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Feb 1, 2012 - Issue 457 |
Driving Governor
There was a time in this country when, had OJ Simpson been found guilty of murdering his White ex-wife, despite White society branding her as a tarnished women, an i.e., Nigger Love, OJ would’ve been dragged out of his jail cell, castrated, and hanged at sunset. And I don’t believe that’s an exaggeration, hanged by - dig this - good, decent God fearin’ White folks. Yes e-n-t-i-r-e families would’ve turned out, laid down a table cloth, had themselves a picnic as they watched a Black person dangle from a tree... Strange Fruit ... 1938, that’s where this nation is rooted. Call it “All-American justice.” There was also a time when, if a Black man had gotten in the face of a White women, had the audacity to chastise her for what he believed to be hypocritical, duplicitous behavior, he would have been “put back in his proper place” by any, I say any White man in the vicinity. And might I suggest that’s the inherent reaction. Ahh, the “good ol’ days,” for which Newt, Rush, Savage and Hannity have long yearned. To be honest and accurate, OJ couldn’t have had a White women, the apartheid laws which governed the land would have forbid the improper relationship in the vast majority of US states. Have some tell it, times have changed ... Black President and all. Have times changed ... ? Once again, that’s where this nation’s head and soul use to be. Now noting this was the American landscape of desire and design, I surely was not shocked nor stunned to find out Arizona Governor Jane Brewer declared she felt - dig this – “threatened,” if you will.” Well no I won’t! Might this be is the same “threatened” Chief Darryl Gates 21 LAPD members felt when they attempted to play cop/judge/jury and Klansman with Rodney King’s life? Or perhaps she felt like one of the accusers in the infamous Scottsbourough Boys rape case of the mid 1930s down in the Land of Dixie - White women concocted tragically typical tales of Black men wanting them/taking them, and then were proved to be lying. And now the charge of “I was scared the savage would eat me...” The well thought out waving of her finger in the President’s face was trailer park sign language indicating “look! See how I treat this boy?” This whole snapshot reeks of the mindset gladly abiding by the recently published Ron n’ Rand Paul’s little angry White person’s guide: “That Black boy, the Mandingo Buck over there, the one about 50 years old, he looked at me, he looked at me in a way which made me feel uncomfortable ... I felt violated!” It’s a good thing this is not 1963 - there might be some good ol’ boys gathering in the Arizona town square, headed over to “Nigger-ville” to find the “uppity” Darkie who looked that White women up n’ down...because that appears to be this nation’s natural inclination - to demand the “rift-raft” n’ “misfits” adhere to the inferior lot to which they’ve been assigned by former “masters.” Ain’t that a bitch? See, the combo of history and today’s hostile racial climate solidifies, implies, that it ought to be specifically “Euro-Americans” who confess - yes, they have these deep-seeded and wide-spread racial superiority beliefs - rooted in what glaringly appears to be an obvious, massive inferiority complex that fuels an over-the-top demand to be praised and in power - whether this mighty status is legit or not. I’m sorry, but any group which has gone to the well documented gutter-low depths White folks in America have gone to, from “Don’t look me in the eye boy” ... to segregated cemeteries, Please! Are these not clear indicators of some more serious issues? A collective “cultural flaw” which seeks to impose this unspoken rule of White is right? Forget an hour or two on the couch for these small-minded people; they’d require a few years on a King-size water bed to unpeel that funky White onion.... Brewer was playing to the rank n’ file Rednecks, who’re as giddy as Harvest Festival queens to see someone put the President back in his 2nd class Mulatto place. And they hope Newt’s their Bull Conners. I’d advise Newt not to stick a finger in this president’s face. From the moment President Obama won the election, the “good ol’ boys” commenced with the “ Black Glove treatment,” the slighting and dismissive comments, labeling the President as an “Muslim,” which translates into “terrorist,” ( I speak Redneck-lish,) the references as a “man-child,” and as an illegal alien. The refusal to address Obama as “President,” the Joe Wilson - “you lie moment” when we saw, no, not the the presidency, but the man in the highest office in all the land deliberately treated with irreverence and impropriety, addressed in a manner never witnesses before in this country over the last almost quarter of a millennium. Google “TEA Party and Obama” if you want to get a glimpse of how your neighbors and co-workers demean the man and his wife; it’s extremely telling. There exist strategic, cohesive, yet impromptu tactical instructions floating around Grand Ol’ TEA Party (GOTP) circles which mandate that if you get the opportunity to “belittle” or insult this particular president or his wife, treat them in the manner this nation has historically treated Black leaders ... as if they were, yes, Niggers - just do it! And we all know how this nation sanctioned, authorized and endorsed Apartheid for decades, and only begrudgingly changed when they felt they had little other choice. Not because of any divine enlightenment, but because of growing global indictment. Can we be clear on this: if, as the Garden State Governor Christy suggests, this country could have waited until White America’s court of public opinion was ready, willing and able to look upon Black folks as humans. h-e-l-l, we’d still be waiting. The last 3 plus years illustrate that reality in stark Black n’ white. And make no mistake, after these 3 years, as my grandfather would say, White folks have “shown their asses” - therefore we’ll never go back to the pre-Obama era of this alleged color-blindness White folks claimed. No, we have, as Americans-of-color, seen far too much of those asses to ever believe that crap again. Think “In The Heat Of The Night” when the richest White man in the county slaps Sidney Poitier ... that’s what 75% of White America is praying they live to see Newt do to Barack Obama. I think they’ve conveniently forgotton how Sidney Poitier retaliated and slapped the pompous ass right back in his face before you could mutter “Archie Bunker.” I assure you, President Obama has seen the movie too. BlackCommentator.com Columnist, Desi Cortez, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213, at age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the feet of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into a good, strong man, produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Click here to contact Desi. |
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