the good news: The latest New York Times/CBS News found
that most people are familiar with the American Jobs Act,
President Obama’s $447 billion proposal to create jobs.
According to the Times, “Almost half of the public is confident
the plan would create jobs and improve the economy. A substantial
majority of Americans support the main proposals aimed at
creating jobs, including tax cuts for small businesses,
improvements in the nation’s infrastructure and payroll
tax cuts for working Americans.”
most people “strongly support his position that creating
jobs should be a higher priority than cutting spending.”
more good news: Citing what it called one of “a few promising
signs for Mr. Obama,” Times/CBS poll indicates, “Americans
strongly support his position that creating jobs should
be a higher priority than cutting spending. Democrats and
independents agree on that view, while Republicans do not.
And across party lines, Americans support his position that
a deficit-reduction plan should include a mix of tax increases
and spending cuts.” Polling also indicates that most liberals
and independents support compelling the very wealthy to
start paying their “fair share” of taxes, meaning their
rate should be the same or higher than that of working people.
A recent CBS/New York Times survey had 63 percent of respondents
favoring increasing taxes on households earning more than
$250,000 a year.
should be enough. President Obama is proposing something
that most people want, and think will do some good, amid
the current economic crisis. Congress should heed his injunction
to pass the measure right away with little alteration or
amendment. It’s the democratic will, you say?
except there a problem. The same poll found skepticism that
the President’s handling of the economy is effective and
75 percent of those questioned have serious doubts Congress
will step up to the plate. While most aren’t encouraged
by Obama’s economic measures thus far they have pretty much
given up on Congress altogether. Less than one in five
looks with favor on the Republicans on the matter.
and all, under the circumstance one might think the President
would have the wind at his back and would be able to get
something enacted that would at least begin to tackle the
unemployment crisis.
Balance Sheet, the daily commentary from The American Prospect
magazine, said of the President’s $3 trillion deficit-reduction
plan that “instead of just slashing spending, this time
he's doing it the progressive way.”
of the proposal's signature initiatives is the "Buffett
Rule," which would raise taxes on Americans making
over $1 million,” it went on, “The White House will also
propose closing tax loopholes for corporations, and paring
back tax deductions for all Americans. Overall, the plan
would raise taxes by $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years.
But there are more progressive goodies in the bag: Obama
was expected to raise the Medicare retirement age from 65
to 67. Instead, he is expected to propose cuts to Medicare
providers - not beneficiaries. To top it off, Obama has
threatened to veto a plan that consists only of entitlement
cuts without new taxes.
is good politics and policy. On the policy front, tax increases
on the wealthy will help to roll back one of the major causes
of our deficit problem: the Bush Tax Cuts. Politically,
the plan will put Republicans in the position of either
working with the president or, more likely, trying to argue
that cutting Medicare benefits rather than taxing millionaires
is the best way to reduce the deficit.”
American political discussion has finally turned to the
right target: jobs,” wrote columnist Charles Blow in the
Times September 17. “Even so, the president’s jobs bill
is already being nickeled and dimed from the right - and
the left - even though it is only throwing nickels and dimes
at the problem to begin with. But at least it’s a start,
even if a long-overdue one.”
the right-wingers aren’t just snipping at the President’s
proposal; they are pretty much flat out against it. They
oppose anything Obama proposes. It’s hard for some people
to accept (who wants to be cynical) but they don’t want
the economy to improve before next year’s Presidential election.
That’s why they keep talking about things off in the future
that evade the current situation. Or, they use the moment
of economic insecurity as an excuse to press forward their
pet projects: lessening health, safety and environmental
standards, continuing to let the very wealthy off the hook
tax wise and undermining such things as Social Security,
Medicare and Medicaid.
York Times former editor Bill Keller was heard from this
week complaining that liberals are subjecting the President
to “a lot of carping.” “Obama’s deal to continue the Bush
tax cuts, his surrender of a public option on health care,
his refusal to call the Republicans’ bluff on the debt ceiling
rather than swallow budget cuts - these and other compromises
amount, in the eyes of the Democratic left, to crimes of
appeasement,” he wrote. That’s just overstating the case.
Besides, Obama didn’t have to cave on the public option
and if he hadn’t, things would be quite different today.
But Keller is right about one thing with regards to the
liberals and the left: the President “needs their energy
if he is to keep his office and have any allies left in
Obama’s emphasis on jobs, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka
Monday called on Congress to, “immediately pass the President’s
proposal for job-creating investments, to ask the wealthy
to start paying their fair share, to focus on the true causes
of our long-term deficits, to reject any cuts to Medicaid
or Social Security or Medicare benefits, and to stop scapegoating
federal and postal employees and retirees for problems they
did not cause.” On Monday, the labor organization said,
“Thanks to President Obama, our national conversation is
moving in the right direction. With the release of the American
Jobs Act—and today’s speech - he has come forward with important
steps to start addressing our jobs crisis. Now, it’s our
job to demand action.” From what I’ve seen and what I’ve
heard from fellow leftists, that pretty much describes the
reaction to the President’s jobs and deficit taming proposals
from the left side of the parliamentary aisle.
are gratified that the President is returning America’s
focus to job creation and a fair tax rate for millionaires,”
said Nancy Altman, co-chair of the Strengthen Social Security
Campaign, over the weekend. “We thank the President for
leaving alone Social Security, a program that, by law, cannot
add to the deficit and so has no place in deficit discussions.
We also thank the president for recognizing that raising
Medicare’s age of eligibility from 65 to 67 simply shifts
costs to the nation’s seniors who have not caused the deficit.
We hope that any final plan would include zero reductions
in Medicare benefits now or in the future.”
today’s deficit-reduction plan the President is aligning
himself with the American people,” said Eric Kingson, co-director
of Social Security Works. “The President, like Americans
all across the country, wants to restore economic security
for America’s families by getting people back to work.
He has shown that he is listening to the people on Social
Security and the Medicare eligibility age.”
cue, as soon as the President unveiled his deficit reduction
and tax plan, the rightwing voices began to scream in unison
about supposed, “class warfare. Somehow, in their minds,
telling the needy, the handicapped and the retired to make
do with less in the way of Social Security, Medicare and
Welfare unfairly targets no one, while taxing the very well
to do is “Class Warfare.”
President has apparently done one thing that will firm up
support at his “base”: He’s stopped making threats to curtail
Medicare. Hopefully, he’s put a stop to Republicans running
around quoting him to the effect that it and Social Security
are the biggest drivers of the federal deficit. That honor
goes to the Bush tax cuts, most of the various wars in which
the country is involved, and healthcare costs. New York
Times Columnist Charles Blow reported last week that a recent
Rand Corporation study found that “between 1999 and 2009,
total spending on health care in the United States nearly
doubled, from $1.3 trillion to $2.5 trillion. During the
same period, the percentage of the nation’s gross domestic
product devoted to health care climbed from 13.8 percent
to 17.6 percent. Per person health care spending grew from
$4,600 to just over $8,000 annually.” That’s not the result
of Medicare; it’s a reflection of avarice on the part of
the medical and hospital industries (surpassing the costs
in all other industrialized countries). It will not be brought
under control by limiting seniors’ access to Medicare.
now? “President Obama’s new jobs plan is a step in the
right direction, while some board members of the Federal
Reserve and the Bank of England — though not, sad to say,
the European Central Bank — have been calling for much more
growth-oriented policies,” economist Paul Krugman wrote
Monday. “What we really need, however, is to convince a
substantial number of people with political power or influence
that they’ve spent the last year and a half going in exactly
the wrong direction, and that they need to make a U-turn.
not going to be easy. But until that U-turn happens, the
bleeding — which is making our economy weaker now, and undermining
its future at the same time — will continue.”
course, it ain’t over ‘till it’s over. But I go along with
Fire Dog Lake’s view:
social safety net is off the chopping block for now.” And
that’s real good. And, the bulk of the credit is due to
the “tireless efforts” of political activists, and everyday
people in defense of the social safety net…”
and advocacy work.
pledge warned politicians from the beginning that they couldn't
cut benefits and expect to survive politically,” says FDL.
“The Wall Street-owned, austerity-crazed Congress will still
try to push for benefit cuts, but it will be much more difficult
to accomplish without the President out in front supporting
![](../subscriptions/images/I_am_a_subscriber_over.gif) Editorial Board member
Carl Bloice is a writer in San Francisco, a member of the National Coordinating Committee of
the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism and formerly worked for
a healthcare union. Click here to contact Mr. Bloice.