Trump call has gone out for proposals to build a wall that is 30 feet
high and is “aesthetically pleasing” to the folks on the
U.S. side and should be 1,933 miles long, just to keep out a
dwindling number of brown people from the south from illegally
entering the fading empire.
specs for such a wall are almost laughable, except that’s what
is expected to materialize from the foggy illusion that a wall will
keep human beings bent on moving from one place to another either in
or out. The wall is expected to prevent climbing to the top and
over, prevent tunneling under or crashing through, and be tough
enough to resist jack hammers and cutting tools.
cost of the wall will be something to be dealt with below, but the
idea of protecting the wall is something straight out of a Peter
Sellers spoof. What is missing from the specs is oil. It needs
boiling oil to keep the hordes from the ramparts. They missed the
specs about the next pipeline to bring the oil (it probably should be
cooking oil) to the wall in sufficient quantities to do the job. In
fact, they missed the oil itself, as well. Question is: does the
U.S. grow enough GMO canola oil to do the job?
have been many examples of wall-building throughout history. There’s
the Great Wall of China, there was Hadrian’s wall, the Berlin
wall, and innumerable walls throughout history that were meant to
keep enemies out or the people in. If they ever worked, it was
because of the soldiers or other troops who guarded the walls and
kept eternal watch. Without them, the walls might have worked for a
time, but eventually the emperor or king or whomever found that
paying armies to keep watch was too expensive and, as the empires
faded, so did the watchers and the walls fell into disrepair.
wall was built by the Roman Emperor Hadrian in A.D. 122, along
Britain’s northwest and was meant to keep the Picts out of the
conquered country. It was a stone wall that in later centuries was
used to build castles, farms, houses, and churches. In the 18th
and 19th Centuries, a conservation movement stopped the
raiding of the construction materials to preserve the remains of the
73-mile wall, some of which is still visible today.
Great Wall of China, according to, actually consists of
numerous walls and fortifications, many running parallel to each
other. It was conceived in the third century B.C. as a means of
preventing incursions from barbarians into the empire. The Great Wall
is said to be one of the most extensive construction projects ever
completed and astronauts have said that it is one of the few man-made
features that can be seen from space. notes: “Though
the Great Wall never effectively prevented invaders from entering
China, it came to function more as a psychological barrier between
Chinese civilization and the world, and remains a powerful symbol of
the country’s enduring strength.”
was the Berlin Wall, which was built by East Germany in 1961, when it
was part of the Soviet Union, mainly to keep people from moving
permanently to West Berlin or West Germany. It worked well,
especially since the border guards killed those who tried to escape.
But that wall was opened by the people of East Germany and came down
in 1989. Although it didn’t last as long as other walls, it
did manage to nearly completely shut off the movement of people from
the east to West Berlin. At last, there was no resistance by the
government to the collective will of the people and the wall is a bad

will be the story of Trump’s Wall, if it is ever built. The
cost, according to the president’s staff will be somewhere
between $12 billion and $21.6 billion, but estimates by others
(including those who would do the actual construction) are much
higher. Some figures are considerably higher, such as that of the
Washington Post, which estimated about $26 billion. But, having seen
how costs of public projects seem to escalate over many years, some
observers are not putting a cap on the cost, what with cost overruns
and other funds that routinely seem to slip out of sight.
matter what they do with it, a thing of beauty it won’t be. A
wall is a wall, and it’s not just the physical presence of the
structure, it’s the psychological effect it has on the peoples
on both sides. What does it say about a nation that attempts to shut
out its nearest neighbors? No matter how long it will be before the
wall starts to crumble or is taken down, it will be a reminder that
U.S. chickens were coming home to roost and one administration was
trying to stop the back and forth of citizens of both nations that
has been going on for hundreds of years. Basically, it has been U.S.
hegemony over this hemisphere that has caused the recent mass
migration north.
wall that is built is merely a challenge to human beings. Somehow,
they find a way around a given problem and Trump’s Wall won’t
be any different. It can be put down six feet and built up to 50
feet high and people will find a way around or through or under it.
At some time in the near future, there even might be a short-haul,
low-altitude, pilotless drone service (there are drones being
developed for every other purpose, it seems) to take the migrants to
friendly locations in the frontier states. That would make the wall
not only obsolete, but a monument to the folly of President Donald
are a few people in the Trump Administration who realize that a wall
is not the solution, without vast expenditures of money on personnel
to patrol 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. One border Democratic
U.S. representative declared Trump’s Wall to be a 14th
Century solution to a 21st Century problem. There have
been many attempts to control U.S.-Mexico border crossings over many
decades, but they were abandoned or effectively abandoned because
they didn’t work.
a wall will prove itself to be a disaster in so many ways: societal
disruption, trade and finance problems, reduced employment, and
environmental devastation, to name a few. The $500 billion in trade
between the two nations each year produces millions of jobs in the
Trump carries out his threat to charge high tariffs or taxes (or
both) on Mexican goods, Americans will eventually pay those costs,
since the Mexican government has said it will not pay for the wall
under any condition. It has been reported that Mexico can trade with
the European Union at no cost of tariffs or taxes, and they just
might do that, to the detriment of those living on both sides of the
are many programs that would be a benefit to U.S. citizens that could
use the $26-$35 billion that a wall would cost that it seems a crime
that anyone would think of spending so much money for what amounts to
nothing. The money could be spent on health care, housing,
education, food stamps, free lunches for school children,
environmental protection, social programs and jobs for rural and
inner city citizens, neighborhood medical clinics and many other
worthy services. But Trump bragged about solving a problem during
the presidential primaries and the general election, completely
unaware that the migration from the south peaked about 10 years ago.
That didn’t matter. It was a good issue and he was busy for a
year telling his supporters (remember that he said “I love the
poorly educated” little more than a year ago, while campaigning
in Las Vegas) that the migrants were taking their jobs, even though
that was another of his fantasies. He was responding to comments
about low information voters who supported him and he did note that
he “loved” highly educated supporters, as well as all of
his other supporters.
this week, with the release of the Trump Wall specifications, there
was another report put out by the New York Times Service headlined,
“Rural areas of country brace for shortage of doctors.”
The gist of it is that a large percentage of doctors are of foreign
birth and many, if not most, are struggling with Trumpian immigration
policies and student debt. Not many native-born American doctors are
willing to work for a minimum number of years in remote areas of the
west or in the inner cities of the most populous states.
Foreign-born doctors take up the slack and they don’t do it to
make a half-million dollars a year. Rather, they serve as casual or
adjunct workers, as they are called in the still-fast-growing U.S.
service industries. The reason that U.S. citizens won’t take
those health care jobs is simply that they don’t pay enough for
them to pay off their student loans and maintain a middle class life
money Trump plans to spend on his wall would be much better spent on
a few dozen other projects and programs that actually benefit the
people, instead of his rich friends and there will be plenty of them
lined up to rake up the fence profits, just as they are with
Trumpcare, which purports to replace Obamacare, but never will. The
rich boys and girls will take that money, too. He could loosen
immigration laws for vitally needed doctors and subsidize their
student debt.
all is said and done, however, how does a president who doesn’t
give much thought to anything but deal-making protect his wall?
After a few years, when his $30 billion or $40 billion wall is built,
what he’s going to have to do is hire tens of thousands more to
patrol his fence and bring on the boiling oil by the pipeline-full
(remembering that he likes the idea of castles). Considering that he
was elected president, it’s likely that he could find a large
number of Americans who would think this a fine idea…and even
apply for one of those jobs.