International Association of Machinists (IAM), about a year after
losing an election for all 3,000 Boeing workers at the North
Charleston, N.C., Dreamliner plant, is attempting another organizing
effort for about 180 flight line workers, including inspectors and
is disturbed that the union would be so impertinent as to try again
so soon after a lop-sided loss for the whole thing and what they
might be so disturbed about is that some of their workers still want
a union and have a little more spine than some fellow workers. Their
complaints are typical of workers in a gigantic corporation like
Boeing, which has other production facilities around the country and
most of its workers in those plants are unionized, so it's not as if
they don't manage to get along with their unionized workers.
may be the place in which the plant is located that seems to be the
problem. Boeing chose its plant location carefully and put it in one
of the most anti-worker, anti-union states in the nation, South
Carolina. When the IAM tried to organize all the Boeing workers
leading up to the vote in North Charleston about a year ago, both the
company and the politicians pulled out all the stops to defeat the
workers' attempts to form a union. The propaganda usually begins
with soft sell conversations between low-level supervisors and
managers, graduates to mild reminders of how good the company has
been and how good the pay scale is for the region. It's not hard to
pump up the pay scale, considering that the average wages in South
Carolina and other southern states are pretty low and working
conditions even lower.
big guns, the union-busting professionals (often lawyers), are
brought into the open when the company sees that its more laid-back
methods are not working, even though in the modern era, the
professionals are brought in and work behind the scenes from the
start. But they work on the psychological aspects of the workers as
a group: They are well-schooled in the arts of propaganda and
persuasion and, when all else fails, there is always the threat that
the company might just decide to move and leave them all. In this
threat, the local politicians are the big boosters of the company and
in a position to convince the workers that they are on their side
(“Since we're all South Carolinians, we have to stand together
and defeat these aliens from the northern unions.”). Creating
the illusion that “the union” is some kind of outside
group that somehow is going to take their money and run; that's what
southern politicians do well and have proven themselves to have a
considerable level of skill to impart that attitude. Senator Bob
Corker of Tennessee was a prime example of that, when the workers at
the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga were trying to organize. Corker
might as well have been on the staff of the union-busting corporation
in that case. The workers lost there, too.

Charleston, the workers were up against the same kind of relentless
pressure from union-busters and politicians alike. It's no accident
that South Carolina is the state with the lowest union density. That
is, the lowest rate of unionization in the U.S., at about 2.6
percent. It has made a fetish of its status as a union-hostile
state. It was there, during the election among all Boeing workers
that the governor declared undying enmity against any union. Former
Governor Nikki Haley, who is now the U.S. Ambassador to the United
Nations, asked theoretically what she would do if an auto company
said it intended to locate a plant in her state, but would be
bringing its unionized workers, infamously declared, “I'd tell
them to stay out.”
what Boeing workers and the union were facing in the representation
election last year and it was more than difficult to combat. After
all, the corporations in the U.S. have unlimited funds to beat back
any attempt by their workers to represent themselves at the
bargaining table. Meeting management at the table is akin to making
the workers equal to the managers and the corporate elite and most
corporations, like Nikki Haley, despise the workers' efforts to have
their say at the table. As always, though, it is couched in terms of
“we don't need a third party (a union) involved in our door is always open.” Management always puts
it in those terms, that the union is somehow an alien dropped in from
outside, instead of the workers in the company speaking for
themselves. They don't want that. Ever.
get an idea why the workers at Boeing needed a union, months after
the vote last year, Boeing cut nearly 800 jobs from its North
Charleston plant. According to the Post and Courier newspaper in
Charleston, the cuts were “part of a company-wide effort to
reduce costs.” When this happens in a non-union plant, usually
there is nothing heard of the ejected workers and they are free to
find other employment. And, you can be sure that it will be at a
much lower rate of pay. In a unionized shop, there are processes
that the company must go through and the union protects the workers
as much as possible, with such things as severance pay, company-paid
retraining, and other benefits.
why there are unions and that's why workers want them, and that's why
the union will keep coming back, again and again, until the workers
get justice in the workplace.