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Jan 19, 2012 - Issue 455 |
Black Bird-Men
Black Bird-men... That was the term-of-respect the flying Nazi’s used to describe the Tuskegee Airman’s skills and dogged tenacity. Those who respected them, wished to imitate and emulate them called them, Colored Flyers while far too many of their military peers, US politicians and American Citizens of that era referred to them as merely...Flyin’ Niggers. Niggers, That’s the term-of-resentment, if not mole-blind hatred this nation openly applied to the Black aviators of that time, regardless of their service to, dig this...“their country.” Need I mention, Nigger was the word used to describe “Buffalo Soldiers,” the US Calverymen of the US Western frontier by the noble American Indians, based not only their “woolly hair,” like the great Buffalo, but they fought to the death with valor, as the mighty Buffalo did. See, I’ve always contended this Black patriotism is one of the more interesting aspects within the tragic tale of Black folks in this country. Like all other immigrants to America, despite being the only forced-at-gunpoint immigrants, we’ve understood the so-called principles this nation claims to be built-upon - liberty, freedom and equality - all three critical elements of the American Dream which Blacks were denied are inherent, god-given expectations. We, as Black people, have seemingly always understood and bought-into the big picture of “what” America professed and aspired to be. So much so, we fought for it despite being denied it. Nevertheless, we struggled with then what we still struggle with today” How does my country feel about me ...and how do I feel about my country...? Ain’t that a bitch? Now, granted, the army has always represented “three-meals and a cot,” the opportunity to escape, travel, see the country/world, get out of Buggtussell n’ Hotterville, more structural fairness then the private sector; nonetheless, we when put on that uniform...we took names and whipped ass. Black soldiers saved these fly-boy bombers in WWII, saved Teddy Roosevelt’s ass, and the asses of his famous Rough-Riders at San Juan Hill, and saved the asses of many a settler/pioneer who was coming West...at the expense of the proud and noble American natives. Nonetheless that’s another convoluted story for another time... Red Tails, the George Lucas big-budget Hollywood story of the Tuskegee Airman is a complicated one worthy of discussion and dissection in a university classroom; the story that it is, of an America where apartheid was the law-of-the-land and able-bodied Afro-American men/women were forbidden from serving alongside whites, alas defending a nation Blacks built, with their own blood, sweat n’ tears over a period of 300 years...talk about contradictions! Who’d have been shocked if Black Americans refused to defend a nation which still in 1941 regarded them as a step-above cattle? The setting, the time period of the movie itself is but one story: the thought of these men, their patriotic attitude of wanting to defend a country which still in 1941 deemed them semi/quasi human, and would go on to treat Nazi POWS (Prisoners of War) better then they treated Black soldiers risking their lives over the skies of Berlin is astounding and ought be applauded by those folks who today refer to themselves as “real Americans.” The TEA Party folks, for instance, ought be at the opening day, January 20th, cheering these brave men, giving them a standing ovation...considering the circumstances in which they stepped-up. I take that back; this tale drags in enough of the hideous essentials of the American Story - it ought to be discussed in high schools, if not middle schools, in order to define the climate and environment which ruled the land. Next you’ve got the by now well-published George Lucas charge; Hollywood, land of the alleged “Good White People,” the cool, hip n’ colorful down with the everyday American-of-Color White folks, those highly touted enlightened liberals of “La-La Land” who, according to Lucas - blatantly refused to make “Red Tails” because it lacked a White Super Hero to appeal to not just White movie-goers across America, but the world. Translation: his revealing of what we all already knew...shouts of the denial still deeply woven into the privileged psyche of everyday White folks, be they Liberal or Redneck - this refusal to admit to the horrors of the 20th century, Jim Crow, Separate and Unequal and government sanctioned and enforced “Apartheid” as an American Way Of Life... that most White Americans supported either via their open endorsement of racism or their deliberate and strategic silence which embolden and enabled the atrocities to continue for decades. And on a deeper “please lay down on the couch” level, I’m stunned by the insecurities which must be deeply seeded within White American Culture, this notion, and that’s all it is, that they must always be the “good guy” in all stories, as well as this arrogance which seems to believe that people from all around the world can only relate to... White people in movies. The only interesting, compelling, entertaining stories which can be told center on and cater to White people. So for Red Tails to work, think Tim Tebow in a P-51 Mustang... Can it be true Asians, Latinos, even Africans can only see the world through the eyes of a White person? No, Hell no! This was the behind-the-big-studio door’s unofficial yet “official” opinion held by a so-called commie/pinko bastion of alleged... “Nigger lovers.” Good God, if this is how Black America’s friends treat us, if these are our allies and comrades in the cold civil war still being waged in America...do we honestly need any enemies? And let’s not pretend nor be shocked by this; the entertainment industry’s racism, sexism and exclusion of people-of-color in the industry has been well documented. Liberals appear to be troubled and conflicted when it comes to depicting Black folks as just about anything but co-staring, mindless mandingos or angry Black sapphires. Not to be left out, we’re about to discover if this new Hollywood production, created by a man, Lucas, who is deemed a master, who has unquestionably created silver screen masterpieces, will be able to entice and entertain White folks? Will White guys take their dates, their kids to see an action-packed movie, with all the hi-tech bells n’ whistles Lucas is noted for - where a White guy is not the alpha-male teaching, enlightening and saving Black folks. The subject matter is not about Ghetto-life, which according to white writers is the only life experienced by Blacks - the tales of pimps, hookers, hoes, thugs and gangsters... See that’s the “supremely superior” holier-then-thou role apparently millions upon millions of White folks prefer to see themselves in, and this exclusionary mentality is one of the reasons behind Blacks not being depicted in movies as able-bodied, intelligent, honorable people with the ability to fly fighter-planes, hold political office, be crowned Miss America or Quarterback the New York Giants, in order to mask, pacify and placate these types of frailties and insecurities. The jury is out on whether Red Tails will attract Black movie goers the way anything as popular n’ profitable as Ice Cube Friday’s productions do, or as a Tyler Perry flick does. Which means, sadly, tragically there’s the question if Black folks will be interested in the movie, will we spend moo-lah to go see it. It won’t be Atlanta Housewives nor NBA Wives come to the big screen. Will we, as Black Americans have the interest, the intellectual curiosity, the “knowledge of yesteryear,” to want to be entertained and enlightened by a movie not based on “gettin’ rich or dying tryin’? How deeply have we been brainwashed by the film making industry to ignore “good movies” but line up to see “Black exploitation” movies? I’ll be there on opening day, because I believe, wholeheartedly, these men are role models heroes. BlackCommentator.com Columnist, Desi Cortez, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213, at age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the feet of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into a good, strong man, produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Click here to contact Desi. |
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