Click here to go to the Home Page America...Love It or Leave It...? OK - Sharp n’ Blunt - By Desi Cortez - Columnist

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As this nation’s first Black President pontificates from the highest podium in all-the-world, issuing, not idle threats - but rather swear-on-my-momma’s grave type promises to not permit Iraq to light their Nuclear candle, while at the same time he’s tellin’ the Chinese to “grow up,” one can only ponder if this president is writing checks Uncle Sam’s ass can’t cover.

BC Question: What will it take to bring Obama home?To fight this new, bigger war...the military draft will have to be brought back; a pure volunteer army can’t do it. And according to virtually all military minds, since Iraq has an Air Force/Army and Navy, GI Joes will have to “put boots” on the sand - .and in this new age, this means women should be drafted.

Are you ready to sacrifice your “baby-girl” to maintain stability in a destabilized and chaotic Middle East? Are you sending your 18-year-old son over to the Arabian desert?

Sacrificing them for who n’ what...?

Here, let’s not make this more complicated then it already is; Ain’t No Iranian called me Nigger! And add to that, ain’t no Chinese man or Russian called me Nigger.

Now, on the other Black-hand side, most Black folks can’t count the Rednecks and good ol’ boys who’ve attempted to treat them, in some form, fashion or manner like a Nigger: cops, doctors, tow-truck drivers, bankers, neighbors, lawyers, cab drivers, politicians, janitors, you name it.

We can see a popular political movement across the land today, striving to undo what gains we’ve struggled for.

You riddle me this...why would any Black American be itching to go abroad to defend a country which regards him or her as a Cancer? Every day, Black Americans wonder how their country feels about them, which leaves them to ponder how they feel about their country.

Let me help you stop pondering bro’. Most mainstream Americans neither like you nor respect you as another human being.

How could Black folks be gung-ho about helping Wall Street expand their labor pool/marketplace? Because, after all, is that not honestly what American military might is being used for? Isn’t that the fate of the thousands of American soldiers who’ve lost their lives and limbs in Iraq and Afghanistan? They’ve been pimped, utilized and exploited not only in the name of the fuel of yesteryear - Black Gold, Texas Tea - but of one of the fuels of the future, Lithium.

Let it be known it’s no secret this nation’s investor class, that top-10% tier, which is almost exclusively populated by White folks, has abandoned and betrayed working class Americans, be they from the burbs, the city or the farm, by deliberately exporting “bread winner” jobs to the four corners of the globe where they can pay peasants in peanuts and pocket the ridiculous profits.

America, circa 2011, is Ronald “666” Ray-Gun’s Trickle Down Theory in action.

If these are the stone-cold facts, and they are, it would be ridiculous for Black Americans to be willing, wanting to go out and wage war in a misguided effort to defend liberty and democracy. That’s not what they’d be doing, and that’s not the ideology they’d be representing/killing on behalf of. I don’t know about you, but I just don’t see the sense nor the legitimacy in Black folks dying to defend a nation that still regards Black folks, on a whole/as a whole - as “the problem,” the enemy.

I understand our historical yearning to want to prove our manhood and loyalty by defending a nation that went from treating us like half-humans to 4th class citizens - but it’s a new day - one where these so-called “real” Americans, have solidified their image and reputation as an overwhelmingly racist, sexist and elitist slice of the American Pie. The current “White backlash” leaves no question about how most, not all, but most White folks feel about Black folks.

They hate us.

Be you an Ivy League enlightened Constitutional Law professor or a Iraq War veteran, a cop, a doctor, teacher, whatever, if you don’t think like Herman Cain... you’re not one of the few good ones.

The TEA Party saying is, behind closed doors in gated-communities... “the only good nigger is a dead nigger.” Cain’s mind, heart and spirit are dead, he’s sold-out to the forces of evil...for favor, personal profit, for dead presidents. He’s an “useful idiot’ for those who want to put Black folks back in our 1947 place.

I voted-for and donated money to the Obama campaign in ’08, and I’ll do the same in ’12. Nevertheless, I don’t support an Obama effort to police the world, and to do it with this nation’s “undesirables” - Black and Brown young folks, regarded as expendable.

My son is 23, married, 1 beautiful munchkin. There’s no way, this side of Hell, I’m going to sit back and allow him to be placed in harm’s way...and have me do nothing about it. I’ll do whatever it takes to get him out of this country, and I say that with pride and purpose because I realize his death would not change a goddamn thing.

My Great grandfather was a Black Doughboy, sent to France in WWI, my grandfather built war-ships for the Navy in San Fran’ during WWII, and my father was a Army MP, stationed in Alabama in 1960 - he fought Rednecks. They all came back home to a country which regarded them as...Niggers.

My generation was spared having to defend a country which seems to despise us - but my son and his generational peers seem destined to have to defend a nation which is addicted to power and control on a global scale. Yet, like my forefathers, my son will come home, if lucky, to a nation which still regards him as a Nigger - a nation where the political representatives are articulating the desires of those on the “Right” to return to a simpler day in America whene society was racially segregated and opportunity was unequally distributed.

No, let the TEA Baggers send their kids, let all the angry White guys who’ve fueled the national spike in gun n’ ammo sales (The Niggers are coming, the Niggers are coming!) to go and defend “their country.”

I mean after all, isn’t that what we hear all the time? The real Americans want to take back their country. Well cool, then go risk you n’ yours to save “your country,” and expand “your empire.” Columnist, Desi Cortez, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213, at age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the feet of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into a good, strong man, produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Click here to contact Desi.

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Dec 1, 2011 - Issue 450
is published every Thursday
Est. April 5, 2002
Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA
Peter Gamble
BC Question: What will it take to bring Obama home?
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