
History will record that the first Black U.S.
Secretary of State personally engineered the theft of the national
sovereignty of
Haiti, the world’s first Black republic and the second nation in
the western hemisphere to free itself from European rule. Such
is Colin Powell’s horrific legacy – an historic shame and blight
on the collective honor of Black America.
Powell returned to the scene of his crime last
week to assure Gerard Latortue, the evilly buffoonish U.S.-installed
interim Prime
Minister, “We are with you all the way" – words
of encouragement to a man who is said to have estimated it will
be necessary to kill 25,000 people in the capital alone to stop
calls for the return of exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide
(see , “A
Clandestine Interview from Haiti: Resistance in the Slums of Port-au-Prince,” October
14, 2004).
As if to honor the Secretary, Haitian police
killed four men from Aristide’s Lavalas party who they claimed
started a gun battle while Powell visited the National Palace.
But who knows the real
circumstances? Haiti is drenched in blood. "The
background is that they're massacring Lavalas supporters
on a daily basis now in most of the Port-au-Prince port areas.
People are afraid to come out of their homes," said Ira Kurzban,
an Aristide attorney. "What's happening
in Haiti is what's happening in Iraq: It's just total chaos, except
there are no U.S. troops on the ground."
Brazilian-led United Nations troops provide
a veneer of legitimacy to Latortue’s gangster regime, operating joint patrols with ski
mask-wearing “policemen” who carry out summary executions in the
capital’s sprawling slums. Mass murder is official policy in Haiti. "Shoot
them and ask questions later," Jean Philippe Sassine, the
assistant mayor of Port-au-Prince told the San
Francisco Chronicle. "Right now, our country needs security.
Unless you clean up the bad people, the gangs, there will be no
progress. Let us do it, or it will be worse."

Perhaps thousands have been killed or “disappeared” – no one can
provide even a ballpark figure – since February 28, when U.S. troops
sent President Aristide on an odyssey to the Central African Republic,
Jamaica and, now, South Africa, a crime against nationhood endorsed
after the fact by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Yet even the
timid international civil servant recoils at the sheer lawlessness
into which Haiti has descended. "I should like to remind the
transitional government that the arbitrary detention of people
solely for their political affiliation is in contravention of fundamental
human rights principles," said Annan, last month, calling
on Latortue to release Lavalas
and former Aristide government officials, or put them on trial. "Armed
groups have made arbitrary arrests and run illegal detention centers
in some localities. The justice system remained dysfunctional and
the National Police continued to operate outside the purview of
the rule of law.”
Then, true to form, Annan duly requested that
the Security Council extend the UN’s “peacekeeping” mandate for
another 18 months.
For some political prisoners, jail is a way-station to a secret
grave, according to Marguerite Laurent, chairperson of Haitian
Lawyers Leadership Network. “Haitian ‘police’ simply
assassinated at least 10 of the helpless and unarmed prisoners
they are holding as hostages in the National Penitentiary,” said
the New York-based attorney. “Reports also indicate bodies are
taken from the jail and dumped in mass graves at night so that
the world would not know how many are being murdered.”
Godfather to Thugs
In a December 3 letter soaked in sarcasm and
timed to coincide with Powell’s trip to Haiti, Rep. Maxine Waters
(D-CA) urged the
lame duck Secretary, “as your last official acts of mercy and compassion
for the Haitian people, to call for the immediate release of all
remaining political prisoners and other Haitians who are being
illegally detained in Haitian prisons, and to do whatever is required
to expedite desperately needed humanitarian assistance.”

Waters was among the Congressional Black Caucus members who virtually stormed the
White House last February 26 demanding the administration defend
constitutional democracy in Haiti, two days before the U.S. kidnapped
President Aristide. Knowing full well that Aristide would be either
deposed or dead that weekend, Powell, Condoleezza Rice and George
Bush assured the alarmed lawmakers that the U.S. would respect
Haiti’s sovereignty and the rule of law. As it turned out, less
than 48 hours later Powell committed the predicate criminal act
in the abduction and ouster of a foreign head of state, as reported
in our March
4, 2004 Cover Story, “Godfather Colin Powell, the Gangster
of Haiti”:
”Ron Dellums, the distinguished former Congressman from the
San Francisco Bay area who worked as a lobbyist for Aristide’s
government, got a call from the Head-Negro-In-Charge [Powell]
on Saturday, warning in no uncertain terms that gunmen were
coming to kill Aristide on Sunday morning. The U.S., said Powell,
would not lift a finger to stop them. When the Americans come
to call, Aristide must leave with them.
”It is a mind-boggling measure of the Bush Pirates’ ferocious
lawlessness that Powell would personally initiate the overt,
criminally culpable act in the kidnapping of a head of state.
This aspect of the crime alone should send him to The Hague.”
Rep. Waters remembers well those events.
Her December 3 letter lays the current chaos in Haiti directly
on the U.S. – and Powell’s – doorstep:
”History will record that this crisis is
a direct result of the failed policies of the United States,
France and Canada,
which worked with the Group of 184, the former members of the
Haitian Army and known thugs to carry out last February's coup
d'etat. While I am certain that you would be the
last to agree, I believe that the only way to stabilize Haiti
is to do so with the return of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide,
the democratically-elected President of Haiti, until the end
of his term in office, with a restoration of assistance for
the rebuilding of Haiti's infrastructure and, at the end of
his term, assistance for free and fair elections.
”I remain deeply disappointed by the lack of leadership from
the international community, including the United States, France,
Canada and the United Nations peacekeeping forces. While
international officials claim to be committed to democracy
in Haiti, they have made no serious effort to disarm the thugs
and killers who were involved in the coup d'etat or
to demand that the interim government respect the human rights
of the Haitian people.”
Of course, Latortue and
the rampaging ex-military thugs, drug dealers and criminals
tormenting Haiti are creatures
of the country’s tiny elite (formerly arrayed under the banner
of Group 184), the International Republican Institute – which
provided finances, legitimacy and political cover to the “rebels” in
their Dominican Republic sanctuaries – and Colin Powell, himself.
Invitation to Murder

The pace of police raids,
executions and disappearances has increased markedly since
September 30,
when police fired on Lavalas supporters calling for President
Aristide’s return. Latortue’s project to kill 25,000 citizens
of the capital is in motion. "If the government
doesn't take responsibility, we will take it," former
Army Sgt. Remissainthe Ravix declared to an American reporter. "If
they give us the order, in three days we'll clear Bel Air (a
Port-au-Prince slum) and Cite Soleil of bandits."
When it is understood that, in Latortue’s Haiti, “bandits” refers
to Aristide supporters defending their lives from death squads,
Colin Powell’s words become invitations to murder:
“The UN stabilization mission
ably led by South American soldiers demonstrate that the international
strong commitment for restoration of order and democracy in Haiti.
The political violence and corruption cannot be tolerated. To
build a strong vibrant democracy and to advance the rule of law,
we have got to get the other weapons off the street. Without
security, Haiti's democracy will remain at risk.”
What double-speak! The Bush administration,
with Colin Powell on point, destroyed Haitian democracy and
sovereignty, employing
death squads and criminals as its favored instruments. Far from
exerting pressure to stop the massacres, the U.S. has leaned
heavily on the UN force’s Brazilian commanders to act more aggressively
against the population. "We are under extreme pressure from
the international community to use violence," said General
Augusto Heleno Ribeiro Pereira, speaking to a congressional commission
in Brazil. "I command a peacekeeping force, not an occupation
force ... we are not there to carry out violence, this will not
happen for as long as I'm in charge of the force."
The general specifically cited the
U.S., France and Canada as the countries demanding greater use
of violence by the UN force. "To do this would require a
force of 100,000 men prepared to seek and kill in large numbers
and this is not our role, nor do we want it," he said.
Apparently, the Brazilian general is unwillingly
to help meet Latortue’s 25,000-body quota – although, in an
interview with a Haitian radio
station, he sought to clarify his mission: "We must
kill the bandits, but it will have to be the bandits only,
not everybody." Clearly, somebody with superpower
clout is pressuring UN soldiers to get with the program to kill “everybody” associated
with Lavalas. No one fits that description better than Colin
Powell, the man who threatened President Aristide’s life on the
Saturday before his ouster – a gangster playing soldier-diplomat.
Brazil is especially sensitive to American “diplomacy” as it
maneuvers to gain a permanent seat on a reorganized UN Security
Council, an ambition that may have led South America’s largest
nation to volunteer so eagerly to replace American occupation
forces in Haiti. An analysis by the Council On Hemispheric Affairs
speculates that leftist President Lula
da Silva’s “greatest goal is not necessarily
the salvation of Haiti, but the advancement of Brazil.” When
speaking to domestic audiences, da Silva attempts to give the
impression that Brazil took on the Haiti mission in order to
get the Americans out. “If we weren't there (in Haiti), U.S.
troops would be doing what we would never do,” said the Brazilian
President, presumably meaning, killing “everybody.”
Whatever Brazil’s motives might be, Haitian
sovereignty is nowhere in the equation, having been erased,
first and foremost, by Colin
Brazil’s own domestic nightmare – death squads that exterminate
children – is now being replicated on the streets of Port-au-Prince.
An American named Michael
Brewer, who runs a home for “street kids and runaway ‘restavek’ slave
children” says carloads of men
“…who are actually members of the now disbanded military,
have began patrolling the streets of Port-au-Prince and are
indiscriminately murdering street children for no reason other
than sport. These men prowl the streets of the city in groups
of 6 to 10 with high-powered military assault rifles, shotguns
and 9mm pistols, wearing all-black uniforms with black ski
masks over their heads to conceal their identities. They justify
the murders of these boys by referring to them as ‘vagabonds’ and
say that they are ‘cleaning the streets.’”
In one instance, “a nine-year-old named Emmanuel
was running from a group of these men after he refused to come
to them when they called him,” Brewer reports. “They shot him
in the leg with an assault rifle to stop him. Three of the men
casually walked up to where the child was lying on the ground
and crying. They ridiculed him, then shot him again with pistols
and a shotgun, for a total of 4 more times.” There are “dump
zones,” said Brewer, “where the decomposing bodies of little
boys can be found any day of the week. I have found many. This
is blatant genocide. The merciless atrocities committed on these
defenseless, harmless and innocent street children go completely
unnoticed, unreported, and uninvestigated.”
This is also part of Colin Powell’s legacy.
Haiti to the Dustbin of History

Canada proved that it remains “The Great White North” by
joining the U.S. and France in their Coalition of the Racists
to overthrow
Jean-Bertrand Aristide. In response to a request from the Foreign
Affairs Committee of the Canadian House of Commons, the Canadian Foundation
for the Americas prepared a plan to establish a UN-sanctioned
protectorate in Haiti, thus formally stripping the nation of
sovereignty for the foreseeable future. Like Brazil, Canada hopes
to promote its own interests at the expense of Haitian independence. “This
is an opportunity for Canada to assert the leadership, which
the Prime Minister is seeking, complement multilateral measures
that Canada already has supported and raise Canada's hemispheric
profile,” says the report.
In typical “White Man’s Burden” language,
the report blames Haitians for the current “failed state” – the
Latortue state that George Bush and Colin Powell created to
replace Aristide’s popularly elected, besieged government! – and
all but concludes that Haitians do not have the capacity for
self-rule: “Without question, governance has been incompetent,
corrupt and frequently brutal over the 200 years of independence
and these adjectives can all be applied to the government of
Jean Bertrand Aristide.”
For their own good, Haitians’ independence
will be revoked. However, if they are good little children,
sovereignty may be dribbled back over the course of time. Under
the Great White Plan, “graduation of the Haitian State to independence
and a return to the international community…should be sequenced
on a ministry-by-ministry basis – in other words return to
full Haitian authority would depend not on a fixed date for
all ministries, but on case-by-case basis of the institutional
maturity of each ministry.” Peacekeepers “should remain for
one to three years while [foreign] police would remain for
up to 10 years.”
U.S.-appointed interim Haitian Prime
Minister Latortue this week promised there
will be elections in November of 2005 – but the Great White
Plan will be working its way from Ottawa to the United Nations
headquarters in New York, where a gaggle of prospective new
Permanent Members of the Security Council will join an eager
UN bureaucracy in turning Haiti into a semi-nation – more like
pre-liberation Namibia under white-ruled South Africa than
the current Kosovo, in the Balkans. At least, that’s the plan.
Haitians will write their own plan
in blood, as they did 200 years ago. We can all thank Colin
Powell for his contribution to Black history, which must now
repeat itself at great cost in lives.
Gruesome Role Models

As Powell passes the baton of shame to Condoleezza
Rice, African Americans – especially those who are acutely concerned with the
Black “image” – must contemplate how that image has been mangled
and debased by two individuals from the very bottom of our moral
barrel. Secretary of State-in-Waiting Rice thought the
United States had succeeded in destroying Venezuela’s leftist
democracy in April, 2002, when it appeared that a military/rich
white elite coup had toppled the elected government of Hugo Chavez.
After a popular uprising restored the proud mestizo-mulatto Chavez
to power, a surly Condoleezza Rice greeted the news in the most undiplomatic way
imaginable "I hope that Hugo Chavez takes the message that
his people sent him, that his own policies are not working for
the Venezuelan people, that he's dealt with them in a high-handed
Like Aristide, President Chavez had been
marked for either execution or a flight into exile. Rice’s churlish remarks may pass for
statesmanship in Bush’s America, but should have caused great
revulsion in Black America, as they did throughout Latin America.
This should have been particularly true among members of the
NAACP, which had only months before honored Rice with its “Image
Award.” Had Chavez been eliminated, the mostly non-white, poor
Venezuelan majority might today be subjected to the same horrors
that Colin Powell has inflicted on Haiti: death squads indistinguishable
from the “police” roaming the slums, nightly “disappearances,” constant
replenishments of bodies in the “dump zones,” and jails full
of political prisoners, some scheduled for secret execution.
Condoleezza Rice will soon have the opportunity
to build on her own foul legacy. However, on an historical
scale, it will
be difficult to trump Colin Powell’s abominations against Haiti.
More than any other individual, Powell has defiled the honor
of African-descended people everywhere. Through prodigious acts
of treachery, trickery, kidnap and mass murder, Powell has attempted
to reverse Haiti’s glorious revolution in the year of its 200th
anniversary. He spits on the graves of the hundreds of thousands
of Africans who died defeating the armies of France, Spain and
Britain, and whose victory in 1804 inspired the Diaspora to believe
that slavery could one day be defeated and Black dignity, reclaimed.
As TransAfrica founder Randall
Robinson said on learning that Powell had stabbed Jean-Bertrand
Aristide and the Haitian nation in the back: “Colin Powell
is the most powerful and damaging black to rise to influence
in the world in my lifetime.”
Any Black person who calls Powell a role model is a scoundrel
or a fool. Most likely, both.