must regain the momentum which the Reparations Movement had in the
first few years of this century. The United Nations World Conference
Against Racism in Durban, South Africa recognized the Trans-Atlantic
Slave Trade and Slavery as a Crime Against Humanity for which
Reparations are due!
U. N. has declared 2011, the “Year for People of African
Descent.” There are different activities being planned. As
Malcolm X taught us, we must use the international arena to highlight
our National Human Rights’ Demand for Reparations! Let us
review the work of the December 12th Movement and NBUF
leading up to the World Conference Against Racism.
1999, the National Black United Front (NBUF) joined forces with the
December 12th Movement in organizing a delegation of
Africans in America to attend the United Nations World Conference
Against Racism. The conference was held in Durban, South Africa from
August 31st to September 7, 2001. We should never forget
the impact and significance of this organizing project.
December 12th Movement International Secretariat, the
International Association Against Torture, North South XXI has
official Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) status with the United
Nations. Over the last twenty years, this group has committed much of
its organizing efforts to participating in the United Nations Human
Rights Commission by presenting numerous issues that impact African
people in America. They have been NBUF’s eyes and ears at the

Atty. Roger Wareham of the December 12th Movement recently
revealed in an article circulated on the internet, “Since 1997,
when the U.N. agreed to hold this World Conference, the United
States, Canada, and Western Europe (the WEO Group of countries) have
done all they can to prevent it from succeeding.”
the spring of 1998, at the African Group meeting during the
Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, a Resolution was drafted
identifying the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade as a Crime Against
Humanity. The United States used all of its influence and
blocked the resolution. However, this did not stop the momentum
throughout the African World to pursue this resolution’s
becoming an official position of the United Nations World Conference
Against Racism.
the African Regional Preparatory Conference, for the World Conference
Against Racism, held in Dakar, Senegal (January 22-24, 2001), the
African Ministers developed what has been called the “Dakar
Declaration.” In their deliberations, they affirmed, in part,
the following:
- Affirm that the slave trade is a
unique tragedy in the history of humanity, particularly against
Africans— a crime against humanity which is
unparalleled, not only in its abhorrent barbaric feature, but also,
in terms of its enormous magnitude, its institutionalized nature,
its transnational dimension and especially its negation of the human
nature of the victims.
- Further affirm that the
consequences of this tragedy accentuated by those of colonialism and
apartheid, have resulted in substantial and lasting economic,
political, and cultural damage caused to the descendants of the
victims, the perpetuation of the prejudice against Africans on the
continent and people of African descent in the Diaspora.
- Strongly reaffirm that States which
pursued racist policies or acts of racial discrimination, such as
slavery, colonialism, and apartheid, should assume
their full responsibilities and provide adequate reparations
to those States, communities and individuals who were victims of
such racist policies or acts, regardless of when or by whom they
were committed.
law supports the position that the enslavement of Africans was a
crime against humanity. The Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal
defined crimes against humanity in this manner: “Murder,
extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts
committed against any civilian population… whether or not in
violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetuated.”
African Reparations Movement explains that, “Historians and
their experts can show, without difficulty, how the invasion of
African territories, the mass capture of Africans, the horrors of the
middle passage, the chattelization of Africans in America, and the
extermination of the language and culture of the transported
Africans, constituted violations of all these international laws.”
Thus, the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade was a Crime Against
Humanity and, it is clear, African people are owed reparations
throughout the world.
as Atty. Wareham explains, “Before the U.N. World Conferences
are actually held, they are preceded by PrepCom (Preparatory
Committee meetings) in the various geographical regions of the world
where the actual content of the final document, the program of action
was worked out, and the PreComs were completed. All of the regional
PreComs are over. In Geneva, Switzerland, a working group meeting
held March 6 –9, 2001 to consider a Draft Declaration (the
Durban Declaration) and tried to resolve a dispute about whether
compensatory relief (i.e. reparations) should even be
considered as a theme of the World Conference. This was only an issue
because of U. S. and Western European opposition.” The dispute
was not settled and another meeting will be held in May in Geneva.
New York Times revealed, “A conference on racism this
summer could be one of the most explosive meetings this organization
(United Nations) has ever held, with moves afoot to cast
globalization as a racial issue and to demand reparations for the
slave trade and colonialism.”
more than twenty years, the December 12th Movement
International Secretariat has fought in defense of the human rights
of African people at the United Nations, in both Switzerland and New
York. During this time, they have come to help us understand that
while we, as African people, may not recognize the importance of the
international agency to the progress of our struggle, but the United
States and its allies are crystal clear about it.
agrees with the December 12th Movement that we must
continue to organize at the international level in bringing the
issues of African people before the world and especially the issue of
Reparations. One way we can continue this work is to organize around
the United Nations declared 2011 the “Year for People of
African Descent.”