business or interacting with
enslaved persons without authorization from the owners. Bexar County
whites suggested
that ”Mexican strangers entering from San Antonio register at the
mayor’s office and give an account of themselves and their business.”
Delegates to a convention in Gonzales resolved that ”counties should
organize vigilance committees to prosecute persons tampering with
slaves” and that all citizens and slaveholders were to endeavor
to prevent Mexicans from communicating with blacks. Whites in Austin
decreed that “all transient Mexicans should be warned to leave within
ten days, that all remaining should be forcibly expelled unless
their good character and good behavior were substantiated by responsible
American citizens” and that “Mexicans should no longer be employed
and their presence in the area should be discouraged.” In Matagorda
County, all Mexicans were driven out under the bogus claim that
they were wandering, indigent sub-humans who “have no fixed domicile,
but hang around the plantations, taking the likeliest negro girls
for wives … they often steal horses, and these girls too, and endeavor
to run them to Mexico.”

By the year 1855, the estimates were that as many
as 4000 to 5000 formerly enslaved Africans had escaped to Mexico.
Slaveholders became so alarmed at this trend, that they requested
and received, approximately 1/5th of the standing U.S army which
was deployed along the Texas-Mexico border in a vain effort to stem
the flow of runaways. Defiant Mexicans stood their ground, refused
to return runaways, continued supporting slave uprisings and providing
assistance to escaping slaves. In the words of Felix Haywood, a
Texas slave, whose experience is recalled in The
Slave Narratives of Texas, “Sometimes someone would come along
and try to get us to run up north and be free. We used to laugh
at that. There was no reason to run up north. All we had to do was
walk, but walk south and we’d be free as soon as we crossed the
Rio Grande.”
What a Difference a Border Made
1857 was a year whose profound irony made it one of
the most interesting. 1857 was the year that the U.S. Supreme Court
ruled against Dred Scott, an enslaved African who had sued for his
freedom, on the grounds that his owner had forfeited any claim to
him, after taking him into a free state. Ironically 1857 was the
same year that the Mexican Congress adopted Article 13 declaring
that an enslaved person was free the moment he set foot on Mexican
Mexico as a Provider of Job Opportunities
for African Americans During the
1890’s, hundreds of black migrants fed-up with slave-like conditions
and segregation, left Alabama for Mexico and established ten large
colonies. Shortly thereafter, during the period of the Mexican
Revolution, large numbers of black people migrated from New Orleans
to Tampico, Mexico as the oil industry prospered. These Africans
in Mexico established branches of Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro
Improvement Association. One of the black oil workers who came to
Tampico stated, “there is no race prejudice, everyone is treated
according to his abilities.” During the same period, black heavyweight
champion Jack Johnson asserted that Mexico was “willing not only
to give us the privileges of Mexican citizenship, but was also willing
to champion our cause.”
Juan Uribe, a major Mexican official, visiting Los
Angeles in 1919, was quoted as saying, “ My only regret is that
it is not physically possible to immediately transport several million
African Americans to my beloved Mexico, where the north yields her
riches as nowhere else and where people are not disturbed by artificial
standards of race or color.” Similarly, African American immigrant
Theodore Troy said, “I am going to a land where freedom and opportunity
beckon me as well as every other man, woman and child of dark skin.
In this land there are no Jim Crow laws to fetter me; I am not denied
opportunity because of the color of my skin and wonderful undeveloped
resources of a country smiled upon by God beckon my genius on to
their development.” A black colony which included fifty families,
developed fruit orchards and engaged in cattle raising. It established
itself in Baja, California, in the Santa Clara and Vallecitos Valleys
situated between Ensenada and Tecate, approximately thirty miles
south of San Diego and lasted into the 1960’s.

Not to be overlooked is the enormous success of the
Negro Baseball Leagues in Mexico during the 1930’s and 1940’s. Black
ball players together with 4-500 family members seeking relief from
racism in the U.S. and segregated institutions, were hosted in Mexico
by generally respectful competitors and admiring fans. One competitor
in particular, Ray Dandridge played for 18 years in Mexico, before
Jackie Robinson gained admission into U.S. major league baseball.
Also, from the 1930’s to the 1960’s, major Mexican muralists, such
as Diego Rivera, David Siqueiros and Jose Clemente Orozco invited
prominent African American artists such as Hale Woodruff, John Biggers,
Elizabeth Catlett and Charles White to the Mexican Art School where
they developed an art style which helped them to connect images,
more effectively, to ethnic and class struggle.
Of course there are many more historical intersections
where Mexican and African people cooperated with each other. A few
examples were the solidarity between the Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee (SNCC)/Black Panther Party and Brown Berets; SNCC and
the Alianza Federal de Pueblos Libres and El Movimiento Estudiantil
Chicano de Atzlan (MEChA) and the Black Student Union (BSU). Mack
Lyons, a black member of the United Farm Workers Union’s National
Executive, negotiated its contract with Coca Cola, which owns Minute
Maid and sizeable Florida orange groves. In Los Angeles, during
the 90’s, black and brown students recognizing common history and
mutual interests, formed the African and Latino Youth Summit (ALYS).
Admittedly, Vicente Fox is no Vicente Guerrero. The
Mexico of today is profoundly different from the refuge that once
welcomed fugitive slaves, or land of opportunity that embraced African
American job-seekers; yet, its beautiful history of support, for
African Americans in need of allies, cannot be erased. It might
prove useful to see the relationship between black and brown people
as similar to the bond between a man and woman. It is beautiful
most of the time, but there are moments when it is tested and may
become strained. When this happens one or both must give more and
work to increase or renew trust.
Pass this material on to others. The black or brown
reader of this piece should now know that the best of our history
together, as black and brown people, speaks to the necessity of
collaborating during the worst of times. A wise people are a grateful
people, and never content themselves with recalling and celebrating
their legendary alliance with an important neighbor. Instead, they
press forward, fully aware that mutually-supportive relationships
are still possible and necessary.
Ron Wilkins has worked many years toward
strengthening relations between Mexican and black people. He has
lectured extensively, designed and taught innovative cross-cultural
courses at several colleges, displayed his "Journey to Black
Mexico" photo exhibit at many venues and taken students to
the Annual Meetings of Black Villages in Mexico's Costa Chica. Wilkins
is a professor in the Department of Africana Studies at California
State University, Dominguez Hills and Western Regional Deputy Chairman
of the Patrice Lumumba Coalition. He can be contacted at [email protected]. |