Our Job Posting rates are priced at a flat $400 (four
hundred dollars) per month. Job postings are open to companies and organizations
with a social conscience. This is a very inexpensive way to reach our
publication’s unique and highly influential audience.
Each job posting ad is published in three forms.
1 - Promotional ad 150 or 160 pixels wide and either 66,
100 or 200 pixels high. The height and position is determined by availability.
The 150 width ads are placed in the left border and 160
width ads in the right border
of the home page and main navigational pages, i.e. contact us, about
us, search,
free sign up, remove, privacy policy, re-print policy, advertise with
us, activity data, patrons, job postings, links, cartoons, past issues,
think pieces, guest commentators, art forms. No ads are placed in the
content of any printer friendly page, specific cartoon page or specific
art form page of an issue.
When available 150 and 160 width ads will be placed as
a bonus in the content of articles.
ad sizes.
All promotional ads can be animated and will be linked
to a page
dedicated to your primary ad.
2 - A 160 pixels wide and 200
pixels high ad will be published with all other job postings on our Job
Posting Web Page. Please visit the Job
Postings Page to see where this ad will be published. This
ad can be animated and will link to a page dedicated to your primary
ad. Position on the Job Postings page is on a first come first
served basis.
3 - A very large 390 pixel wide by 500 pixel high ad on
a Web Page dedicated to your organization or company which will link
your choice of an e-Mail
address or Web Page on your Website. This ad may not be animated.
When a job has been filled the ad in the content of articles
will remain but a notation will me made on the ad on the dedicated
ad page that the position has been filled. The ads
in the columns
Job Positions
page may be deleted due to space requirements.