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State Senator Barack Obama rejects any “suggestion” that “inclusion
of my name” on a Democratic Leadership Council/New Democrats membership
list amounts to “an endorsement on my part of the DLC platform.”
a June 13 letter to The Black Commentator, the Black candidate for U.S.
Senate defended his civil liberties, anti-war, and social welfare legislative
record, and requested “that folks take the time to find out what my views are before they
start questioning my passion for justice or the integrity of my campaign
effort.” Specifically,
State Senator Obama maintains that an October 2002 anti-war speech was
removed from his campaign web site because “the speech was dated
once the formal phase of the war was over, and my staff's desire to continually provide
fresh news clips.” The speech was returned to the site following
The “somebody” Dixon had in mind was, of course, the DLC/New
Democrats. Dixon, a Chicagoan currently living in Atlanta, also authored
DLC's mission is to erase the last vestiges of social democracy from
the Democratic Party, so that the corporate consensus will never again
be challenged in the United States. Acting as a Republican Trojan Horse
in the bowels of the Democratic machinery, the DLC claims the "real"
party lives somewhere off to the right, where George Bush dwells, and
that minorities, unionists, environmentalists, feminists, men and women
of peace - virtually every branch of the party except corporatists -
must be purged or muzzled.”
Senator Obama says he “didn’t object to the DLC's inclusion of my name on their list.” That is precisely
the problem, from which all suspicions reasonably flow. As we wrote
in our September 19, 2002 “Trojan
Horse Watch”: “Every African American politician associated
with the DLC should be considered suspect, and closely watched. There
is no reason for them to be there except to make deals with the party's
right wing - which believes that Gore lost the 2000 election largely
because he became too closely identified with Blacks and labor.” Rather
than tiptoe around the edges of the issue, we are presenting State Sen.
Obama with three “bright line” policy questions that will determine
definitively if he has any good reason to belong to the DLC.
But first, his letter in its entirety: Dear
Black Commentator: I read with interest, and some amusement, Bruce Dixon's recent article regarding my campaign, and his suggestion that perhaps my positions on critical issues facing this country are somehow being corrupted by the influence of the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC). Given that Bruce [and I] worked together back in 1992 to empower communities through organizing and the ballot box, I wish he'd taken the time to give me a call and check out his facts. To begin with, neither my staff nor I have had any direct contact with anybody at DLC since I began this campaign a year ago. I don't know who nominated me for the DLC list of 100 rising stars, nor did I expend any effort to be included on the list beyond filling out a three line questionnaire asking me to describe my current political office, my proudest accomplishment, and my cardinal rules of politics. Since my mother taught me not to reject a compliment when it's offered, I didn't object to the DLC's inclusion of my name on their list. I certainly did not view such inclusion as an endorsement on my part of the DLC platform. As for Bruce's larger point -- that I've begun to water down my criticisms of the Bush administration during this early phase of my campaign -- I'd invite him to join me on the campaign trail here in Chicago for a couple of days. I'm proud of the fact that I stood up early and unequivocally in opposition to Bush's foreign policy (and was the only U.S. Senate candidate in Illinois to do so). That opposition hasn't changed, and I continue to make it a central part of each and every one of my political speeches. Likewise, I spend much of my time with audiences trying to educate them on the dangers of both the Patriot Act, Patriot Act 2, and the rest of John Ashcroft's assault on the Constitution. The only reason that my original anti-war speech was removed from my website was a judgment that the speech was dated once the formal phase of the war was over, and my staff's desire to continually provide fresh news clips. The "bland" statement that Bruce offers up as an example of my loss of passion wasn't an official statement or speech at all, but a 30 second response to a specific question by Aaron Brown on CNN about the mood of Illinois voters a few days after the war started. In sum, Bruce's article makes nice copy, but it doesn't reflect the reality of my campaign. Nor does it reflect my track record as a legislator. In the last three months alone, I passed and sent to Illinois governor's desk 25 pieces of major progressive legislation, including groundbreaking laws mandating the videotaping of all interrogations and confessions in capital cases; racial profiling legislation; a new law designed to ease the burden on ex-offenders seeking employment; and a state earned income tax credit that will put millions of dollars directly into the pockets of Illinois' working poor. As Bruce may tell you, I've always preached the need for elected officials and candidates to be held accountable for their views. I don't exempt myself from that rule. I'd simply ask that folks take the time to find out what my views are before they start questioning my passion for justice or the integrity of my campaign effort. I'm not hard to reach. In the meantime, I'll talk to my staff about sprucing up the website! Sincerely, State Senator Barack Obama Candidate
for U.S. Senate
The Publishers of The Black Commentator To:
The Honorable Barack Obama Dear
Sen. Obama: We
appreciate your willingness to respond to Bruce Dixon’s June 5 commentary.
As the publishers of There
is no doubt that you joined of your own accord. Although you minimize
the weight of your decision to be listed in the New
Democrat Directory, and treat your being featured as one of the
DLC’s “100
to Watch” as a simple compliment that even a mother would enjoy,
we give you credit for knowing better than that. Al From and the DLC
leadership are claiming you as one of their own, for their purposes.
We assume that, as an intelligent man and an astute politician, you
have your own reasons for linking your name with the DLC. We respect
you, and take it as a given that you give a great deal of thought to
such public associations. Dixon did make several calls to your office, although he readily
admits that he did not treat the matter as urgent. The fact at
the heart of the story – that needs no verification – is that a Black
activist/intellectual/politician with previously stellar progressive
credentials has joined the main mechanism of corporate, rightwing influence
in the Democratic Party. The publishers agree with Dixon that there
was no need to justify the piece with a say it ain’t so telephone
exercise. Regarding
the comings and goings of the October 30 anti-war speech on your campaign
site: Collectively, the publishers of In
your letter, you write that you often speak to audiences on “the
dangers of both the Patriot Act, Patriot Act 2, and the rest of John
Ashcroft's assault on the Constitution.” We do not doubt that this
is true. However, as veteran political observers we also know that the
candidate’s most carefully crafted public persona is reflected in his
literature. If it’s not on the site, then experience tells us that the
campaign is downplaying the issue. You
should be neither “surprised” nor “amused” that a progressive Black
publication puts you, a former “top
notch, progressive political organizer,” under scrutiny. You have
joined the DLC! What else could you have possibly expected? Rather
than dither on the periphery of the matter, we are posing three “bright
line” questions to you, that should determine whether you belong in
the DLC, or not: 1.
Do you favor the withdrawal of the United States from NAFTA?
Will you in the Senate introduce or sponsor legislation toward
that end?
Do you favor the adoption of a single payer system of universal health
care to extend the availability of quality health care to all persons
in this country? Will you in the Senate introduce or sponsor legislation toward that
Would you have voted against the October 10 congressional resolution
allowing the president to use unilateral force against Iraq? We
believe you are likely to answer, “Yes” to all three of these questions.
If that is true, you favor positions that are anathema to the leadership
of the Democratic Leadership Council, and have misplaced yourself. We
call these “bright line” questions because DLC leadership has been unequivocal
in their support of NAFTA, opposition to anything resembling national
health insurance, and fervently in support of the Iraq war – basic issues
of war and peace, life and death, and livelihood. NAFTA: The
DLC was the principal voice inside the Democratic Party advocating
the North American Free Trade Agreement, which led to the loss of hundreds
of thousands of manufacturing jobs. A majority of Democrats opposed
DLCer Bill Clinton’s treaty in 1993. The DLC minority joined with Republicans,
insisting that “NAFTA will create jobs…” (New
Democrats Online, September 13, 1993) and would not “…substantially
alter the existing rules of investment for U.S. companies seeking to
lower their costs with cheap labor” (NDOL,
October 1, 1993).
the Democratic Leadership Council has been unmoved by the spectacle
of corporations extorting zoning, tax, pollution and regulatory breaks
from their host communities and gutting wages, benefits and pensions
of US workers under the threat of relocation. As recently as last year
the DLC continued to champion “fast track” authority for a Republican
president, and objected strenuously to even the tiniest weakening (see
American Prospect, July 2002) of NAFTA’s infamous Chapter
11, which lets corporations invalidate union contracts or the zoning,
banking, wage and hour, safety or environmental regulations of any state
or country it deems “inconsistent with free trade” in secret international
courts where the public is not represented.
health insurance/care:
The Democratic Leadership Council unequivocally opposes anything that smells like a national health insurance plan, let alone single payer. Here’s what DLC founder and chief honcho Al From thinks of Rep. Dick Gephardt’s proposal to let private insurers extend health care coverage to everyone, financed by federal tax credits:
imagine that you’d want to advance the same goal in the U.S. Senate.
Should you do so – or support any form of national health insurance
– you will then become an object of scorn to the DLC, as a vector of
“the pander virus.”
Iraq resolution:
In the April 15 issue of the DLC house organ Blueprints, DLC founder Al From starts off likening the arguments of antiwar Democrats to what he calls the “blatantly anti-American sentiments of student radicals and the hard left” of the Vietnam era, and warns Democrats that they will suffer “guilt-by-failure-to-disassociate” with such types. He next endorses the president’s illegal war and occupation of Iraq and summons Democrats to do the same: “Democrats
must overcome both their own and the opposition's partisan instincts….
The president's decision to prosecute this war without explicit authorization
from the United Nations was a close call, but it was the right call.” This
is the company you have chosen to keep. The DLC will gather hundreds
of “New Democrats” for display at its “National Conversation” in Philadelphia,
July 19. You are among the DLC’s “100 to Watch” in 2003. They are doubtless
expecting you. Your
record gives no indication that you are compatible with this “Mother
of All Trojan Horses” inside the Democratic Party, as Bruce Dixon puts
it. Early in your letter, you say that you did not “expend any effort to be included on the [DLC]
list beyond filling out a three line questionnaire asking me to
describe my current political office, my proudest accomplishment, and my
cardinal rules of politics.” This is quite a different DLC affiliation
process than the one described by Robert Dreyfuss in his American Prospect
article: To
ensure that liberals don't slip through the cracks, NDN requires each
politician who seeks entree to its largesse and contacts to fill out
a questionnaire that asks his or her views on trade, economics, education,
welfare reform, and other issues. The questions are detailed, forcing
candidates to state clearly whether or not they support views associated
with the New Democrat Coalition, and it concludes by asking, "Will
you join the NDC when you come to Congress?" Next, [the DLC] interviews
each candidate, and then NDN determines which candidacies are viable
before providing Trusting
your word and knowing Dreyfuss to be a very good reporter, we must conclude
that Al From and his crew value your presence in the DLC very highly,
and therefore spared you the full corporate shakeout.
Apparently, they were quite eager to recruit a Black progressive
willing to step across some very “bright lines” to adorn the literature
of an organization that opposes his own core political positions. Should
you answer our questions on NAFTA, universal health care and the Iraq
war in the affirmative, there is no honorable option available to you
but to publicly withdraw from the DLC. We
respectfully await your reply
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