Now that the midterm elections are
over, and Democrats are savoring their victory, more than a dozen
Democrats say they are considering running for President in 2020.
The Democratic Party needs to get its act together if any of them has
even a prayer of beating the clown that white conservatives love to
love. The fact that Republicans stole an election from Stacey Abrams
in Georgia suggests that our electoral infrastructure isn't what it
ought to be. The fact that Republicans in Michigan, Wisconsin, and
North Carolina are attempting to change electoral rules suggests that
the Party and civil society organizations need to spend some money
ensuring fair elections. From where I sit, the focus on
personalities is poorly placed. We ought, instead, think both about
our election mechanics and an economic agenda to empower the majority
of our citizens who live in an economically precarious situation.
many of us struggle to survive on the minimum wage, and too many
unions have seen their influence erode in the face of hostile
legislation. Too many do not have access to health care. Too many
cities and states are willing to offer exorbitant tax breaks to
attract a few jobs. Meanwhile, our infrastructure is crumbling, our
environment is decomposing, and civility is a thing of the past.
There's a lot of rhetoric, but Democrats have to explain what they
stand for more clearly.
have been so reactive, so anti-45, that they've not spun out a
positive agenda. Oh, they say they stand for a living wage, for
criminal justice reform, for access to health care and education, for
racial economic justice (actually, they didn't say that I did), and
more. But too often, Democrats have gone with the status quo
instead of looking at the changing needs of our nation. And the
party is expert at grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory, failing
to support progressive candidates who sometimes upset the status quo.

former Vice President Joe Biden says he is the most qualified person
to be President. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren took a blood
test to prove that she is 1/1024 Native American, falling for 45's
BS. New Jersey Senator Corey Booker, also known as Spartacus, is
considering the race, as is the incandescently intelligent California
Senator Kamala Harris. Bernie Sanders, the 2016 independent
candidate, keeps threatening to run again. That’s a
non-starter for me! There are another couple of dozen potential
candidates, from the very well known to the lesser known. Democrats
run the risk of having a Republican-style circus during the primaries
unless the field narrows. Already, two who were considering the race
have dropped out. Nobody will miss Michael Avenatti since many of us
did not know why he was in the race in the first place, but former
Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, who has just announced that he
will not run, might have brought gravitas to the primaries. Patrick
told Obama advisor David Axelrod that "It's hard to see how you
even get noticed in such a big, broad field without being shrill,
sensational or a celebrity, and I'm none of those things."
current President is shrill, sensational and a celebrity in his own
mind. Democrats should not attempt to replicate that level of
insanity that 45 brings to the table. The issue, also, should not be
one of who is the most sensational, but who has the most focused
program, and the basis of the Democratic program must be economic
justice for working Americans. Back in the day, we used to say,
"It's not the man, it's the plan." In gender-neutral terms,
it's not the person, it's the program. For Democrats to build on
the momentum of the midterm election, they must drill down on
communicating dynamic economic programs.
encouraged by folks like LaTosha Brown and Black Voters Matter. They
are doing ground up, not top down, organizing, going into communities
and focusing on the races they deem essential, which are not always
national or statewide races. When people come out for a key local,
they will also vote in the "big" races. But too often the
Democratic Party focuses only on the biggest elections, with an
agenda people can't necessarily identify with. Democratic Party
leaders need to sit down with Black Voters Matter as soon as they can
and learn how to connect with the voters who can make a difference in
2020. Or, they can continue with business as usual and experience
the consequences.