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June 16, 2011 - Issue 431 |
The most insidious and exploitative political and economic pimps of everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people are those motivated by personal ambition that is devoid of principles. These metaphorical vultures, masquerading as human beings, come in both genders and in all colors and ethnicities. They are, in fact, the bane of humanity in this nation and around the world, and they couch their rhetoric in fake altruism as they perpetually target the minds of the masses of everyday people and perpetrate lies, distortions, and confusion against them. Among these perpetrators are biologically black [i.e. Negrodian] misleaders and their white counterparts in this nation, whose task it is to ensure that no real, fundamental, or genuine systemic change comes to fruition. They are the systemic gate-keepers who, for example, bemoan racism while simultaneously supporting a political system whose very roots are inextricably steeped in racism and economic exploitation. These are the ones who speak of "hope and change" even as they urge everyday people to support the very systemic "leaders" who are the antithesis of actualized "hope" and real "change." These are the pimping perpetrators: the 21st century poverty pimps and the de facto purveyors of political repression at home and perpetual wars abroad. Their phony rhetoric notwithstanding, these are the ones who perceive that their vested interests and personal ambitions are in maintaining this political system, not in seriously and fundamentally changing it to serve the political, economic, and social needs of just plain, ordinary, everyday people. These systemic gate-keepers are the ones who decry violence even as they support the very system that perpetuates the cycle of the violence of corporate hegemony, poverty, joblessness, police brutality and murders, mass incarceration, corporate-government subterfuge and hypocrisy at home - in addition to the environmental degradation of our Mother Earth - coupled with the largest and most devastating form of "terrorism" on this planet, i.e. war. Make no mistake about it, these are the pimping perpetrators of this nation and world, and we must recognize them for who and what they really are. They are accomodationists and traitors to humanity. Words
and phrases such as "democracy" and so-called "civil
rights" are utterly meaningless in this nation and abroad
without first acquiring political and economic human rights
for everyday people of all colors. The Ironically, even Thomas Jefferson, the author of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, put forth three ideas worth giving serious critical thought. He said: 1) "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither." 2) "Every generation needs a new revolution." and 3) "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." Notwithstanding
Jefferson's egregious omissions of the odious practice of Black slavery
in the Nonetheless,
the reality is that the It is time to think outside the box with a vision of and for a fundamentally different society, nation, and world. It is time to dispense with the corporate institutional and media narrative of our collective histories. We, the people, are not commodities and we must refuse to be the pawns of this "military industrial complex" [i.e. the corporate/military elite]. It is time to build many third political parties--separate and apart from the bloodsucking corporate Democrat and Republican parties. Ours must be the actualized faith of the revolutionary and the vision of the farmer who toils and plants his or her crops with the sure knowledge that, ultimately, they will grow. This is not about merely installing a different President, Congressperson, or some other politician in this corporate political system. This is about real systemic change and it's about consciously exercising and actualizing a radically [fundamentally] different mind-set. Systemic corporate election cycles will come and they will go, but until we become (metaphorically-speaking) revolutionary farmers with a vision of and for a different and better crop, this madness will continue. We are the guardians of Mother Earth; she does not belong to Lockheed, Exxon-Mobil, British Petroleum, Boeing, Monsanto, Caterpillar, General Electric, Xe Services LLC [aka Blackwater], the pharmaceutical industries, the utility industries, or any other giant and/or multi-national corporation. Mother Earth belongs only to herself. She has graced us with her sustenance and bounty, and in return we have allowed the corporate/military elite to poison her streams, gulfs, rivers, oceans, and ozone layer; and to denigrate and destroy her precious rain forests. Instead of working in harmony with the land or seriously utilizing solar and/or wind power here on our Mother Earth, we have created the Pandora's Box of civilian and military nuclear nightmare, even as we indiscriminately strip and mine her irreplaceable mountain tops, etc. We have allowed bloodsucking corporations to wreak havoc with our Mother Earth. WHY? To feed the insatiable appetite of the greedy few, to the terrible detriment of the many, and of this priceless planet! The U.S. corporate government, utilizing the corporate-stream media of ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, and FOX etc., continues to present everyday people with a litany of lies, distortions, and omissions about the alleged safety of nuclear power, the supposed endless need for oil, and the down-played horrors of the increasingly obvious planet-wide climate change brought about by the greed and arrogance of an avaricious and relatively tiny corporate elite. The greed of the corporate elite can never be satisfied, and as if to add insult to injury, there is the always present reality of perpetual bloody wars also brought on by the desire to feed the bottomless pit of the greed of the corporate elite - carried out under the veil of misguided and distorted patriotism. If we, the everyday people, allow this madness to continue, the conclusion will be inescapable: extinction. It
does not have to be this way! But it requires, and will continue to require, a willingness
to think and act outside of the strangle-hold of the corporate Democratic
and Republican parties. " We must recognize the political accommodationists and opportunists for who and what they are, no matter what their color, gender, or rhetoric might be. They must not be allowed to couch the truth in perpetration. No more perpetrators, fakes, and frauds! We must resist, dissent, and most of all educate and collectively organize! Time is running out for humanity and Mother Earth. No more exploitation and repression at home, and no more damn wars abroad!!! Onward then my sisters and brothers! Onward! BlackCommentator.com Editorial Board Member, Larry Pinkney, is a veteran of the Black Panther Party, the former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, a former political prisoner and the only American to have successfully self-authored his civil/political rights case to the United Nations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In connection with his political organizing activities in opposition to voter suppression, etc., Pinkney was interviewed in 1988 on the nationally televised PBS News Hour, formerly known as The MacNeil / Lehrer News Hour. For more about Larry Pinkney see the book, Saying No to Power: Autobiography of a 20th Century Activist and Thinker, by William Mandel [Introduction by Howard Zinn]. (Click here to read excerpts from the book.) Click here to contact Mr. Pinkney. |
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