Just Like Living on Mars
Artist: Von C. Caberte
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size: 6 feet x 5 feet
Represented by BlackCommentator.com
For purchasing details please contact
Peter Gamble at [email protected]
Von C. Calberte was born in 1971 in the
Philippines. He was raised there and currently lives in the Philippines
with his
wife and two sons.
Von began drawing as a child. He loved to draw pictures of his friends
and classmates. He became known for his charicatures of teachers
and principals.
In the early 1990's he recognized the availability of computer graphics
software programs to be a powerful creative tool.
Today Von is a Freelance Artist and digital painting
is his primary medium of artisitc expression. His digitally
painted cartoons
in the January 8, 2004
issue of The Black Commentator.