


"Harriet Tubman is the revolutionary face
that we need on the currency today and
the revolutionary face we will need on the
currency when there is a a fundamental,
and progressive social transformation of
this territory known as the United States of America."
am not known as a fan of capitalism, but i must say that i am thrilled
by the announcement that Harriet Tubman’s picture will be the new face
of the $20 bill. There is a special irony in her picture
replacing that of Andrew Jackson.
Andrew Jackson who oversaw wars of aggression against Native Americans;
broken treaties with Native Americans; and then ordered the notorious
Trail of Tears expulsion of Native Americans from the southeastern
United States. Added to this, Andrew Jackson became the
ideological founding father of the conservative populism that we have
lived with ever since. The conservative, and frequently right-wing
populism, that insists that the USA is a white republic that must look
out for the common (white) man. This is the right-wing populism
that we see in full display in the Trump and Cruz campaigns at the
national level, as well as any number of local candidacies.
Good-bye, President Jackson!
For sure, Harriet Tubman’s picture is symbolic and does not represent a
fundamental defeat of right-wing populism, nor a recognition on the
part of the USA of its crimes against Native Americans. It also
does not represent an apology for slavery. But its symbolism is,
nevertheless, important, and as such is a victory in the battle to
redefine US history, removing the myths that we have been sold since
Harriet Tubman is the revolutionary face that we need on the currency
today and the revolutionary face we will need on the currency when
there is a a fundamental, and progressive social transformation of this
territory known as the United States of America.
is published every Thursday |
Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD |
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA |
Peter Gamble |