the U.S. economy crumbling at their feet, Republicans in the U.S.
Senate every day find new ways to prevent any move to support working
women and men in their attempts to improve their lives and, by that,
improve the economy of the entire nation.
The GOP has been busy in the Senate slowing or halting any effort to
help the working class and the middle class out of the depression they
are in, whether that depression is economic or emotional. Whether it’s
the food stamp program, education, housing, health care, or any of
myriad other issues and programs that they want to curtail or even
stamp out, they have lots of help from the House of Representatives,
where their fellow Republicans rule.

House Republicans have taken the lead over the
Senate GOP, when it comes to cutting and slashing social programs,
while all the time seeking to further cut money coming into the U.S.
treasury, by cutting the taxes, meager as they are, of the rich and of
Corporate America. They never stop championing their masters and
There is discussion among the top politicians about the condition of
the stock market and the corporations that are listed there, but there
is not much discussion, let alone debate, about the condition of
workers and those who have yet to find jobs in a tottering economy. The
working class and the middle class are on their own, as far as they are
concerned. After all, we are told, there are so many jobs that are
going begging for workers to fill them. We aren’t told how unemployed
workers from one part of the country are going to save enough money to
get to those jobs, maintain their families back home, and pay living
expenses where the jobs are. Some of those jobs require education,
licenses, or certification, all of which may take a few or a half-dozen
years to meet the requirements.
Also, we’re told, now that the nation’s unemployment rate has
“improved” that there are only three or four applicants for each
available job, rather than the four or five applicants a few years ago,
when things were a little worse than they are now. So, why is the Right
Wing of American politics on the attack against workers? It is not
clear, but this is evident by their nasty moves in several states, to
cut unemployment benefits, either for long-term unemployed or by those
who are newly unemployed. Nothing like kicking workers and their
families when they are down, through no fault of their own.
Workers are beginning to see the light, starting at the very bottom of
the wage scale. There are stirrings of low-wage workers in retailing,
such as Walmart, and in the fast-food “industry,” in places like
McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s. All of the workers in those
places are not teenagers saving to buy a better phone or a car. They
are adults (mostly minorities in the cities) and they have families
that they cannot support on the minimum wage, or even $10 or even $15
an hour.
They have conducted one-day strikes and picketed their workplaces and
held rallies, demanding higher pay and benefits. Much of this has
happened spontaneously over the past few years, with some help from a
union, or two. It has gone largely unnoticed by most Americans, but the
realization that workers have to organize themselves is growing and
they are supported by a growing number of Americans, especially those
in the union movement who know the value of working under a fairly
negotiated contract.
One thing that has surprised so many picketing and striking workers and
some observers is that so many of the striking workers were taken back
after the job action without missing a beat. A small number have even
seen some improvement in their working conditions, but the idea that
they have not generally been punished is a victory, of sorts. They have
engaged in concerted activity (in concert, that is, with their fellow
workers), as is encouraged in the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA),
the law going back some 70 years that was intended to protect workers
in their efforts to form unions.
The idea that solidarity will give them strength against the
overwhelming power of their bosses and Corporate America is growing in
the minds of some of the most vulnerable and low-paid workers in the
country. They are almost spontaneously forming the idea that solidarity
among workers is a good thing. It’s not a great leap of understanding
from that, to forming a union, and that’s what the National Labor
Relations Board (NLRB), formed to protect workers’ rights under the
NLRA, was all about.
The NLRB continues to be under attack by the political right, in this
era, as it has for decades and the opposition consists mostly of
Republicans, backed by Corporate America and its billions of dollars
that are used every day to weaken the workers’ position in society and
in the economy. And their attacks destroy the ability of workers to
organize themselves into unions for protection of the common good. The
latter is something that the nation’s founders talked about, but the
common good never seemed to extend to the people on the bottom rungs of
the economic ladder. That’s why we have unions and that’s why unions
traditionally have taken this matter of the common good into their own
hands. It is a small beginning, but it is the people, themselves, who
are pursuing the common good.
And that’s why the powerful have been so hell-bent on destroying the
ability of the NLRB to see to it that workers have an agency of
government that protects their interests. The ability of the board has
been weakened over time by a number of schemes, not the least of which
is the appointment of board members who have no interest in the well
being of the working class. Now, however, the Republicans have taken a
different tack: they have withheld confirmation of appointments to the
board, thus keeping it from having the required quorum of three
members, especially since President Obama would be likely to appoint
people who tend to care about the common good.
Obama has nominated five persons, three Democrats and two Republicans,
but, as has been the case for years, those nominations have stalled. As
of early this month, the president was considering recess appointments,
but the Senate GOP has pulled another trick. They claim that keeping a
few of their members in Washington during recess will keep Obama from
making any “recess” appointments, since, they claim, the Senate is not
really in recess. It remains to be seen whether that ploy will work.
Unions and other worker support groups have created a “give us five”
campaign, aimed at the Senate Republicans, demanding that they give
Obama’s nominations an up or down vote. At the same time, the groups
are demanding that, if the Republicans do not allow an up or down vote
on nominations, that Democrats change the Senate rules (they are the
majority, after all) to allow a vote to come to the floor.
The NLRB is the one agency of the federal government that protects
private sector worker rights on the job, union or non-union.
Corporations and right wingers, led by the likes of the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce have tried for years to destroy the NLRB’s effectiveness, even
though, at its best (in its early years), it was not a match for the
power of Corporate America. One of the more revealing comments about
the Republican and corporate attitude about the board and, by
extension, about the rights of workers, was by Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.):
“The NLRB as inoperable could be considered progress.”

He and others, in Congress and the corporate
world, have tried to make the board inoperable for decades and, right
now, they nearly have put it in that condition. The campaign of workers
and unions might work and either the Senate Republicans or Democrats
might make a move that will break the impasse. It’s true that this is
only one of the impasses in our beleaguered political and economic
system, but it is one that affects some 80 million private sector
workers. That’s a lot of families who depend on some semblance of
fairness in the workplace. The NLRB should be the instrument of that
fairness, but it can’t do its job until it gains some respect from
politicians who detest workers and the board that (sometimes) defends
them. They won’t even give it enough members for a quorum.
This is one instance in which the institution of organized labor, the
unions big and small, can learn something from those who are paid a
pittance and who have nothing...fast food workers. Yet, they gathered
together in front of industrial hamburger and chicken joints and made
their demands and, even without protection of a union or the
government, they didn’t suffer the mass firings that might have been
A little solidarity among workers, in general, is in order. There are
federal buildings and NLRB offices in every state. When enough workers
begin to mass in front of those buildings and in front of politicians’
offices, the politicians will begin to pay attention. They may even
take action. Under the right circumstances, agreements can be reached
between labor and capital, with or without the NLRB.