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May 24, 2012 - Issue 473 |
Maine Governor
Calls State Workers “Corrupt,”
To get people to work together as a team for the good of all, the last thing one would want to do is insult them, tell them they are corrupt, and insult the organization to which they belong. But, that’s how Maine Governor Paul LePage believes he can reduce his state’s budgetary woes, improve services that the state provides, and endear himself to the voters when they next go to the polls. The Tea Party-supported Republican governor entered the governorship and broke onto the national scene when, in one of his first acts as governor, he ordered the mural based on Maine’s labor history removed from the state’s Labor Department because it showed the history of workers’ struggles in too good a light. In other words, the fight of working people for their rightful place in their society was not something he wanted his business associates forced to contemplate, if they ever visited that department. That should have been a warning to Mainers about what his intent was, and is, in changing the state into his image of government. That image apparently is like that of most other Teabaggers and Republicans across the country: reduce the size of government, lower taxes, and beat the unions within an inch of their lives. And, there’s another item on LePage’s agenda that shouldn’t be left out: don’t cater to “special interests,” and those “interests” can be anything he says they are. If
he thinks that workers who deliver services to the people of However, a few days later, he did show up at an observance of the holiday and stayed for the full program, but that event was sponsored by civic groups, not by the NAACP. He did not say what had changed his mind and he was not specifically asked about it at the time. These two things could be put together and that would be a strange start to his tenure as governor, but there is much more to his strange behavior as the leader of a state that is far from the top of the list of affluent states. Insulting the workers, the citizens of his state, is not the way to develop a good relationship with them for the betterment of everyone. It could be that he sees them more as his subjects, rather than as Mainers who work for all the people of the state. It could be that his hostility toward workers (and he is quick to point out that some workers give it 100 percent) and, especially, their unions could be more deeply rooted than just an unbalanced budget and flaming desire to reduce the size of government. In this, he appears to be simply spouting the line of the Tea Party and Right Wing Republicans who have taken over the GOP, all across the country. Their intent is to reduce government to irrelevancy, which is to say they wish to leave the field clear for Corporate America to run the country. Part
of the clearance is to rid the country of unions, which is the single
entity that empowers workers to join together and act in a democratic
way to benefit their members and, in fact, all workers. Observers of the
world scene have said for generations that the first thing authoritarian
rulers do when they gain power is to break the unions. Americans, unionized
or not, have gained great benefits from the unions, but it is strange
that Americans, in general, cannot see that what has been happening in
the country for a long time is an attack on workers on the pretext of
breaking the “too powerful unions” in LePage
joins other Republican governors in other parts of the country in trying
to destroy unions, such as Scott Walker in Considering
that LePage is the holder of an MBA degree and a former top manager at
a regional chain of stores in It
is, however, a sure-fire way to have workers hunker down to avoid notice
by the wounded-bear-in-charge, and that doesn’t make for a smooth running
operation of any kind. He’s like the poor man’s version of the wrecking
ball, Tea Party-supported governors and others in several states. Because
it’s In his refusal to meet with NAACP leaders, he has said that he will not meet with special interests, but he does not clarify what he means by calling them that. Is it a special interest to want to talk with the governor about civil rights matters, or constitutional matters? He has said he will meet with them, only if they want to talk about what is beneficial to all Mainers. He refers to a young Jamaican man as his adopted son, and said that anyone who has a problem with the way he handles the state’s NAACP or similar organizations, can come to his house and talk to his son. But,
Bill Nemitz, a columnist for MaineToday.com, pointed out
in a column in early 2011 that Devon Raymond, a Jamaican who came to In his very public statements of disrespect for them, he ignores the long and sordid history of failure of the country and the states to provide full civil rights and constitutional protections to all. In that, he is not alone among Republicans, the party for which LePage could be the modern poster boy. He exhibits their characteristics and embraces their policies, which tend to cause suffering among the poor, minorities, and the working class. Overall, though, LePage has shown himself to be an equal opportunity offender, sticking closely to the “principles” that the Tea Party and now, the Republican Party in general, hold dear: reduce government, cut budgets for any and all programs that benefit the people, destroy unions (especially those of public workers), provide tax cuts and assistance to those at the top of the income heap, and initiate authoritarian rule. He feels secure in telling welfare recipients to “get off the couch and get a job,” apparently without understanding that there are three or four applicants for every job opening. Just
last week, he signed a budget which cuts $2 million from Head Start funding,
eliminates MaineCare (Medicaid) for 19- and 20 year-olds, removes 1,500
from elderly drugs programs, and provided $34 million in tax breaks. It’s
no wonder that the The danger that LePage and other Tea Party Republicans pose to the nation is that they are actually beginning to realize their goal of reducing government to a shell (so that people cease believing in its legitimacy), reducing the power of the people, and leaving governing at every level to Corporate America. In this, they are true believers. And, watch out, because they believe they are right! BlackCommentator.com
Funiciello, is a
labor organizer and former union organizer. His union work started when
he became a local president of The Newspaper Guild in the early 1970s.
He was a reporter for 14 years for newspapers in
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