
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. died at the age of
thirty-nine, on April 4, 1968, exactly one year after the same
day he gave one of his most memorable speeches on April 4, 1967
at Harlem's Riverside Church, calling for an end to the war
in Vietnam. As we approach the thirty-ninth anniversary of
this most memorable speech on April 4, 2006, we need to revisit
the forces in American society that he challenged, forces that
King clearly identified by race: "the white moderate,"
so we can implore them to end the war in Iraq and address more
pressing domestic needs. In this speech
King says that "the hottest places in hell are reserved
for those who in times of moral crisis maintain their neutrality."
He said only three years earlier in his Letter From A Birmingham
City Jail that "the Negro's greatest stumbling block
in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler
or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted
to ‘order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which
is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence
of justice."
We need to study how the Iraq invasion reveals
today the same battles that were fought in the 1960s through
the lens of what King describes as the "white moderate."
In his Letter From A Birmingham City Jail, King was responding
to eight Alabama clergymen who wrote him a letter saying his
demonstrations against segregation were "unwise and untimely."
That could be the same reply many white moderates today would
have if any drastic measures were taken against the war.
We must also identify the white moderates of our
time, mainly the Democratic Party, not for the purpose of attacking
them, but to implore them by vocal persuasion, by e-mail, or
by other nonviolent protest, to move them out of their neutrality
and demand withdrawal from Iraq. Each passing day where troops
are killed and the Iraqi peoples' sovereign way of life is destroyed
is yet one more affirmation of their neutrality and thus, their
complicity and contribution to the Iraq War.
To better understand how to approach the white
moderate power structure, we must first realize how King's criticism
of the moderates of his time is not different at all from a
criticism of our time. When King says that "the white
moderate is more devoted to ‘order' than to justice" he
is clearly referring to both the actions of Bill Clinton and
Al Gore after the 2000 Presidential Election. In a 2001 article
called "Civil War 2000" published in The Black
Scholar, Charles P. Henry writes: "Kweisi Mfume, president
of the NAACP, reports that his organization begged the Clinton
Justice Department to intervene in the voting irregularities
that occurred in Florida on Election Day. Mfume says, ‘the
Justice Department turned away.'' After the elections, Mfume
asked the Justice Department to hold hearings – ‘the Justice
Department just looked away.' Despite the lack of response by
Clinton's Justice Department, he was given an ‘image' award
by the NAACP in 2001! How do we explain what Mfume calls the
cool, cold, and callous response of the Justice Department?"
Instead of awarding white moderates for suppressing or silencing
the voices against disenfranchisement and injustice, their feet
need to be held to the fire so they address the pressing domestic
issues of today like Iraqi withdrawal.

In one of the first scenes in the 2003 film, Fahrenheit
9/11, Al Gore and the entire U.S. Senate rather stoically
and sternly denied the Congressional Black Caucus their right
to challenge the 2000 election results when all they needed
was a signature from one senator. Did they believe they were
"keeping order" by doing this? Also, Al Gore moved
assiduously to silence not only the NAACP when they were trying
to sue the state of Florida for disenfranchising black voters,
he also asked that the Congressional Black Caucus be silent
and not be too vocal about the racist disenfranchisement of
black votes in the 2000 election. This disenfranchisement was
racist because the company that was hired, Choicepoint, to create
voting rolls in Florida, improperly and incorrectly identified
a disproportionate number of African-American registered voters
as felons. The Clinton Justice Department and Gore both probably
believed that by silencing the NAACP and the Congressional Black
Caucus, and encouraging low media coverage of this disenfranchisement,
they were "keeping order." Why might they
feel that silencing African-American organizations would be
"keeping order"? Might he believe that their voice
or, African-Americans themselves are inherently disorderly?
If so, we need to consider the nonviolence of King's
protest, and notice its similarities in the way the NAACP and
the Congressional Black Caucus used it to demand justice, and
end racist notions about blacks' petitioning their constitutional
rights as inherently being "too hostile, controversial"
or "too disorderly."
King later says in the Letter that "I
had hoped the white moderate would understand that the present
tension of the South is merely a necessary phase of the transition
from an obnoxious negative peace." There is no question
that by ignoring the disenfranchisement of the African-American
vote that a "negative peace" is created. As much
as it angers many voters, the media discourse about the 2000
Presidential election has ended. Is the current dearth of talk
about this disenfranchisement what Gore and Clinton hoped?
Had they in fact achieved the positive peace they wanted? Possibly
so, especially when we remember the many ways that the "white
moderate" commit the most egregious acts of discrimination,
because they thought that they were really helping the cause
by silencing African-Americans voices protesting their disenfranchisement.
King later describes the "white moderate" as one who
"constantly says, ‘I agree with you in the goal you see,
but I can't agree with your methods of direct action";
[He is one] who paternalistically feels that he can set the
timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of
time and who constantly advised the Negro to wait until a more
convenient season."

Both Clinton and Gore indirectly advised African-Americans
to "wait for another season" when they decided to
ignore their disenfranchisement. They certainly needed to hear
King's Letter when he writes: "we who engage in
nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. We
merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already
alive." The NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus would
not have created tension if they were given valid support by
Clinton and Gore to voice their disenfranchisement: they were
bringing to the surface the "hidden tension that is already
alive." Of course, we can safely assume that Clinton and
Gore probably did not support the NAACP and the Congressional
Black Caucus because they had a general fear of seeming "partisan,"
but this fear also has very troubling racist assumptions. Why
would genuinely racist African-American disenfranchisement be
called as a "Democratic," or "partisan"
or "political" issue? Why is "civil rights"
today seen as a political issue? What does such a characterization
imply about the American government? As Political Science Professor
Ronald Walters writes in his White Nationalism, Black Interests:
"Political discourse exhibiting the dominant
public attitudes…have formulated and learned to speak in the
new coded public language of class and race when discussing
public policy. They value being ‘tough on crime' and enacting
‘welfare reform.' They espouse ‘family values' and ‘individual
responsibility.' How to deconstruct this language, uncover
its hidden meanings and demonstrate how it is used…is to describe
the phenomenon of White Nationalism…which has had little direct
exposure either in the public arena or in academia."
These racist attitudes and assumptions about civil
rights being unnecessary are allowed to circulate only because
race is actively excluded in the American political discourse,
so anything normal is anything white. This speaks to what King
says when he describes the white moderate as "paternalistic."
Walters goes further than King when he says that one of the
forms of White supremacist ideology is "paternalism, whose
adherents considered Blacks childlike." Moreover, what
King teaches us is that the white moderate's paternalistic tone
emerges from an assumption that another person is not there
on their level or at their status. We know in King's time many
citizens believed that others were not "on their level,"
but in 2006, we ought to take these lessons from Dr. King and
fight even the new forms of racism that exist not only in the
actions but in the assumptions of white moderates like Gore
and Clinton. A "new racism" is best described by
Patricia Hill-Collins in her recent 2004 book Black Sexual
Politics, where she says that "the new racism relies
more heavily on the manipulation of ideas within mass media.
These new techniques present hegemonic ideologies that claim
that racism is over. They work to obscure the racism that does
exist, and they undercut anti-racist protest…the new racism
reflects sedimented or past-in-present racial formations from
prior historical periods."

There is no question that today's white moderate
activities by both Gore and Clinton reflects deep-seated, or
"sedimented" assumptions that aim to "undercut
anti-racist protest" by the NAACP and the Congressional
Black Caucus about the 2000 disenfranchisement.
More interesting are the ways that Clinton treated
his female African-American nominees to his government posts.
First, Clinton nominated Joycelyn Elders to the position of
U.S. Surgeon General in 1993. When Elders was told that she
was trying to avoid the issue of masturbation by ABC News anchor
Ted Koppel, Dr. Elders writes: "If I was going to say something,
I wanted to say it explicitly. ‘In regard to masturbation,'
I told him, ‘I think that is part of human sexuality, and perhaps
it should be taught.'" Dr. Elders suffered huge backlash
from the American media for these comments, from Clinton's cabinet
members, and Clinton himself. She writes that Clinton says,
"I'm sorry all this is happening. But I hear there are
all these remarks going on, and we can't have them. I want
you to get your resignation into Panetta's office this afternoon."
Elders presents later the political reasons Clinton demanded
her resignation and defends him, writing "I still don't
think that the President himself would have wanted me to leave,
nothing would have come of it. But as Donna Shalala liked to
say, I was never her choice, and once the President's chief
of staff decided I was a liability, it was just a matter of
finding the opportunity." This situation certainly reveals
the way African-American leaders can be cast as a "liability"
not only by their association, but by their comments and frankness
– a frankness which their situation might demand more than non-African-Americans
in general.
Dr. Lani Guinier was nominated to be Clinton's
Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, however Clinton
abruptly withdrew her nomination just before her nomination
hearing, without clearly expressing his reservations. Dr. Guinier
writes in her book Lift Every Voice about how upset she
was when Clinton characterized her views as "anti-democratic."
She writes "he privately listened and then publicly called
me names… I had left the Oval Office without a clue as to what
the president was really thinking. He had hinted at but had
been unable to state the ‘positions' in my legal writings ‘with
which [he] did not agree…Yale professor Harlon Dalton [said],
‘her senate hearing would have been a conversation about what
democracy looks like in a multicultural society in the 1990s
and I think that's a conversation we need to have. Instead,
the Senate and the president ran away from it.'" Here
is another example where Clinton and the Senate perhaps felt
they were "keeping order" in society by avoiding this
conversation about what democracy looks like in a multicultural
society. Here in a very significant way, Clinton pandered to
conservative interests. Dr. Guinier later confesses that "I
felt humiliated by the president, my friend, not because he
had buckled in the face of pressure but because he justified
his action by mischaracterizing who I am and what I have stood
for." Both King and Guinier were mischaracterized: King
as a "rabble rouser" and Guinier as a "quota
queen." Both fight these mischaracterizations by first
identifying them and understanding their attempts to redress
these mischaracterizations in a nonviolent way. King
corrects notions that he creates tension while Guinier does
the same thing. However Guinier's case presents a clear example
about the ways the white moderate can be a stumbling block to
the road of racial progress even when they feel they are helping
the cause.
As History Professor Dr. Mary Frances Berry tells
in my August 2005 interview with her, Clinton appeased the Congressional
Black Caucus's fury over his withdrawal of Lani Guinier by appointing
Dr. Berry as chair over the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
in 1995. Unfortunately however, this was a commission that
was completely branded as "partisan" not only by the
Bush Administration but also by the American media. Therefore,
their hearings on the 2000 Presidential Election voter disenfranchisements
were not covered by any major media.
Hillary Clinton also shows many characteristics
of a white moderate, who politically resembles Elizabeth Cady
Stanton, a nineteenth century social activist who said, "I
will cut off this right arm of mine before I will ever work
for or demand the ballot for the Negro and not the woman."
In Clinton's tenure as U.S. Senator from New York, she has built
a questionable, romanticized image among African-Americans,
evidenced from the applause she garnered at Coretta Scott King's
funeral. African-Americans applauded when one audience member
yelled her approval for Clinton to be president. The applause
for Mrs. Clinton certainly betrayed their ignorance of how Mrs.
Clinton's votes in the Senate have repeatedly worked against
working-class issues, such as her support for the illegal invasion
and occupation of Iraq. Her voluntary alienation
from Harry Belafonte also leaves very disturbing impressions
about the lengths she might go to advance her own political
career, especially since Belafonte was respected and had such
a close friendship with Dr. King. Democratic senators such
as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama seriously hurt the anti-war
cause by repeatedly voting to authorize funding for it. They
are also contributing to the deaths of more lives by not at
least making an important statement or symbol by voting NO on
at least one of these huge military bills. Instead, they act
as white moderates, who expect unadulterated, instinctive support
from the African-American community and still get it, to some
degree. So we see thus far that the white moderate, operates
in three basic ways: by ignoring the non-white presence, by
paternalizing their own presence (or devaluing others' presence),
and by mischaracterizing others'. Bill Clinton has done the
first most often, but has certainly done the third; both Gore
and Mrs. Clinton seem most safe within the first way of operating.

U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich exposed Howard
Dean as a white moderate in last year's An Open Letter to
Howard Dean. Kucinich's quote of Dean as saying "Now
that we're there [in Iraq] and we can't get out…" contains
a false assumption or mischaracterization that "we can't
get out." Says who? George W. Bush? Howard Dean? Absolutely
now. We can get out. How do we know we can't get out if we
do not try to nonviolently protest the situation so that
the U.S. government can bring the troops home? Kucinich reminded
Dean that he was popular because of all the 2004 presidential
candidates, he was the only anti-war candidate. Now that Bush
was "re-elected," in 2004, he has ended his calls
for withdrawal from Iraq and does so based on his own beliefs
that "we can't get out," by basically mischaracterizing
the situation in Iraq, like the Alabama clergymen mischaracterized
King as the "creator of tension." The character flaws
of all white moderates are common to all humans, however it
is essential to identify these flaws in white men of power,
such as Bill Clinton and Al Gore, because they have the clout
and the ability to nonviolently protest, or join others in doing
so to end racist actions that perpetuate the cycle of violence
that the Iraq War continues.
The fact is clear that the "white moderate"
has a significant stranglehold on the Democratic Party because
many House leaders and leaders within the Democratic Leadership
Council, which Clinton founded, do their best to silence or
delay the voices within the U.S. House that call for immediate
withdrawal of troops. As David Swanson wrote in an article
for BlackCommentator.com,
those voices that called for immediate withdrawal happened to
be disproportionately black, while those who did not call for
immediate withdrawal happen to be disproportionately white.
Do the racial assignments of those calling for immediate withdrawal
matter? Absolutely. Especially when the billions of dollars
demanded by the executive branch for the Iraq war sap funding
for pressing domestic needs disproportionately affecting Americans
by race. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi's removal of
Cynthia McKinney's seniority and her silencing of Ms. McKinney's
calls for immediate withdrawal last year are very similar to
the ways that Alabama clergymen tried to silence Dr. King on
calling not only for integration, but later for the withdrawal
from the Vietnam War. It is important to understand that there
are stronger white moderate forces even higher than Nancy Pelosi
in the Democratic Leadership Council that aim to squelch or
silence other calls for withdrawal from the U.S. House. Representative
Maxine Waters from California has organized an "Out of
Iraq" caucus and has said to me she joins John Murtha's
call for withdrawal, and aims to have the beginning of the withdrawal
of U.S. troops by the end this year. As citizens, we need to
call U.S. Representatives such as Cynthia McKinney and Maxine
Waters, thank them for continuing Dr. King's legacy of resistance,
and call white moderates as well, asking that they do their
best to begin withdrawal of our troops from Iraq.
Rhone Fraser is an independent journalist
who writes and produces for Pacifica WBAI radio's Arts Magazine
Program. He is currently a graduate student who has recently
written a documentary play on the life of civil rights activist
Fannie Lou Hamer and can be reached at [email protected].
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