native of Philadelphia, William T. Coleman, Jr, corporate lawyer,
warrior for education and social justice, presidential cabinet
official, and confidential advisor to ten U.S. Presidents from Dwight
D. Eisenhower to George W. Bush, was also an African American.
However, he never wanted to be known as “the first or only
black” in any of his positions and achievements, although he
was immensely proud of his racial heritage.
passed last week in his 97th year, having eliminated racial and
educational barriers that negatively impacted the quality of life for
all Americans as well as becoming the first African American to enter
many venues. He graduated summa cum laude from the University of
Pennsylvania in 1941 and finished first in his 1947 class at Harvard
Law School, after taking time off to become a member of the Tuskegee
Air Corps. While enrolled at Harvard Law, he also earned an MBA from
Harvard’s Business School in his spare time. After completing
his legal studies, he became the first black to clerk for a federal
judge in 1947 and the first African American U.S. Supreme Court clerk
in 1948.

to find a position in Philadelphia’s white shoe law firms and
desiring to become a corporate lawyer, he had to go to New York City
after his Supreme Court clerkship in order to be hired as a business
lawyer by a mainstream law firm, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, &
Garrison, where he became an early black partner. During his tenure
there, he received a call in 1950 from Thurgood Marshall, then chief
counsel for the NAACP, who asked him to help prepare the briefs to
argue Brown
v. Board of Education
before the U.S. Supreme Court. Marshall relied heavily on Mr. Coleman
as he was at that time the only black to have worked in the inner
sanctum of the Supreme Court and who had observed and witnessed the
written legal philosophies of the nine Justices. He was able to help
Marshall frame the briefs in such a way as to have the greatest
appeal to the Justices’ legal sensibilities, especially that of
Justice Felix Frankfurter, for whom he had worked, and who was also
the Court’s intellectual heavyweight.
A historical review of that
period reveals that Marshall’s decision to call on Mr. Coleman
was instrumental in the NAACP’s victory over public school
segregation in the Brown
ruling. In 1960, he was instrumental in obtaining Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.’s release from Georgia’s Reidsville prison, a
feat for which then Sen. John F. Kennedy, and his brother, Robert,
received exaggerated credit because Sen. Kennedy had called Coretta
Scott King to express his concern. Mr. Coleman found that Dr. King
had been illegally denied bail and worked with black Atlanta, Georgia
lawyer, Donald Hollowell, to obtain his release.
In1967, President Lyndon
Baines Johnson (LBJ), nominated Thurgood Marshall for a seat on the
U.S. Supreme Court. After southern Senators attempted to derail it,
LBJ secretly summoned Mr. Coleman to the White House and asked him to
agree to be a backup appointment if Marshall were blocked. President
Johnson reasoned that Coleman, a third generation Republican, would
be more palatable to racist southern Senators if he had to pull the
Marshall nomination. Mr. Coleman, a close Marshall friend, politely
refused and told LBJ that he would lobby Senators on Marshall’s
behalf, along with the President and his staff, to secure the
necessary votes. Coleman did and Marshall was eventually confirmed.
Later, he would be offered
federal judgeships by both Presidents Johnson and Richard Nixon which
he declined. But he did accept a cabinet position, Secretary of
Transportation, from President Gerald Ford in 1977. Initially, Ford
asked him to accept an appointment as Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD), which was widely viewed as the “Negro job”
since Dr. Robert Weaver was appointed as the first black cabinet
member when the department was created in 1966. Thus Mr. Coleman
broke new ground with his appointment. While in that position, he
pioneered new policies whereby federal transportation contracts were
required to meaningfully include the participation of minorities and
women, a practice continued to this day.
In 1983, he argued and won
the case, Bob
Jones University v. United States,
before the Supreme Court which denied tax exempt status to private
schools that practiced segregation on the basis of race. President
Reagan was silently supporting this exception as he was preparing to
run for reelection and did not want to upset his southern base.
Reagan had kicked off his early presidential campaign in Neshoba
County, Mississippi in 1980, where three civil rights workers, James
Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman, had been murdered in
1964. Mr. Coleman saw this victory as a further ratification of Brown
in the
private sphere. Had the tradition not been legally overturned, we can
only imagine the exponential increase in the number of segregated
corporate charter and voucher schools that are being established
today. Mr. Coleman was a visionary as well as an aggressive advocate
for social justice and equality.
My proudest memory of Mr.
Coleman was in 1990-91, when he came to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to chair
the Metropolitan Milwaukee Sewage District’s (MMSD) Executive
Director’s Task Force on Discrimination in the Milwaukee
Construction Marketplace (pro
Working as staff social scientist to the Task Force, I had numerous
opportunities to engage with Mr. Coleman on his lifelong legal
assault on racial and gender inequality. During our first meeting
with MMSD staff attorneys, a MMSD secretary rushed into the meeting
to inform Mr. Coleman that President George H. W. Bush was on the
phone for him. The President was calling to ask for Mr. Coleman’s
final approval of the 1991 Civil Rights Bill before he signed it. The
law “…represented
the first effort since the passage of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964
to modify some of the basic procedural and substantive rights
provided by federal law in employment discrimination cases” and
“… provided the right to trial by jury on discrimination
claims and introduced the possibility of emotional distress damages
Mr. Coleman signed off, and the Act became the law of the land.
Subsequently, the Task Force
proceeded to gather the necessary data to reinstitute M/WBE
set-asides which provided business opportunities to Milwaukee’s
minorities and women. The set-asides had been discontinued in 1989 in
the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s City
of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co. decision,
which had
banned them unless historical discrimination could be documented.
There are many other educational and racial obstacles that Mr.
Coleman dismantled, making our nation a better place to live, but his
indelible mark on public education is one of his most significant. He
did not seek the limelight or civic adulation, but his contributions
are embedded in the bedrock of contemporary society. Rest in
everlasting peace, Mr. Coleman.