of the most insidious historical myths perpetuated by
so-called ‘educational’ institutions and the corporate-stream
media is that the United States was founded
upon the holistic principles of ‘democracy’ and ‘justice
for all.’
when has ‘democracy’ and ‘justice for all’ meant the genocide
of the Indigenous Native peoples, the enslavement of Black
people, and the systemic disenfranchisement of women and
the poor?!
are those who will smugly argue that these above-mentioned
realities were all ‘in the past,’ despite the fact that
the past continues to be the very foundation for
the present; especially since the realities of that past
are wrapped in historical mythology, glorification, glossed
over and/or outright ignored. Until that “past” is honestly
and forthrightly addressed, this nation continues to be
the world’s most insipid hypocrite both at home and abroad.
daily experiences of everyday Black, White, Brown, Red,
and Yellow people in the United
States attest to the hypocrisy of
this society and nation. We are enslaved by, and labor
under, what the noted author, revolutionary, and psychiatrist,
Frantz Fanon, referred to as “cognitive dissonance.” In
this context, the mere color or gender of those in power
is absolutely irrelevant, and the systemic horror and
hypocrisy continues unabated.
notion, for example, that there are no political prisoners
in the United States is
inaccurate and absurd. There are numerous political
prisoners and/or prisoners of conscience held in the sadistic
and brutal 21st century U.S. prison gulag
system. Many of them have been imprisoned for decades
as a direct result of the U.S. Government’s war of counterinsurgency
against its own citizens. Even as the corporate elite
of this nation have overwhelmingly gutted the economic-industrial
base in the United States, the prison industry (and it is
an industry) has grown, and is growing, by leaps
and bounds. Many millions of economically poor people
in this nation are incarcerated, even as the avaricious
and criminal corporate elite bask in trillions of stolen
dollars, given to them by their surrogate, corporate controlled,
U.S. Government.
many ways, the counterinsurgency by the U.S. corporate-government
against the people of this nation has actually been tweaked
and intensified. For example, many components of the U.S.
Government’s outrageous, and then illegal and devastating
program (known by its acronym COINTELPRO - the
Counter Intelligence Program) to “frame, neutralize, imprison,
and/or murder” political activists (and their families
and friends) have now been codified into law,
as embodied in what is now known as the so-called
“Patriot Act.”
American Heritage college dictionary defines the word
counterinsurgency as a: “Political and military
strategy or action intended to oppose or forcefully
suppress insurgency.” The word insurgency
is defined by the afore-mentioned dictionary as: “The
quality or circumstance of being rebellious.” Thus,
COINTELPRO and the Patriot Act have, in effect, criminalized
rebelliousness. Our alleged U.S. Constitutional rights
be damned.
is not a new phenomenon, as all who know of the government’s
COINTELPRO program are aware. However, it is in this 21st
century a most dangerous and treacherous development with
everyday people in this nation as the unsuspecting targets.
To better understand the U.S. governments’ history of suppressing rebellion,
right up to the present, I strongly recommend that every
reader of this column (and beyond) obtain and view
the documentary film titled, COINTELPRO
perpetual wars (and military forays) abroad being waged
by the U.S. Empire and its ‘allies,’ the increasing economic
austerity at home, and the de facto gutting of the U.S.
Constitution do not make the people of this nation
or of Mother Earth as a whole any safer. To the contrary,
accepting these things is an unfolding and sure recipe
for disaster.

is our human duty to rebel against systemic injustices
at home and abroad, even as we educate ourselves and
one another, about and in, this ongoing everyday
people’s struggle. In the words of Frederick Douglass,
“There is no progress without struggle.”
be sure, serious political struggle has its risks, but
shirking said struggle guarantees the tightening of our
mental and political chains. The words of Joe Hill still
ring true, loud and clear: “Don’t mourn. Oraganize!” Moreover,
Fred Hampton was correct when he said, “You can
jail a revolutionary, but you can’t jail the revolution.”
then my sisters and brothers! Onward! Editorial Board Member, Larry Pinkney,
is a veteran of the Black Panther Party, the former Minister
of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, a former political
prisoner and the only American to have successfully self-authored
his civil / political rights case to the United Nations
under the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights. In connection with his political organizing activities
in opposition to voter suppression, etc., Pinkney was
interviewed in 1988 on the nationally televised PBS News
Hour, formerly known as The MacNeil / Lehrer
News Hour. For more about Larry Pinkney see the book,
Saying No to Power: Autobiography of a 20th Century Activist and
by William Mandel [Introduction by Howard Zinn]. (Click
to read excerpts from the book.) Click here to contact Mr. Pinkney.