

Ben Carson
The Brother
Another Planet

"His comments seem to suggest that
African Americans do not have minds
of our own, and that we are open to
manipulation. Why didn’t he say that
his white conservative allies are being
manipulated by his homophobic,
jingoistic comments?"
neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson started flirting for a Presidential run, I
thought he had lost his mind. Now that he has jumped into the
fray, opening his mouth one too many times, I know he has. The
problem? Too many people disagree with me. He raised $20
million in the last quarter, more than any of his competitors (of
course, Donald Trump is self-financing his campaign). For an
outsider, he has done extremely well, raising $31 million in just a few
Why are people supporting him? Many are signaling their disgust
with Washington politics by supporting the nerdy neurosurgeon Carson,
and caustic former CEO Carly Fiorina. In a recent CNN poll,
Trump, Carson, and Fiorina beat more established candidates Marco
Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Senator Ted Cruz. Those who bring up the
rear of the field include Ohio Governor John Kasich, former Arkansas
Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator Rand Paul, Louisiana Governor Bobby
Jindal, and New Jersey Governor Chris Cristie. During the first
Republican debate, I thought I was watching a ten-person episode in a
stand-up comedy reality show. The more substantive conversation
at the “kiddie table” for those who polled lower than “front runners”,
catapulted Carly Fiorina into the September 16 debate, where she
handled the bombastic Donald Trump more forcefully than others.
Since that debate Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and former Texas
Governor Rick Perry have dropped out of the race. There are
others who need to drop out. Given his position in the polls and his
now-expanding pocketbook, Ben Carson is not likely to go
anywhere. Will we be stuck with the brother from another planet
as nominee, and possibly President of the United States?
Carson admits that he does not know what he is taking on. When
asked how, as President, he would handle the hurricane that threatened
the East coast on September 30, he responded, “I don’t know”. Many of
his other responses to questions mirror those of Donald Trump’s, which
boil down to “we’ll figure it out”. The voters are expecting
Carson or Trump to “straighten out” the government just because of
their reputations, even they have no experience in running a
country. How can we trust people who would build walls between
the US and Mexico, or who could not accept Muslims in government?
How can we trust a prevaricator like Carly Fiorina who uses nonexistent
videos as a talking point in her campaign?
The brother from another planet may be doing so well in the polls
because he is pandering to predominately conservative white audiences
with his extreme views. His clear contempt for African Americans who
are not in his corner is troubling. He says that the media has
“manipulated” African Americans. His comments seem to suggest
that African Americans do not have minds of our own, and that we are
open to manipulation. Why didn’t he say that his white
conservative allies are being manipulated by his homophobic, jingoistic
Carson has said many of the things conservatives want to hear. He
has described marriage as a union between a man and a woman, even as
the LGBT community has waged a successful struggle for marriage
equality. He has associated the gay community with “beastiality”
and referenced marriage equality advocates with extreme groups like
NAMBLA (North American Man/ Boy Love Association), which few
support. He says homosexuality is “a choice” because people go to
jail straight and come out gay. Some support him because he is
unapologetically “politically incorrect”. But he crosses the line
between being politically incorrect and being offensive, inhumane, and
bigoted. He would not trust a Muslim to be
commander-in-chief. Half a century or so ago, there were fears
that Catholic President John F. Kennedy might be unfit for office
because of his religion.
The quote that catapulted Carson onto the public stage was one he made
at the National Prayer Breakfast. He described the Affordable Care Act
(often known as Obamacare) as worse than slavery. President Obama
was in the audience and Republicans aplauded Carson for his audacity in
confronting our President to his face. Since Carson had never
been a slave (except, clearly, mentally), his comments were
absurd. His comments suggested that he would use race, but in a
pejorative way (consider the manipulated black folks), but they were
If Ben Carson were anybody other than a reportedly smart African
American neurosurgeon, would he be holding his own in the polls?
If he had not described the Black Lives Matters movement as “divisive”,
would he have any traction? In the weeks since the September 16
debate, he has gained almost a million Facebook followers – 50,000 more
than Donald Trump. Does that mean he could be President?
I trust that the brother from another planet will fizz out, but given
this Republican race, anything could happen. Are we ready for an
anti-Muslim, anti-gay, evangelistic hardliner to preside over our
country? Wake up, voters. Carson is an impending disaster.
BC Editorial Board Member Dr. Julianne Malveaux, PhD (JulianneMalveaux.com)
is the Honorary Co-Chair of the Social Action Commission of Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority, Incorporated and serves on the boards of the Economic
Policy Institute as well as The Recreation Wish List Committee of
Washington, DC. A native San Franciscan, she is the President and
owner of Economic Education a 501 c-3 non-profit headquartered in
Washington, D.C. During her time as the 15th President of Bennett
College for Women, Dr. Malveaux was the architect of exciting and
innovative transformation at America’s oldest historically black
college for women. Contact Dr. Malveaux and BC. |
is published every Thursday |
Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD |
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA |
Peter Gamble |