A Dream
Langston Hughes
What happens to a dream
Does it dry
like a raisin in the
Or fester like a
And then
Does it stink like rotten
Or crust and sugar
like a syrupy
Maybe it just
like a heavy
Or does it
“To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal.”
- Malcolm X [el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz]
ordinary Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people in this nation and
throughout the world have legitimate needs and aspirations.
Many ordinary people in the U.S., in the year 2008, had been led to
believe that they had at last found, in the person of the then 'hope
and change' U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama, a true champion
on behalf of struggling everyday people. Sadly, they had been callously
duped and deceived by a corrupt corporate-owned political system intent
upon continuing its agenda of economic exploitation, corporate
hegemony, and perpetual war.
It is now the year 2013, and the articulate corporate-owned Barack
Obama has proven to be the bane of everyday ordinary people. He is this
nation's first president to officially have his very own secret
extrajudicial 'kill list.' He has, in violation of both the U.S.
Constitution and international law, facilitated the military bombing of
Libya, north Africa even as he militarizes other parts of the African
continent under the auspices of what is known as AFRICOM. He has used,
and continues to use, monstrous and incessant drone missile strikes to
bomb the nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen, etc. He
has prosecuted more whistle-blowers than all of his White House
predecessors combined. He has ushered in a de facto U.S. police state
by signing and codifying into law – the indefinite detention (without
charge, trial, jury, or due process) of U.S. citizens - as it relates
specifically to provision 1021 of the so-called National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA). However, not satisfied with these outrages,
he oversees the most massive spying police-state surveillance program
against U.S. citizens in the history of this nation.

Obama, who began as the wrongly perceived hope of the people - has
proven himself to be the war mongering rope of the people.
Virtually NOTHING that Mr. 'hope and change' Barack Obama states or has
stated can be believed – NOTHING! He has betrayed, and is betraying,
the everyday ordinary people of this nation and planet. For example,
while calling for 'gun control' at home he commits mass murder of
children, women, and men abroad. His hypocrisy is surpassed only by his
arrogance towards, and contempt for, the ordinary people of this nation
and world.
Of course, the corporate-stream media continues to play a most
insidious role in the dissemination of disinformation and
misinformation - that plays into the hands of the corporate-owned
systemic Democrats and Republicans. Barack Obama and his Democrat and
Republican party cohorts are about the business of betrayal and
deferring the “dream” [i.e. the legitimate needs and aspirations] of
everyday ordinary Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people.

In this
year of 2013, it is clear that Barack Obama is, for everyday people,
the dream deferred. He is the very antithesis of 'hope and change' and
is, in reality, the nightmare of the people.
The dreams of the ordinary people will only be brought to fruition
collectively by the consciousness, hard work, and perseverance of we
the people - ourselves.
Let us remember: Each one, reach one. Each one, teach one. Onward, then, my sisters and brothers. Onward...!