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July 14, 2011 - Issue 435 |
Michele Bachmann:
A Fool Or A Racist . . .
Note: BC is pleased to welcome Desi Cortez as a columnist. “Sharp n' Blunt” will appear on a regular basis. Michelle Bachmann , the Republican Tea Party’s front-running candidate for the Oval Office in 2012 is one of those White women . . . who would’ve testified against the Scottsboro Boys “yes, those Niggers all took turns and brutalized me. . . . Or I believe she could’ve testified against Emmett Till - “and then that Nigger-boy stared at me , and it was as if he was undressing me ! Rapin’ me with his eyes . . . I felt violated and I want that animal to pay!!” Bachmann signed-on to some highly-offensive “We hate everybody” pledge/decree produced by an Iowa conservative christian group, The Family Leader; “Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA's first African-American President.” I’m sorry, but once you let the Klans-women “out-of-the-box . . . “you can’t put her back-in it. Ain’t that a . . . for this, a women aspiring for the highest office in all the land - to have both the audacity and stupidity to support such a derogatory statement? And her now-on-the-table half-ass retraction, was predictably . . . half-ass. "After careful deliberation and wise insight and input from valued colleagues we deeply respect, we agree that the statement referencing children born into slavery can be misconstrued, and such misconstruction can detract from the core message of the Marriage Vow: that ALL of us must work to strengthen and support families and marriages between one woman and one man, To be both sharp and blunt; I believed this political pump-wearing lady-pimp to merely be a nut initially, some Tammy Faye Baker gold-digging con-women draping herself in the good-book and ole Glory for a few hundred-thousand dollars. A fanatical baby-Yesus lovin’ crackpot who’d figured out a way to exploit the system . . . over two-dozen foster kids? C’mon that's not the old lady in the shoe fairly tale come-to-life - that’s a hustler baby. Have you heard, her slickster husband, can, check this out . . . pray-away the gay in homosexuals, who he refers to as “barbarians.” But that’s another cocktail conversation . . . So yeah, I thought Bachmann was full of it. Then this women started-up with the “founding-fathers worked to end slavery “ and you realize she doesn't know the words to the The Story Of America song she’s singing - she’s lip-syncing. Obviously she failed American History 101, and clearly Bachmann is non-empathetic and unsympathetic to the against all odds plight of Afro-Americans. And now we’ve Bachmann putting her signature to a document which professes the 1844 slave family was, in essence better-off during slavery then we’re today living under a Black regime in the White house as if President Obama is the architect who designed and orchestrated-over this nation since the “War of Northern Aggression” . . .correct Ms.Bachmann? Let’s note, this is a observation, which if it were true says more about Mainstream USA, then about an oppressed people.surviving, many thriving in a openly hostile country still feeling the effect of centuries of American Apartheid. It’s always a kick-in-the-crotch to hear these Tea Bagging, card-carrying members of what can only truthfully be described as the 4th Richt, who exhibit this type of “selective amnesia.” Additionally, how can a women like Bachmann make-believe she can’t see all her fellow angry White folks and their contempt, disdain and scorn for Black folks, as well as all Americans-of-Color? Now granted, most Euro-Americans still today use there four-fathers argument - they tend to pretend Blacks were better-off here, in chains . . . then back-in deepest, darkest Africa. So this ignorance is voluntary if not deliberate, born out of an total indifference to who n’ what millions . . . and millions of White folks regard as inferior people. That’s why the WASP establishment and the rank n’ file Redneck base were able to wage some manner of genocide against Blacks, American Natives, Mexicans and Asians . . . All Americans-of-Color up until . . . right here n’ now. When I’m lying . . . stop me, please. America, a land stolen from Red and Brown people, where-upon the empire’s foundation, it’s cornerstones were built with the blood, sweat n’ tears of Black souls. Look, don’t try to tell me that’s not the burning bush truth. I mean, honestly, don’t piss down my back n’ then inform me it’s raining . . . . Bachmann’s agreement with this horrific false depiction of the sad state of the Black Family simply reiterates and underlines the fact she does not know a damn thing about American history nor our current status. She is, for all-intense purposes . . . a useful tool, a fool, willingly putting herself on the political street corner for American aristocrats like the brothers Koch. Can you say dumb-ass political prostitute? I can, see. I’d venture to say Bachmann has no idea that the slave family was actually the human remnants of who’s left after the father was sold to a man in Alabama, mother to a man in Kentucky and sister and brother both sent separate, different ways. Does she grasp the complexity of a forced blended Brady Bunch family of made up of survivors who’ve gone through a blender? And when Bachmann agrees with a statement like this, does she any legit understanding of the emotional and mental stability? The actual physical condition of that family? Did she consider “massa” comes down to the slave cabins 3 or 4 ni\ghts a week . . . to take a women, be she 12 or 34 for his sexual entertainment . . . Ms. Bachmann I’m sure didn’t weigh n’ measure that harsh reality before she concurred with such a unrealistic statement. The beatings, killings, amputations; the psychological hell individuals went through, generation after generation - which left embedded wounds which still till today impact Black Americans, no? These are documented historical facts my friend. You’d better go get an umbrella, a big ol’ beach umbrella . . . because it’s raining hard-ass cold facts up-in-here. Yes, there’s something Vulcan-like, ice cold and diabolically evil/wicked witch of the South about a “Conservative” White women damning the battered and abused institution of the Black family . . . for a buck - after what this nation did for 3 centuries to undermine and erase any sense of family Black folks could hang onto. You may not dig this, but dig this . . . . Come with me if you will . . . to yesteryear, circa say 1857. Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana anywhere, anyplace below the Mason Dixon Line . . . Envision, in HD Technicolor and surround-a-sound, on a 78 inch screen in your little head . . . all the human property, all the slaves made to gather in the courtyard behind the big-house where Master Jenkins has “Roebuck” tied to a tree. Roebuck, a slave, has ran away again, his 5th attempt at freedom. To send a direct and deliberate message to all of his 68 slaves, Master Jenkins is going to forgo the typical 50 lashes with the bull-whip. (A drastic Nigger demands drastic action . . .) so in the courtyard also strung up to a big old Oak tree is “Lottie, “ Roebucks wife/mate, or at least the women Jenkin’s purchased from Georgia with the thought she’d “make big Black bucks’ if paired with - big Black Mandingo Bucks like Roebuck. Lottie is about 8 months pregnant, about ready to “pop.” All the slaves are there, and the indentured Irish and Italian servants, but these Europeans well understand what they’re about to witness is a fate only reserved for human property, not fully humans like themselves. Jenkins explains that the runaways must cease, and that he’s left with no other option then to “send a message” and make an example of Roebuck. Jenkins pulls out a large Bowie Knife he got from his Injune fightin’ brother out west in Texas battling the red savages, he approaches Lottie, who’s screaming by now, and with one swift move Jenkins splits her stomach open, and her unborn-baby falls to the dirt, begins to cry, nevertheless master Jenkins stomps on the infants head and torso until she, a baby girl stops moving . . . as has Lottie. Straight out of Willie Lynch's widely read ‘instruction manual.” The thought is no other man will run away for awhile. Scared straight. Imagine the scare those events left on people! See, that’s the type of slavery an hardly educated mainstream USA can grasp. That’s the horrific history this nation’s Caucasian population don’t know a damn thing about . . . and don’t choose to know anything about. And it was done to people not seen as fully human, and that dismissive perception is alive n’ well within Bachmann and Herman Cain’s Republican Tea Party. Those “Real Americans” walking around mis-quoting their founding-fathers and brandishing the Confederate Stars n’ Bars of treasonous Southern Benedict Arnold's who rose-up, picked-up arms in-order to maintain the South’s peculiar institution of slavery. And allegedly it all happened so, so very-long-ago it doesn’t matter. Almost all of White America would love for Back folks to forget about the day-to-day- existence of our ancestors, but however we should remember the life-stories of the slave holding-founding fathers. . . . America, 2011, it’s a backward n’ twisted scene my friend, twisted inside-out and all-around. BlackCommentator.com Columnist Desi Cortez was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213, at age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rocky's, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the feet of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction . . . if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into a good, strong man, produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate . . . aired my mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Click here to contact Desi. |
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