Click here to go to the Home Page If You Like STEALTH Bombers You’ll Love Barack Obama - Keeping it Real - By Larry Pinkney - Editorial Board

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“Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them.”

- Frederick Douglass

What better way to obliterate the political and social consciousness of the populace of the United Sates than to develop and utilize a presidential stealth political candidate who could psychologically penetrate and annihilate the critical thinking and analytical capacities and defense mechanisms of virtually the entire population.

Ironically, the United States has over the years developed, tested and deployed military bomber aircraft with the capability of stealthily penetrating and obliterating other nations’ physical defense capabilities, causing utter destruction and untold human misery. These aircraft can deploy both conventional and nuclear weapons, and were built by the Northrop Grumman corporation with the assistance of the Boeing aircraft corporation. Its deadly bombing horrors have been used by the United States in the skies over Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan and most recently, by Barack Obama in the skies over Libya, North Africa in the year 2011. These horrendous bomber aircraft cost approximately $2.1 billion dollars per aircraft, have a crew of two persons each, and represent the height of the hypocrisy of U.S. democracy throughout the world. There are reportedly at minimum at least 21 of these monster aircraft in the pentagon’s arsenal. These stealth (B-2 bomber) aircraft of course do not begin to touch even the tip of the iceberg of the U.S. military’s bloated military machine of missiles, ships, aircraft, tanks, bombs, torpedoes, land mines, personnel, bases, or additional fiscally hidden pentagon expenditures.

Yet, perhaps the greatest irony in all of this, even in the midst of continued U.S. corporate domination and greed and its concomitant austerity of joblessness, home foreclosures, homelessness, etc. against the masses of everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people, is the active presence of the chief executive of the U.S. Empire’s stealth ‘predator drone missile’ U.S. president, Barack Obama himself.

At this point and time in history there is no doubt that many Black Americans, no matter what, will continue to support Barack Obama, for he is the most potent political stealth bomber and effective ‘brand’ that the corrupt, hypocritical U.S. political system has yet created and spawned to perpetuate and reinvent itself. This point need not be belabored since history will be the ultimate teacher in this regard. As Frederick Douglass so poignantly said: “Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them.” Moreover, it is important to be clear that there are those of us who see through the haze of subterfuge -- who have looked behind the curtain’ as it were.

History will show that Barack Obama brought legalized fascism to this nation, not only by his support for the so-called ‘Patriot Act’ and ‘Extraordinary Rendition,’ but also most tellingly by his signing into law the draconian and anti-Constitutional legislation known as the National Defense Authorization Act on New Year’s Eve, 2011, which provides for the indefinite detention and disappearance of U.S. citizens in this nation without charge, trial, or legal defense, etc. This is both despicable and utterly inexcusable. Its ramifications have, in essence, made the outrages of the infamous COINTELPRO program legal, and we are now in a legalized police-state in this nation.

What is important now is that we everyday people of all colors persevere and intensify in our efforts to resist and reverse the manipulated insanity of both the systemic symbiotically-joined Democrat and Republican parties. There are indeed those who are lethargic, others sleeping, but there are also those who have awakened and others who are beginning to awaken to the perils of our situation. For us, the stealth bomber is powerless - for we recognize its coming and see its presence.

DO NOT LOSE HEART. Struggle even harder! Keep in your mind and heart that “the power of the people is stronger than ‘the Man’s’ technology.” Despite the constant systemic subterfuge, we must persist in this long and protracted collective people’s struggle. Ultimately, the everyday people will prevail!

We’ve much work to do. Onward, then, my sisters and brothers. Onward! Editorial Board Member, Larry Pinkney, is a veteran of the Black Panther Party, the former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, a former political prisoner and the only American to have successfully self-authored his civil / political rights case to the United Nations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In connection with his political organizing activities in opposition to voter suppression, etc., Pinkney was interviewed in 1988 on the nationally televised PBS News Hour, formerly known as The MacNeil / Lehrer News Hour. For more about Larry Pinkney see the book, Saying No to Power: Autobiography of a 20th Century Activist and Thinker, by William Mandel [Introduction by Howard Zinn]. (Click here to read excerpts from the book.) Click here to contact Mr. Pinkney.

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Apr 12, 2012 - Issue 467
is published every Thursday
Est. April 5, 2002
Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA
Peter Gamble
BC Question: What will it take to bring Obama home?
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