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Feb 16, 2012 - Issue 459 |
A Divided Black
America Cannot Stand
There’s always a “greater good,” a noble goal worthy of putting aside those glitter n’ gleam personal gains...and I contest the rift, the split, the backyard brawl in which Travis Smiley, Dr Cornell West, Al Sharpton and Melissa Harris-Perry are in the middle - this argument over “Does Obama love Black folks?” “Is the reverend toting the water for a Black White House which ain’t Black enough for real Black people?” Are you kidding me? Right here, right now? In the middle of what history will depict as a “Kodak moment?” Will we retain a Black man in the Oval Office or replace him with a old White man who wants to do the bidding of...angry White people? With the bloodthirsty Rednecks coming over the walls, the creek rising...these self-appointed Black Grand Pooh-Pahs want to clear the furniture out of the living room, open the curtains, turn on the lights and invite all the White folks to gather ‘round and watch them argue all night long about who’s the “Blackest?” And here we all go, getting in-line behind our personal idea ideological mascot. I contest we all stand as “useful idiots” in the cold race war which rages in these so-called United States of America... Sadly, these Black notables mean well, but are in all actuality little-more than chocolate-coated pawns in a real-life game of cutthroat capitalistic Monopoly, lured there by whatever it may be which motivates them - be it fame, fortune, revenge, payback, personal acclaim or even the purist of desires...a blind, irrational philosophical quest for some textbook absolute truth and righteousness. Nonetheless, whatever it may be which has these hi-profile individuals at each other’s throats, any progress they attain is at the cost of the other, and slitting each-other’s throats undermines the best interest of Black America. You may not dig this, but dig this - in Malcolm’s words:
Divide and conquer. Pitting Black folks against Black folks...it’s the American way. Mr X. goes on:
Booker T. and Marcus Garvey pitted against WEB DuBois. Malcolm X and Dr King supposedly at odds. Huey P Newton, Bobby Seale and the Black Panthers against Ron Karenga and “US” against the SNCC and the NAACP against them all...what more historical evidence is required in order to illustrate that very little good comes out of internal Black ideological conflict? We end up doing the bidding of the John Birch Society, the KKK, the GOP or the TEA Party...all one and the same anyway, right? Yes, here we are attacking, undermining and discrediting each other...airing dirty laundry in public. We don’t need to go Blood/Crip on a political/intellectual level. At this critical moment in time, White America is preparing for an actual civil war. Off the charts gun n’ ammo sales may be the best barometer of the arsenal conservative-minded (racist / sexist / elitist) White folks are amassing, but merely the issue of good ole’ boys arming themselves is but one of a vast array of indicators. It’ll be Open Season on Black and Brown people...not bears. A large slice of White America wishes to remain as physically / geographically isolated from most Americans of Color as possible, and as insulated from the 2nd world environment in which most Black, Brown and Red Americans exist – surviving one-paycheck away from economic devastation, unable to afford top-flight medical care that is available at a cost equal to 30% to 50% of their take home pay. Home ownership, but a pipe dream based in large part on Black and Latino education attainment levels and resulting incomes, which pale in comparison to their White counterparts, and bank savings accounts are non-existent. The most numerous and profitable business in the “hood” are cash checking stands, firewater shacks on every other corner, hair salons and and corner churches, where pimps / preachers fleece the weak n’ wandering... I’m so tired of my people’s inability to put aside our petty differences and focus on the truth which slaps us all the face everyday - White America is oblivious to your fraternity, sorority or Alma Mater. They could really care less if you’re from the East Coast or West Coast, urban or suburban; what they see is a threat to their privilege, their inherent societal perks and status, their daughter’s virginity, their breadwinner job, their position as “supervisor.” Please, Please, Please wake up Negroes! For the sake of this, the Black American Empire - a crumbling, wobbly, rickety, ram-shackled empire .within an unstable, corrupt, empire - Black folks need to “Seize the time,” stop all this “who’s blacker than thee, blackest of them all, blacker-than-black” and get back on track. Black people, along with all America’s conquered, pimped, exploited and damn near deliberately exterminated quasi 2nd-tier citizens are left with little option but to present a united front come November, demonstrate some strategic solidarity - or we will suffer a set back of epic, Hollywood proportions. Either we hang together, or we will surely swing together. Angry White men will make a run at re-instituting much more then subtle racism / sexism and elitism, something slightly more sinister and diabolical then cutting a hole in FDR’s and LBJ’s social safety-net. No, instead they’re determined in their efforts to turn back the hands-of-time in regards to “progress,” and put us all back into our pre-1967 “commin’ around to the backdoor” places. It doesn’t take mind reading abilities to see the frustration, anger, contempt and uncontrollable hostility gripping the overwhelming majority of White folks. They see themselves answering to far too many Black folks, working with and for Black folks...and for millions of them, yes millions of them - this is the nightmare they’ve been fearing since 1620. Weigh and measure this fact: in South Africa, where Whites constitute roughly 5% of the population, they were content to enforce and maintain apartheid over 95% of the people, Black Africans and Mulattoes, by any neanderthal, barbaric means required. You don’t think their kinfolks, who make up over half the population, will not do whatever, and I do mean whatever, to maintain their strangle hold on the American Dream, on life, liberty and the pursuit of their happiness? Think the early 20th century Tulsa and Rosewood race riots. Call me a certifiable lunatic but I’d argue ’til the cows come home that Booker T, Garvey, Fanni Lou hammer, H. Rap Brown, Paul Robenson or Angela Davis all had in mind the betterment of Black folks. We may differ on the individual methods, but our collective goals are cut from the same cloth, the same Black leather jacket Huey n’ Bobby donned in 1966. WE WANT FREEDOM. WE WANT POWER TO DETERMINE THE DESTINY OF OUR BLACK AND OPPRESSED COMMUNITIES. WE WANT FULL EMPLOYMENT FOR OUR PEOPLE. WE WANT AN END TO THE ROBBERY BY THE CAPITALISTS OF OUR BLACK AND OPPRESSED COMMUNITIES. WE WANT DECENT HOUSING, FIT FOR THE SHELTER OF HUMAN BEINGS. WE WANT DECENT EDUCATION FOR OUR PEOPLE THAT EXPOSES THE TRUE NATURE OF THIS DECADENT AMERICAN SOCIETY. WE WANT EDUCATION THAT TEACHES US OUR TRUE HISTORY AND OUR ROLE IN THE PRESENT-DAY SOCIETY. Can’t we all agree ? The divisive activity in which these high falutin, high and mighty, big-shot Negroes are engaging, is detrimental to the stability and overall welfare of Black people, and it’s playing out at a time when Black America needs to abide by the age old adage - all for one, one for all. If the Right, i.e. rank and file Rednecks, the “Investor class” and the Aristocrats are successful in their united attack on Black Power, we’ll find ourselves being denied a hotel room while on the open highway, our children denied a meal when hungry, our elderly refused medical care...just because. Ron and Rand Paul’s popularity, Santorum’s and Newt’s popular appeal - their endless innuendos, slights and belittling they level at Black people – why, you ponder? In order to rally the legions of paranoid, half-mad White folks who are convinced the sky is falling because they see themselves losing their exclusive monopoly on influence, clout and absolute control within US society. Oh well. Remember Black people, TEAM – Together, Everybody Accomplishes More. BlackCommentator.com Columnist, Desi Cortez, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213, at age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the feet of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into a good, strong man, produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Click here to contact Desi. |
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