December 4, 2004 marked the 35th anniversary of the police executions of
Black Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark, in Chicago.
Editor Bruce A. Dixon, then a member of the Illinois Black Panther
Party, offers these recollections of Hampton.
I remember Fred Hampton. For the last year of his life, which was
the whole time I knew him, he was Deputy Chairman of the Illinois Chapter
of the Black Panther Party. Fred was a big man whose inexhaustible
energy, keen insight and passionate commitment to the struggle made
him seem even larger still. We called him Chairman Fred. Chairman
Fred was murdered by the FBI and Chicago Police Department in the pre-dawn
hours of December 4, 1969. He was just 21 years old. Fred’s family
and comrades mourned him for a little while and have celebrated his
life of struggle, service, intensity and sacrifice ever since.
For such a short life there is much to celebrate. A gifted communicator
and natural leader, Fred was organizing other high school students
at the age of 15. A brilliant student, he had passed up the chance
to go to an elite college and the straight road to some lucrative and
prestigious career. Inspired by examples from the civil rights movement
to anti-colonial struggles in Vietnam and Africa, Fred chose to live
and work on the West Side of Chicago and devote all his talents and
energies to ending the oppression of woman and man by man, helping
to organize and lead the Black Panther Party in Chicago.
Chairman Fred led by example. He had high standards and challenged
all those in his orbit to get up as early, to read as much, and to
work and study as hard and as productively as he did. I never saw
anybody meet that challenge for long, but he made us want to keep trying. Fred
sought out principled critiques of his own practices, and taught us
the vital role of constructing, receiving and acting on such criticism
in building a sound organization.
Fred assumed a lead role in organizing the party’s Breakfast for Children
program, in which we solicited donations of food and facilities and
provided or recruited the labor to serve free hot breakfasts to children
on the way to school in some of the city’s poorest neighborhoods where
local authorities assured us that no hunger problem existed. Not long
afterward the city of Chicago began using federal funds to provide
hot breakfasts to children in lower income neighborhoods across the
city. Fred worked with the Medical Committee for Human Rights to open
the Black Panther Party’s free medical clinic on the West Side of Chicago
where authorities again solemnly declared there were no shortage of
such services. And again, not long afterward the Chicago Board of
Health was persuaded of the need to open a network of clinics providing
free and low-cost services in the city’s poorer areas.
Fred reached out to work with the Young Lords Organization in Chicago’s
Puerto Rican community, and to a group of white working class youth
who called themselves the Young Patriots. He made time to speak to
and with student groups in high schools and colleges all over Chicago
and the surrounding area. He organized community surveys to get snapshots
of the actual and perceived needs of some neighborhoods. 1969 was
well before the epidemics of powdered and crack cocaine put large and
permanently corrupting sums of money into the hands of gang leaders. Fred
was instrumental in crafting a principled approach not just to individual
members but to the rank and file and leaderships of black Chicago’s
two major street gangs to put aside their differences and work for
the good of the entire community. His efforts met with some initial
success, and earned him some extra special attention from the FBI.
There was much more, really an awful lot going on for a young man
of 20 or 21, all the more amazing as most members of the organization
he led were a year or two or three younger than Fred. Despite arrests
and threats of imprisonment or death hanging over him, Fred persevered
and challenged us to do the same. He was impatient with injustice,
as the finest young people of every age always are. Fred was animated,
almost consumed by a love for our people and for all of humanity and
determined to do whatever it took to end the exploitation of woman
and man by man.
Times do change and the mechanisms of oppression evolve into new forms. Political
organizations and strategic visions crafted for the needs of one era
don’t make the grade in another. If Fred was alive today he’d be a
middle-aged grandfather in his fifties. It’s hard to know exactly
how he’d be doing but there is no doubt that Fred would still be teaching
and learning and inspiring, still tirelessly organizing and struggling
in the great cause of human liberation. Chairman Fred called us to
a lifetime of service to humanity. If we weren’t doing something revolutionary,
Fred told us many times, we should not even bother to remember him. So
we continue to work hard to be worthy of his memory.