really do hate to operate from a posture of anger, but since November
8th of last year, that’s been a pretty common disposition for
me. The presidency of Donald Trump has been everything I expected it
would be. Week after week, I’ve witnessed the Trump
Administration tear apart the very institutions that were developed
to serve and protect the citizenry of this country - even if they
often fall short of that mission in regards to me as a Black citizen
in this country. Trump’s on the fast train to deconstructing
decades of progress that we, as a country, have collectively built.
cutting funding for substantial protective agencies, to signing
Executive Orders to end regulations of key rules and protections, the
current Administration’s track record is proving to favor this
country’s elite - the very wealthy - at the expense of the rest
of us, who will resort to
fighting among ourselves for scraps. The divide between the haves and
have nots will be wider than ever - very shortly.
look at the most recent deconstructive act on the so-called
President’s march backward. Trump ordered the federal
government to retreat from the battle against climate change that
President Obama had advanced at the Paris Agreement in 2015. Trump’s
directive, if successful, will dismantle the core policies that have
made the US a global leader in curbing emissions. Under this order,
the government will abandon the “social cost of carbon”
that regulators had meticulously calculated and begun factoring into
their decisions regarding permit applications and rulemaking.
Restrictions on methane gas releases at oil and gas drilling
facilities will now be eased. In other words: “Pollute your
a#@%s off, Boys!”

will also stop contemplating climate impacts as they launch new
projects, and restrictions on coal leasing and fracking on federal
lands will be lifted. Trump and his cronies have framed each act of
deconstruction as a response to “job killing” regulation.
Factually speaking, each regulation has on some level been a
“life-saving” regulation. What you’ve got to
understand is that people voted for Trump because he would “run
government like a business.” Unfortunately, government is about
human lives, not business matters. The American people are not
shareholders; we are stakeholders! Not all stakeholder voices are
audible; that is, those in power choose not to hear some voices. So
the President of the United States has a responsibility to advocate -
and act - on behalf of ALL Americans. Trump and his cronies make it
clear: They beg to differ.
has pleased Conservatives like nobody’s business and
immediately upon election began showing off for his base. One of his
(and Conservatives’ as a whole) favorite phrase is - in the
vernacular of a fifth grader - “I’m just keeping the
promises I made to the American people.” The question we must
ask is “which people?” Let one not fall willfully into
intentional amnesia; Trump did not win the popular vote of this
country. The very people he’s talking about are the minority of
Americans. The American majority disagrees with him and
opposes the “promises”
to which he refers.
can’t imagine that a 70-year-old man with a toddler’s
temperament and a fifth-grader’s vocabulary could do this all
on his own. Hell, he came into the White House thinking he was a
king, not a president. I make this assertion with
good reason. The media coined Trump’s Senior Advisor, Stephen
K. Bannon, the de facto
president. What should
have been news, the media failed to propel into the public sphere:
Bannon’s recent declaration to an audience at February’s
Conservative Political Action
Conference that the Administration is in an
unending battle for “deconstruction of the administrative
state.” That’s a heavy declaration. Hell, that’s a
declaration of war!
does that mean to me? It means that Trump, through his inner sanctum
that includes Bannon, wanna-be-celebrity Kellyanne Conway (whose
husband will head the Justice Department’s Civil Rights
Division) and his billionaire, crony-filled cabinet, will draft and
execute policies and perform as spokespersons in a manner that upends
our way of life. Elements of American stability will no longer have a
concrete floor as foundation; instead, it’ll proceed on a
MO has been unsettling to say the least. While Trump and his Justice
Dept opined for a return to early 20th century policy favoring
western European immigrants, it has equally remarked on its
intolerance of immigrants, in particular, Blacks and Muslims. We can
only imagine what that means for the American Black man who’s
only about 50 years removed from the Jim Crow era, with its unchecked
police powers. The so-called Trump presidency cannot be standardized
or normalized for all of us - the Black people who suffered
tortuously under the government policies of Jim Crow - and all of the
efforts that Blacks and white allies made to put those policies in
the rearview mirror.
the administrative state means that federal regulations will be in
Trump’s cross-hairs. He has vowed to repeal two regulations for
every new one he signs into law. Plus, his budget blueprint reads
like a government kill
with lethal blows to the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
(LIHEAP), African Development Foundation, the Appalachian Regional
Commission; the Denali Commission; the National Endowments for the
Arts and the Humanities and other agencies, including the essential
weather services of NOAA. Trump’s budget pierces the jugular by
reducing federal funding from 100% to $0 for Corporation for Public
Broadcasting - an entity that allows us poor folk in America to get
some semblance of non-commercial television without commercial
won’t mention, but can’t help but mention, his masterful
but colossal failure at the Art of the Deal to negotiate the repeal
and replacement of Obamacare - a move that he and sitting republicans
salivated on accomplishing to strip health insurance from 24 million
extend to Trump kudos for his blind dedication to keeping his
commitment to his supporters, despite his profound ignorance about
the issues he championed during the campaign, for example the true
cost of a border wall, the resurrection of the coal-mining industry,
the mass deportation of millions of undocumented workers (all of whom
aren’t Mexican).
the vileness of Trump’s (via Bannon’s) deconstruction of
the administrative state, and his ascendency to the US’ highest
elected office has shocked millions, not only in the US but around
the world. It is a condition that Naomi Klein lays forth in The
Shock Doctrine; it’s
a shock and awe strategy that energizes people to resist amid a
feeling of despair and worse, the feeling of being “gaslighted.”
That’s the condition of knowing
you’re being lied to despite ‘official’ messages to
the contrary. The Office of the President of the United States has
become a den of sociopaths, non-accountability, bellicoseness,
self-aggrandizing exploits and gratuitous lying - all of which is
carried forth with the ease with which one sips a glass of water.
cognitive dissonance this creates can be maddening; Trumpworld
is akin to torture. We must resist the deconstruction; we must
tighten existing and form new coalitions to defang this parasitic
blood-sucking leech from every angle - ongoing conversations with
colleagues, strangers and young people; street protests, the courts
and confronting and holding elected leaders accountable - for a
change. Resist. American depends on it, if we are to move forward.