American landscape is starting to horrifically resemble
a 1958 black n’ white Godzilla flick...with Black
folks filling the lead role of the prehistoric monster come-to-life,
and TEA Partying White folks playing to the over-the-top
hilt, the victimized role of the Japanese folks...running
around in absolute terror as the tyrannical creature is
about to devour them, whole.
These fanatical
extremist, who’ve crowned themselves “Real Americans,” despite
ruthlessly almost “cleansing” this land of the Red Man,
the imprisonment of Blacks, the treatment of Latinos and
Asians, but yet somehow in a cartoonish, delusional manner,
they have the audacity to feign fear - brand Blacks as Neanderthals.
Now if that ain’t
that savage calling the barbarian uncivilized...
The only fear
Whites have of Blacks is our legitimate and righteous beef;
you’ve screwed us, as a people – individually / collectively
– in more twisted ways than can be counted...and truthfully,
your anger towards us rests in White guys’ n’ gals’ internal
feelings of inferiority, not superiority.
Here, permit me
to quickly run down the white sheet of events which ought-be
weighed and measured in determining the alarming but all-so-predictable
level of “extremism” running-rampant throughout the country
which can be traced to “WASP Culture,” and not the times
we are a’livin’ in.
Let’s commence
with Florida’s Republican TEA Party Congressman Allen
West and his recent horrific re-creation of the infamous
“Red Scare,” with his, let us say, blending of Benedict
Arnold and “Crazy Joe” McCarthy into one mindless Frankenstein
claiming the “Commie / Pinko bastards” are at the gates.
And of course, all the Black Democrats in Congress are card-carrying
Communists, have this Uncle Tom tell it.
Tell me Mr. West,
what did your GOP “owners” give you for getting your hands
dirty, doing the heavy lifting on this one: a car dealership,
a 2nd home in Europe?
Now let’s couple
West with John Derbyshire’s revealing literary masterpiece,
What White parents tell their kids, which did little
more for me then solidify in concrete what most Black folks
already know: trusting White folks is a calculated risk.
Interacting with them, befriending them, doing business
with them is always a tricky, dicey endeavour, merely because
you know they think like Derbyshire.

Thank you Mr.
Derbyshire for letting the better of your vulcan emotions
get to you and for slipping, verbalizing the paranoid,
angry, insecure White American company lines that so many
adhere to, but publicly deny. It vividly explains so much...lends
rhyme n’ reason to so much.
What I got out
of this overtly racist chunk of junk was: you blame Blacks
and other Americans of Color for crying racism, when in
fact, your hearts n’ minds are far from bare of biases.
The 15-point “talk” Derbyshire gives his
offspring warns of “the hostility many blacks feel toward
whites,” implores them to “avoid concentrations of blacks
not all known to you personally,” and advises them, “before
voting for a black politician, scrutinize his/her character
much more carefully than you would a white.” (He defines
this last point, “In a pure meritocracy there would be very
low proportions of blacks in cognitively demanding jobs.”)
“If you are white
or Asian and have kids, you owe it to them to give them
some version of the talk. It will save them a lot of time
and trouble spent figuring things out for themselves. It
may save their lives,” Derbyshire concludes.
Ain’t that a bitch
Next up on the
barometer, The American Nazi Party has apparently
registered its own lobbyist on Capitol Hill. Ponder that
advancement, these folks want to influence prospective clients,
civil servants potentially interested in doing business
with...the Nazi Party.
The financial
backbone behind “the people’s candidate, the White people’s
candidate, Rick Santorum, Mr. Foster Friess, the ga-zillionaire
who bankrolled a large portion of Santorum’s failed presidential
bid, laid this one on the table just recently: he “hopes
President Obama’s teleprompter’s are bulletproof.”

Is it me or what,
but you’ve got to feel, sense, taste, hear the malice, the
disdain festering, percolating out of the millions upon
millions of angry White people who constitute this country’s
“Right.” It’s not a “new thang,” it’s an “old hang-up” being
Somewhere between
the fear, abhorrence, disgust, abomination, repugnance, aversion, nausea, repulsion, distaste, odium, revulsion - if not outright blind hatred
of Black people - is the deeply-seeded belief Black folks
are animals, half-human animals.
Evidently that’s
the estimation / guess-timation of what millions upon millions
of White folks believe Black folks to be. Nothing more,
and perhaps something even less. Or maybe barbarians or
cannibals, but nonetheless some form of quasi-literate “savage.”
And, being children-for-life emotionally, we stand-on-the-verge
of going-on-the-warpath - at the drop-of-a-dime, triggered
by a Treyvon Martin verdict we don’t like, or a presidential
election with which we don’t concur.
Derbyshire’s devaluation
of Blacks, on a whole, more then explains the past,
the present and the future of this nation. WEB DuBois
had no idea how accurate he was when he stated race, the
color-line would be the defining issue of the 20th century.
Toss in another century or two for sure.
For race to remain
the combustible, volatile issue that is in 2012, clearly
there’s an internal debate within White America regarding
the status of Black folks: are we fully human? And,
whatever their conclusion may be, can they as the White
race be willing to “mix n’ mingle” with the little people,
the folks formerly and affectionately known as “the help.”

I easily submit
that well over half, if not a solid 75% don’t want to interact
with other races, based on not desiring to get their hands
dirty. And the darker the people, the less many, many, many
White Americans want to have to do with them, and that’s
the fact.
Weigh n’ measure
the facts:
- Circa
1708 - classified as human property - For White folks
It was “logical” to enslave Blacks, for we were by our
very nature...really not human.
- Circa
1899 - Jim Crow, Black Codes - it was still logical
to segregate us, pimp and exploit us...because we were
- Circa
1964 - Separate and Unequal; it made all the sense in
the world to oppose civil rights, human rights for Black
folks, so much so we know well over half of the US White
population half-heartedly wanted to integrate, and have
since made half-assed efforts to incorporate Black folks
into mainstream US society.
- Circa
1984 - Ronald “666” Raygun, the grandfather of today’s
White backlash, opposses an MLK national Holiday; the
Civil Rights martyr was a Communist, and he opposed South
African Apartheid.
To the point that
here we are, circa 2012...and the question on the table
is, in the face of urban riots: “will it be practical, logical
to intern us,” as the Japanese were in WWII - place us all
on “Reservations,”yet another novel, practical logical calculation
carried out against a minority group, or just start shooting
us on the street like stray dogs, like what we just witnessed
in Tulsa.
Gee, 3 out of
every 4 White guys in America claims to be pissed off at
or afraid of Black folks, particularly men, and the gun
n’ ammo sales illustrate just that.
As I’ve tried
to state all-along the way; the bulk of White America is
isolated n’ insulated deliberately, strategically, for they’ve
a vast array of issues and concerns when it comes to Black
people - they’re not sure we’re human.
We’d better not
ever forget that. We’d better start remembering it. Columnist, Desi Cortez, was hatched in the
heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of
Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised
in South-Central LA, the 213, at age 14 transplanted to
the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at
the feet of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with
a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru
life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a
man-cub into a good, strong man, produced a beautiful baby-girl
with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my mind on the airwaves
and wrote some stuff along the way. Click here
to contact Mr. Cortez.