U.S. Senate has driven the last nail in the coffin of the rule that
allowed cities and counties to create their own retirement savings
accounts for their workers and, at the same time, showed their true
colors on the question of local or home rule.
Virginia Foxx, a North Carolina Republican, submitted a bill to roll
back a U.S. Labor Department rule that allowed local governments to
set up such retirement accounts for those who are offered one by
their private sector employers. Foxx’s measure was passed by
the Senate by one vote at the end of last month.
has been a longtime goal of many in the organized labor movement to
create a system of retirement benefits for working men and women that
would begin when they started work and would follow them throughout
their entire working lives, regardless of their employment or number
of employers. The goal has never even been approached and, although
the rule that the Republicans just killed would not have realized
that goal, it would have gone some distance toward it.

could have been the rationale for introducing repeal of such a simple
and helpful program for working families everywhere in the country?
The only thing imaginable would be the ideology of many Republicans
that government should not be involved in providing services for
anyone. The possible exceptions to this ideology would be Corporate
America and the rich. And Rep. Foxx is a torch-bearer for this
ideology, even when it makes no sense.
other glaring hypocrisy involved in killing the rule is that the GOP
is the party of “states’ rights” and “local
control.” The actions by Foxx and the Senate Republicans fly in
the face of local control that has been so long touted as a bedrock
plank in the platform of Republican reaction. They do, indeed, intend
to have it all ways. It doesn’t seem to matter that they make
fools of themselves when they pull such stunts, but the harm done to
working men and women is nonetheless just as damaging to families,
sometimes over the generations. Foxx also is generally against
minimum wage laws, believing that the market should determine wages,
like most other adherents of the me-first movements, epitomized by
the GOP and libertarians, in general.
should come as no surprise, then, that Foxx does not believe that
unions need exist at all, because, she claims, the laws of the
country already take care of workers and their welfare and safety on
the job. And, she is a staunch supporter of right-to-work (for less)
laws. In early March, asked by the Washington
what she thinks of such laws: “I am really pleased that I live
in North Carolina, which is one of the strongest right-to-work
states. I am glad to see the right-to-work movement growing across
the country. I am a person who believes in federalism, so I want the
states to do these things as much as they possibly can. I'd like to
see where the movement goes at the state level. Then we'll talk about
what might be done at the federal level.”
without even being aware that she was spouting nonsense again, saying
that federal laws will care for workers’ living standards and
welfare, even as she and her fellow Republicans purport to believe in
individualism and “free enterprise,” and that workers
would not need to join together to benefit their families and their
class. Republicans believe that that’s only for the rich and
corporations. She is the first woman to become chair of the House
Education and Workforce Committee since New Jersey Democrat, Mary
Teresa Norton, in 1947, so she can go a long way toward turning her
opinions into reality. Rep. Foxx likens herself to a well-known North
Carolinian, Jesse Helms, perhaps one of the most notorious
segregationists and racists who ever wielded power in the U.S.
Congress. The so-called right-to-work laws had their basis in racism.
Muse, an unabashed Texas racist, was the founder of the right-to-work
movement. The first law enshrining the concept was passed in Texas
and here’s what the Institute for Southern Studies executive
director, Chris Kromm, had this to say about the movement: “While
working to pass right-to-work legislation in Texas, Muse and the
Association (Muse’s Christian American Association) took their
efforts to Arkansas and Florida, where a similar message equating
union growth with race-mixing and communism led to the passage of the
nation's first right-to-work laws in 1944. In all, 14 states passed
such legislation by 1947, when conservatives in Congress successfully
passed Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act, enshrining the right of
states to pass laws that allow workers to receive union benefits
without joining a union.”
Luther King Jr. saw the right-to-work laws for what they were: A
failing effort to keep black Americans in their place and to curb the
strength of workers when they form unions. His take on such laws in
1961: “In our glorious fight for civil rights, we must guard
against being fooled by false slogans, such as ‘right to work.’
It is a law to rob us of our civil rights and job rights. Its purpose
is to destroy labor unions and the freedom of collective bargaining
by which unions have improved wages and working conditions of
everyone…Wherever these laws have been passed, wages are
lower, job opportunities are fewer and there are no civil rights. We
do not intend to let them do this to us. We demand this fraud be
stopped. Our weapon is our vote.”
the weapon of workers is the vote, but that weapon has been
diminished by Republicans over many years, and it’s not
necessary to go back to Reconstruction or Jim Crow. The GOP, for the
past several presidential cycles, have done their best to
disenfranchise black and brown voters from the voting rolls, no
matter how trivial the reason or how ominous the lies and propaganda
have been in achieving their goals. They have managed to keep
millions from voting, on the basis that there has been massive “voter
fraud,” when it has been proven over and over that this, too,
has been a lie that keeps on being told, causing untold amounts of
taxpayer money wasted and disrupting elections in several regions
around the U.S. And all of this has happened, as if there were no
party in opposition, the Democrats.
Foxx, however, could be the poster child of the Trump Administration:
disorganized, confused, contradictory, incapable of seeing the
country or the world as it really is, contemptuous of anything and
everything that working families need from their economy, and
contemptuous of the very idea of the principles embodied in the First
Amendment, the bedrock of trade unionism, which is the only
institution that will haul American workers out of the mire and into
the sunlight. Foxx and Trump would keep them underfoot and under
that gives insight into the character of Rep. Foxx is her nickname in
some Washington circles. They call her “Hide Yer Biscuits”
Foxx, based on her purported habit of wearing roomy coats to buffets
around the city so that she can fill up on whatever is available and
stock up on eats for the next few days. It was pointed out on that she did this, while at the same time trying to cut
funds for children’s school lunch programs. She’s a
perfect match for the Trump Administration. It’s a wonder he
hasn’t offered her a White House job.