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Cover Story:
Why Raising the Medicare Eligibility Age Is a Very Bad Idea
the eligibility age is going in the wrong direction. We should be
trying to lower the eligibility age, not raise it. What we need is
Medicare for everyone.
Animated Political Cartoon - The Twelve Days of
Cliffmas By Mark Fiore, San Francisco CA
Why is Anthony Fletcher on Pennsylvania’s Death Row?
Allegations of missing and fabricated evidence, sketchy witnesses, prosecutorial misconduct and crappy lawyering.
Agriculture Secretary Says Rural Areas are “Irrelevant”
The people can overcome
the wealth and power of the few, when they vote intelligently in the
interests of all.
Next Black
Senator: Tim Scott, Republican
cannot make their racism more palatable or open black ears to their
false solutions.
Cartoon - Israel’s Other Occupied Territory By Zapiro, South Africa
Don’t Forget
Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale’s Call For Change
Can we at
least recall what Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale asked of this nation,
almost half a century ago?
The Unusual Spiral
Would this rash
of incidents lead us to believe there’s an epidemic or are these merely
Political Cartoon - Maria Santos
Gorrostieta, 1976 - 2012 By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Top Ten Signs That Let Me
Know Americans Have Transcended Racism!
a white woman from Wisconsin returns from a trip to New York City and
announces to me: “There are Black people with dreads in New York!”
Barack Obama -
Destroying the Legacy of Black America's Struggle
Obama does not "identify" with the "black radical tradition" of
struggle in this nation. He is, in fact, the antithesis of it.
Kwanzaa Season and Economics
African American people should do business with
each other during the Kwanzaa season and continue this practice
throughout the year.
Art - Ascendant By Kadir Nelson, San
Diego CA
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