Reality television shows come and
go, some stay for several seasons, but the U.S. has become like a
reality show, since the advent of Donald Trump and his threats to
continue into a second term...and beyond.
has speculated about what his “toughs” would do if he
does not win reelection. It just a thinly veiled threat from someone
who believes that the police and the U.S. military would keep his
sorry character in the White House beyond the two-term limit. That
would be in addition to his base of gun-bearers.
television, a character in a reality show can pretend to be the
ultimate boss, who makes decisions that no one can dispute, kind of
like the head of the Trump business enterprises, who can look over
some of his minions and say to one, “You're fired.”
That's how Trump worked “The Apprentice” and it was all
fun and games, except for the fired one. He loves the drama of
dashing the hopes and dreams of his apprentices and it may be the
only time he can form a real smile on his face.
the real world is not reality TV and the star of such a show does not
belong in the White House, because Trump is not capable of acting in
any other way. He thinks the nation and the world should do what he
orders and demands and that's not how the real world works. He does
not know how the real world works, since he grew up in a cocoon of
riches showered on him by his daddy and he has nothing but contempt
for anyone outside of his self-created world, a world in which he is
the center.
has been plenty written about his malignant narcissism and his
mysogony, his racism and his unfettered hatred of Islam and Muslims,
so it is not necessary to rehash those fatal character flaws or any
of his others, but what about those who work for him? What kind of
people are they? No one who works for him can fail to see what he is
and how his totally erratic behavior affects the American people and
people of so many countries around the world.
understand how they can do this, one has to return to the reason
people will flock to the try-outs for any reality TV show. True,
they get some compensation for it, but it's not like paying
professional actors for their work, so producers and network and
cable big shots like “reality,” even though the shows are
far from actual reality. And, they get to share the screen with a
media-produced celebrity like Trump, so that they themselves might
become celebrities, as some have done. Where they go from there is
anyone's guess. The humiliation that goes with reality TV is part of
draw. Audiences apparently love to see people humiliated and that
goes way back to radio's “Queen for a Day,” in which the
“queen” has to spill her guts about the tragedy of her
life before an entire nation. Then, she gets several prizes to
soothe her travails. The equivalents are here on television today,
in any number of shows that give us the “reality” of life
in the only “superpower” on earth.
humiliator-in-chief has made it a routine for a president of the U.S.
to humiliate staff, opposition politicians, the press, elected
foreign leaders, critics of every kind from anywhere in the world.
His supporters like his style and his closest advisers keep egging
him on in the destruction of all democratic norms of the U.S. and
near destruction of the intricate foreign relations that have been
what has kept the world from another global war, even as tenuous as
those relations have been. Those relations have favored global
corporations and not citizens, either here or internationally. The
nations of the world are in a precarious position, economically and
politically and Trump has added fuel to the fires that already were
burning or smoldering. He's become the ultimate torch man among
like presidents before him, does not like democratically elected
leaders of smaller and weaker nations, who will not do the bidding of
the U.S. They preferred pliable leaders, installed by the U.S. But
Trump loves dictators, as he has shown with his cozying up to the
murderous Saudis, with Duterte of the Philippines, with Kim of North
Korea, and many others. He loves their power and wishes he had it.
He does not have it, though, and that's a good thing. If power needs
to be tempered by truth and justice, those two elements of a
civilized society will never be found in the vicinity of Donald
president's latest erratic order is the removal of a million or more
undocumented aliens. He sprung this on his agencies, many of whose
staff learned about it in the media, although he claimed that they
all were previously informed. If the incarceration in cages of
children of asylum seekers and the permanent separation of untold
numbers of families was the big atrocity of the past year, that will
pale in comparison with the chaos among families and communities, if
he starts rounding up people to incarcerate, then deport thousands,
then millions, without so much as a nod toward the law and the U.S.
legal system.
never has occurred to him. He does not know what it means, going
back years, to the conviction of the Central Park Five, who were
wrongfully accused and tried for the horrific attack on a lone woman
jogger in the park. He took out a full page ad in a New York paper,
calling for their execution and, years later, when they had been
exonerated through DNA evidence and their having spent years in
prison, he has refused to apologize (he doesn't do that) and today,
he still refuses to apologize and said this week that there were
people on both sides of the exoneration. “They confessed,”
he proclaimed, apparently never having heard of obtaining confessions
by torture. Don't forget that he favors torture and it wouldn't
bother him that they could have spent most of their lives in prison
because of torture confessions.
young men, Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond
Santana, and Korey Wise, are the subjects of Netflix's “When
They See Us,” and they have received some compensation for
their conviction and incarceration from the City of New York. Trump
opposes that, too, although the real perpetrator has confessed and is
already doing time for other crimes. The only reason that anyone
would hold that opinion is racism and Trump oozes racism, mostly when
he speaks and mostly when he acts or when he issues an order. His
order for a terroristic roundup of families for deportation is
another example of his racism, for the majority of his targets are
people of color from Central and South America. No one can tell when
or what he will order next and his dwindling cadre of “advisors”
will not make a move to stop him or curb his irrational impulses.
Worse, he is backed in his know-nothing adventures by the entire
Republican majority in the U.S. Senate. For some reason, they are
not willing to move to curb his behavior, even though much of what he
has perpetrated (trade deals) in the world have hurt them and their
financial backers. They are afraid of him and they stand like deer
in headlights, as he breaks down democratic norms, the U.S.
Constitution, the press, and any other institution that he feels has
crossed him in any way.
apparently imagines himself king of the boardroom, as in “The
Apprentice,” in that he can do what he wants and no one can
touch him, because he's the boss. He believes that the president can
do anything and get away with it, but the U.S. is not a phony reality
TV show. There are real life repercussions for what he is
perpetrating on the American people and many are finally waking up to
the lies that make up Trump World.
world is a danger to the real world: He has denied human involvement
in the disastrous climate change and global heating, he has no plans
for universal health care, he has no plans to rein in the banks, the
pharmaceutical corporations, and the insurance industry. He has
promised (falsely) that he will bring back jobs in coal and
manufacturing industries that would take decades to accomplish, even
if he wasn't lying about it. He will open up any of the America's
sacred places for gas and oil production, despite the destruction
Trump base loves it. He's the “bad boy” that they could
never be and he promises to destroy the “elites,” who are
keeping them down. He pretends to be a populist, but it's a
right-wing populism that is reminiscent of fascist governments in
other countries, where the people are nothing but pawns for the
leaders, although they provide the form of a democracy. In such a
state, they can vote, but they have nothing to say about the
direction of the country.
base is okay with that, because they believe what he says, just like
the medicine show hucksters over the past several hundred years, who
told the credulous crowd that what's in the bottle will cure just
about anything that ails them. It was both entertainment for the
(mostly) country rubes, but it fleeced them of their money for
elixirs that did not work.
president was at it again this week, preaching to an adoring crowd of
his unquestioning supporters in Orlando, in the opening rally of his
campaign for reelection in 2020. They appear to have no need to know
anything about what's happening, because they believe their dear
leader. Soon, they and their leader will learn that this isn't a
reality show that you can turn off at the end of the half-hour and
that it will possibly take a generation or two to rebuild what has
been destroyed by this administration, if that is even possible.