

"...ol’ Black Ben is capable of performing
unbelievably complicated brain surgeries,
then exit the operating room, step in front
of the cameras, don his white gloves, cane,
top-hat n’ tails . . and do a little 'jig'
for his snow white audiences."
Ben Carson; He’s both a brilliant brain surgeon, and a handy,
convenient ignoramus. Almost simultaneously, ol’ Black Ben is capable
of performing unbelievably complicated brain surgeries, then exit the
operating room, step in front of the cameras, don his white gloves,
cane, top-hat n’ tails . . and do a little “jig” for his snow
white audiences. Ben’s willing to level all the insults and slights a
White person can’t utter without the accurate term “Redneck” or racist
being assigned to them. Ben’s willing to do the heavy lifting and get
his hands dirty for a political/economical and social agenda endorsed
by a group of people who supported Apartheid in South Africa and
opposed even the simplest gestures of respect to Dr Martin Luther King,
whom the party’s grand pooh-bahs declare as a Communist.
Ben recently said that Black people who support the Democrats are
essentially stupid, unsophisticated, hyper-emotional, irrational, and
incapable of thinking for themselves.
I think Ben doesn't like nor respect his race. He’s been officially
brainwashed into hating who and what he is - he sounds exactly like
what he yearns to be I’d submit . . . the average angry White man.
Look, I adhere to Chris Rock’s controversial and combustible concept of
“I love Black people, I hate niggers . . . . “ I work in an “inner-city
school where our Afro-American kids, and their parents proudly refer to
themselves as Niggers . . . so I understand there’s riff-raff,
undesirables, lowlifes amongst every race on the planet, and Black
folks aren't excluded or exempt from having our fair share of
good-for-nothings . . . nonetheless I realize at the end of the day - I
make a calculated decision about who I determine is a “Redneck,” while
I’m sure the opposite “consideration” isn’t applied to Black folks . .
. we’re all, from doctors, bums, nurses, police officers, housewives,
to astronauts and even Presidents . . . we’re all lazy, shiftless,
no-good n’ good-for-nothin’ niggers.
Except Ben Carson
Today these lost, gone-astray Negroes are standing with the party of
the Confederacy . . . need I say more? Please don’t tell me a damn
thing about the term “traitor” being over-the-top or excessive, because
to break-bread with a party endorsed by David Duke and all the other
Klansman type organizations is to betray the best interest of Black
These negroes are crazy, stone, stir crazy. They’ve lost their souls .
. . no glide in their stride, no dip in their hips no compassion in
their hearts, no deep-thinking in their thoughts and no spine in their
The question is; are they as crazy as a fox, are they taking the stands
they take, because they are on the GOP take? Are they getting paid for
lending validity, credibility to incredulous, dubious positions?
Dr. Ben Carson is a useful idiot, a political pawn at best, a political
prostitute at his worst, saying all the demeaning, derogatory comments
his White . . . screwball “handlers” suggest. See, I don’t
believe Carson has to be coerced nor convinced to say the bleep he
does. I think he believes the bleep he says. Carson gets excited when a
Card-Carrying Republican TEA Party member tells him “you're different,
you're not like the rest.” I think Ben’s merely another delusional
Black man who’s convinced himself “he’s different” better, smarter than
the average Black person, he personifies the Booker T.Washington notion
- Ben believes he pulled himself up by his bootstraps . . . and that
every-other Black person could too, they just don't have the character,
intelligence, “discipline” n’ “determination” that folks like Ben and
Condi Rice have.
Yes, Condi Rice is a political/economic hi-class “call
girl.”Look, you can call her what you wish, but I prefer to tell
the truth . . . she sold her abilities and skill to the highest bidder,
the richest White man she could find, George W. Bush.

I’m sorry, but I believe the cover-fire and camouflage abilities which
Black Benedict Arnold's like Carson, Herman Caine, and the rest of
these boot-likin’ butt-kissin traitors provide the opposition is a
“race-war war-crime” worthy of the wrath of his people. And yes,
you’d best believe Black folks are in the midst of a war, it may be a
cold war at the moment . . . but as I’ve contended for years . . .
we’re but one police beating, one cop- killing away from coast-to-coast
Ben Carson appears to be that guy who’s yes, of course brilliant at his
craft - medical sciences, yet empty-headed, ignorant of the facts,
unenlightened and uneducated when it comes to the social sciences of
this nation and the globe. Carson seems oblivious to the fact he’s
aligned himself with the party of racist, sexist, elitist White men.
Sure, Gentle Ben may be a great father, and a good husband, a God
fearing Seventh Day Adventist (half cra-cra fanatical bible thumpers)
but at the end of the day . . . Ben’s the White man’s boy, a flesh n’
bone chess-piece whom the Conservatives and Confederates on the “Right”
will never elect to the White House.
The Party of White men will only vote for a White man, they’re simply
“utilizing” Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina to mask and conceal the
contempt, animosity and outright hatred they harbor for all
Americans-of-Color and most women.
Columnist, Desi Cortez, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961,
at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic
individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213, at age 14
transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat
at the feet of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire
and direction… if not a sheep-skin. "Meandered thru life; gone a-lot
places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into a good, strong man,
produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my
mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way." Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.
is published every Thursday |
Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD |
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA |
Peter Gamble |