Setti Warren, a Democrat from Newton, announced he was dropping out
of the gubernatorial race no one could have fathomed the
world-renowned ultra-conservative Republican homophobe Pastor Scott Lively of
Springfield would be seriously tossing his hat in to challenge
Republican Governor Charlie Baker.
the Massachusetts GOP Nominating Convention in Worcester over the
weekend Baker overwhelmingly won the party’s endorsement with
just under 70 percent of the vote. Surprisingly, Lively won 28
percent - well over the 15 percent needed to face-off with Baker in
the September primary and a substantial uptick from the less than 1
percent he received in 2014 as an independent.
the Convention, Lively declared himself as a “true”
Republican who stands for conservative values in the Bay State, and
as a staunch Trumpian, he wants to do away with sanctuary cities and
build “the wall” along the Mexican border.
president of Abiding Truth Ministries and director of Redemption Gate
Mission Society, both based in Springfield, Lively has used both
“outreach ministries” as an international crusade to
campaign against LGBTQs. And, Lively’s call for the
criminalization of LGBTQ people across the globe has been criminal.
gay movement is an evil institution [whose] goal is to defeat the
marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual
promiscuity in which there’s no restrictions on sexual conduct
except the principle of mutual choice,” Lively stated at a
conference in Kampala, Uganda in March 2009
summer, at the 2017 DignityUSA conference in Boston, Warry Joanita
Ssenfuka, director of Freedom and Roam Uganda (FARUG), spoke on being
a Catholic lesbian activist in Uganda, where LGBTQI people have no
legal protections, and frequently suffer violence and imprisonment.
Ssenfuka is a plaintiff in “Sexual Minorities Uganda v. Scott
Lively.” Scott Lively is accused of persecuting LGBTQI people
abroad, resulting in the introduction of an Anti-Homosexuality Bill
he helped engineer in Uganda, which is a crime against humanity under
international law.
U.S District Court Judge Michael Ponsor dismissed the case brought by
Ssenfuka and her group. However, in support of their case, Ponsor
publicly denounced Lively’s “crackpot bigotry.”
Scott Lively is an American citizen who has aided and abetted a
vicious and frightening campaign of repression against LGBTI persons
in Uganda,” Ponsor said.

2013, Lively got the backing of Russian President Vladimir Putin to
sign a bill outlawing “homosexual propaganda” in the
country. Although homosexuality was decriminalized in Russia shortly
following the fall of the USSR in 1991, Lively’s 50-city tour
of Russia and other former Soviet republics ramped up an anti-gay
purging campaign that lead to more than a double increase in hate
crimes. For example, as a direct result from the signing of the
anti-gay bill, from October 2013 - February 2014, Moscow’s
largest gay nightclub “Central Station” was subject to
anti-gay attacks, which included bullying, beatings, stabbings,
gunfire and gas attacks, to name a few. In February 2014, the ABC
News Nightline special “Moscow is Burning” documented the
attacks and anti-gay vigilantism. Sadly, “Central Station”
shut down and several of its employees fled the country for their
safety. Lively, however, boast on “Right Wing Watch.org“
television that in assisting Putin to pass the bill was “one of
the proudest achievements” of his career.
joined by another homophobe, Kevin Abrams, penned a Holocaust
revisionist book, titled “The Pink Swastika.” Its
premise claims that gay men helped mastermind the Holocaust. They
were not systematically exterminated by the Nazis, but rather they
contributed to the Nazi party’s control of militaristic gay
males because of their homosexuality and bonding of stormtroopers.
the 5th edition of the book Lively continues the refute
incontrovertibly evidence and facts that debunks his premise.
'The Pink Swastika" were the "pack of lies" the
homosexual movement claims it is, the book would not have influenced
their "Gay Holocaust" strategy in the smallest degree. It
would have been easy to discredit and disregard. Instead, how did
the "gay" leaders respond to its challenge? They stopped
talking about the Nazis almost entirely and changed their symbol from
the pink triangle to the rainbow flag. “
anti-gay crusade has been around for a long time, starting in the
early 1990’s in Oregon. His activism in the Oregon Citizens
Alliance (OCA) was supported by Oregon’s chapter of Pat
Robertson’s Christian Coalition to pass anti-LGBT measures on
the state ballot.
a self- proclaimed man of the cloth, Lively ’s anti-gay
activism, and global outreach ministries have spewed vitriol counter
to the Christian gospel. And every minister I’ve talked with
has agreed.
Scott Lively’s gubernatorial candidacy is part of a dangerous
movement to roll back LGBT civil rights and erase LGBT presence. His
ideology is all the more troubling for being justified by his
approach to Christian faith," Rev. Mary Martha Thiel of Boston
stated. "Inflicting religious trauma has replaced the
separation of church and State.”
Lively’s vitriol is counter to the state’s constitution,
the world’s oldest functioning one, which states in the
preamble the following:
end of the institution, maintenance, and administration of
government, is to secure the existence of the body politic, to
protect it, and to furnish the individuals who compose it with the
power of enjoying in safety and tranquillity their natural rights,
and the blessings of life: and whenever these great objects are not
obtained, the people have a right to alter the government, and to
take measures necessary for their safety, prosperity, and happiness."
should brush up on both his Bible and the Massachusetts constitution
before moving forward.