Georgia’s 4th congressional
district is up for grabs again. Late last week Cynthia McKinney
announced her candidacy for the seat she lost two years ago to former
black Republican Denise Majette. Days later, incumbent Majette declared
herself a candidate for the U.S. Senate in Georgia’s July 20 primary
election, abandoning the Atlanta district after a single term.
Denise Majette’s prospects
for a second term in Congress were iffy at best. Her 2002 victory
was massively assisted by a national media campaign of slander against
McKinney. Majette’s racially polarizing campaign concentrated
on maximizing the white vote in a district almost evenly split between
African American and white voters. Majette joined the Congressional
Black Caucus on the strength of less
than 20 percent of the
black vote, but backed by over 90 percent of an abnormally large
white turnout – including tens of thousands of white Republicans
who crossed over to vote in the Democratic primary election.
Majette was unlikely to
duplicate this feat in 2004. Georgia Republicans, with their own
primary contests to worry about, are unavailable to knock out Democratic
candidates in this year’s Democratic primary elections. And while
the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and others promulgated the myth that Majette’s election heralded the emergence of a new cohort
of comfortably middle class, conservative-leaning black voters, no
serious observers now believe Majette has a base among Dekalb County
Democrats – least of all Denise Majette herself.
Instead, Majette hopes to
find electoral strength in the weakness of the Democratic Party.
As feeble a candidate as Majette promised to be in the 4th congressional
district, her leap into the U.S. Senate race enables her to take
advantage of the even greater debility of Georgia’s statewide Democratic
Party. Only a shell of its former self, the party has been hollowed
out by the defection of most white voters and office-holders to the
White Man’s Party, the GOP – a process that began in the 1960s and
continues to this day. Several white Georgia Democratic state legislators
defected just last year, and the current Republican leader of the
Georgia State Senate is a former Democrat.
A shell of a party
Georgia Democrats did the
rest of the damage to themselves, by embracing the Bill Clinton/Democratic
Leadership Council (DLC) brand of dollar-politics. This fatal, corporate-financed
strategy encouraged white and Black Democrats to adopt watered down
Republican positions in an ever-rightward search for white “swing” voters.
Flush with cash, former Democratic Governor Roy Barnes outspent his
Republican opponent four- or five-fold in 2002 – but lost. Without
a progressive message, Barnes could not mobilize the Democratic Party’s
base constituencies.
The statewide party remains
moribund. With only four months left before the primaries, Democrats
were unable to recruit a viable candidate for the Senate seat being
vacated by the apostate
Democrat, Zell Miller. Into the void
walked Miller’s longtime political ally, Majette.
Like her fellow DLCers,
Majette has no progressive message. Her only rallying cry to black
Democrats in the general election will be that the other guy is still
worse. On the other hand, the DLC’s friends in the corporate media
will be delighted to sell Majette to whites as a certifiable “moderate" who
had the “courage” to stand against McKinney and the Black
someone for whom they can safely vote and know that they are not
racists after all. They will try to market Majette to black voters
any way they can: as a Great Black Hope – or the only Black
Hope – and as proof of their discredited thesis that black voters
are aching to discover their inner conservatism.
In large and diverse jurisdictions,
Democrats run strongest when they have truly progressive social and
economic messages and can count on a large and unified black vote.
Majette’s failure on both counts would seem to doom her in the primary,
and doubly in a general election. What use is a black Democrat who
can’t mobilize black voters? A Republican until recently, a protégé of
Zell Miller, and a captive of the DLC, AIPAC and
other interests, Majette’s entire political act consists
of flogging out big numbers of white voters (including Republicans)
to vote against black Democrats. But in general elections, Republicans
won’t need her; they can win on their own.
to press, Capitol Hill’s Roll
Call newspaper reported that the Congressional
Black Caucus plans to offer Majette “the same level of support the group
is giving Illinois state Sen. Barack Obama,” who last month won his
state’s Democratic senatorial primary. The CBC decision is tantamount
to an “anybody Black” endorsement policy.
Obama is a genuine progressive with an excellent chance to
win, fully deserving of the CBC’s scarce resources. Denise Majette
represents less than one in five Blacks in her district – a mercenary
with no prospect of statewide victory, who should not be rewarded
with African American support that she has not earned. The CBC
has more pressing items on its agenda than wasting time, resources
and prestige on a Trojan Horse’s political swan song.
Middle East realities have
overtaken and made ridiculous the national media’s 2002 vilification
campaign against Cynthia McKinney, who retains popularity in the
district. In her formal announcement, McKinney reminded a Decatur,
Georgia, audience that she was on the right side of history, all