Orwellian embrace of all things corporate and politically
rightward has been deliberate, forceful and consistent
throughout his career; not the product of cowardice, weakness,
incompetence, naïve idealism, or bad timing. This is Barack
Obama, as he has always been: a servile facilitator and
protector of the political establishment; an insidious
capitulator and “consensus man”; a sellout who piously
sits back and lets others fight (while railing against
their “bickering”), and then accepts whatever deal is
politically expedient ---no matter what morals or principles
he violates, no matter who or what he betrays. To the
pious, sanctimonious and self-serving Obama, it
is wrong to be a “purist”, but good to be “impure”; a
muddler. A sellout.
Larry Chin, Global Research, December 11, 2010
do we stand now? As Black Americans, we stand on the cliff
of an abyss. More American citizens are on this cliff, but
we are (because we have been for so long) closer to the
edge (and what is relatively new in our history), we are
willfully leaning forward toward a fall.
the leadership of our civic and political leaders
for shifting the Black community’s attention from the struggle
to educate and empower us with the spirit of resistance.
More than 40 years after COINTELPRO’s annihilation of Malcolm,
King, and other Black leaders, Black leadership has been
groomed to facilitate the rapid death of the Black population
in service to domestic and foreign aggressive U.S. pogroms
to silence protest. In place of genuine Black protest, we
have an optical illusion: Careerists, dressed in suits,
founders of mega-organizations, masquerading as Black interests
organizations. The suited careerists, in contrast to Martin
L. King, mimic the corporate warmongers while their organizations
operate massive voter registration drives on behalf of the
U.S.’s corporate leadership.

a whole, we have accepted a definition of leadership crafted
by our opposition, an opposition that has grown stronger,
increasingly corporate ruled, surrounded by a global security
apparatus and criminal “justice” establishment not limited
to federal, state, and local courts within the U.S. What
power real controls the UN or Interpol?
leadership is not ignorant of the reality of the corporate
coup—they are complicit with in the coup because, as a whole,
Black leadership helped to emancipate the corporations and
now corporate interests is, in part or in whole, the interests
of Black leadership one the one hand and the local Black
prison security guard, educator, politician, Black college
student who wants to be the next Bill Gates, and even a
6th grader who knows more corporate-sponsored rappers than
he or she knows anything about the history of Black resistance.
Black leadership has unified to speak to the community about
“responsibility,” “individual successful,” and “economic
power”—we need to gain economic power—knowing
good and well this is utter nonsense in this day and age
of corporate control, but it serves to remind the Black
population that in this new day the motto is—get rich
or die trying!
with the Maynard Jacksons to the Willie Browns, the Jesse
Jacksons (Senior and Junior) to the Al Sharptons, the John
Lewises (Malcolm or me!) to the Charles Rangels, the Eddie
Longs to the T.D. Jakes (God-wants-you-to-get-rich-pastors),
to any number of Black academic enslaved clowns (silent
as the colleges and universities shut down Black studies)
and countless “urban policy” government gofers—the message
has been the same: a fighter no, but a joiner—that’s
where the money is!

slaveholders learned to control the potential for massive
resistance among the enslaved. The Nazi leadership, in
turn, learned from the slaveholders and Jewish leadership
cooperated while a selected few among the captured led their
own to the ovens and gas chambers. So, too, today, after
Malcolm and King could not be co-opted and had to be killed,
our leadership should be held responsible for supporting
and facilitating, willing or through silence, the high Black
incarceration rates and the hand over of Black children
to camps (so-called educational institutions) where they
have been mentally gutted and left to flounder in despair.
there is no rescue for this population anywhere in sight!
is this Black leadership that made it possible for the emergence
of a Barack Obama as the ultimate useful tool for the advancement
of corporate capitalism. Make no mistake, the leadership
these agents of capitalism offer is in direct contradiction
to the legacy of a Martin L. King. In fact, King did not
see fit to commit suicide after J. Edgar Hoover’s threatened
to reveal FBI tapes of King engaged in extra-marital sex
as an example of King’s “hypocrisy.” But, if he lived today,
he would wring his own neck rather than continue to be witness
to the willful betrayal and very real hypocrisy on the part
of Black leadership in the U.S. And these leaders have
the audacity to refer to King as the impetus for accepting
capitalism rather than freedom.
leaders in 2010 are millionaires, corporate partners, and
businessmen. What leadership this cabal offers has been
as a mutant and therefore cooperating league of soldiers
more patriotic than right wingers, nudging the faithful
even closer to the edge of the cliff and encouraging them
to jump! Collectively, their unified effort has killed the
potential for a viable Black leadership in the spirit of
someone I know tried to inform me that not all capitalism
was bad! I told a friend who said, yes, like some
cancer is good! Some capitalism is good, I guess, for
white liberals. There is personal gain to consider, profits,
at the expense of what? On the other end of this equation,
are the dead, victims of cancer because usually cancer ultimately
grows and kills its host!
it is no wonder our leadership surrounded Obama, corporate
capitalism’s well-groomed specimen. At the top of this paradigm
shift sits Brand Obama!
a look at PBS’s White House Photographers. This is a program
determined to assure the American public that the Obama
White House is photographing history. We follow a very busy
photographer (Obama’s photographer from his days as an Illinois
senator) as he follows the president busy days.
as he might to capture honest, spontaneous, un-staged” photos,
the cameraman’s subject is seems always aware of the camera.
Similar to Bill Clinton, Obama is a star, an American celebrity—all
smiles and hand shakes, a good all-around guy. In this PBS
presentation, Obama “at-work” is the Yuppie graduate student
you might meet at a social event at Harvard University,
let us say.

Looking for someone presidential?
who would expect to see graduate students, at their social
events, contemplating the fall of drones that usually manages
to miss the “No. 1” terrorist plotter but absolutely wipes
out families with children? So there are no photos like
the ones we have seen of Lyndon Johnson in the Oval room
with his hand on forehead, weary, regretting war, bloody
and brutal war, war that returns young soldiers home with
psychological and devastating physical wounds. In this hour-long
presentation, we see only a photo of Obama greeting the
caskets of dead soldiers, and we are told the president
was “overwhelmed.” Otherwise, he is worried in a photo or
two about the passing of insurance and pharmaceutical health
care bill. Obama has to win for his constituency!
we are back, witnessing America’s example of a winner! A
charming, calm, and composed Obama works a room and fills
it with his smile and his jokes. But then there is the calm
and composed Obama, working a room with smiles and jokes.
He laughs. Everyone laughs. The people surrounding president
love him! But is there a photo of this winner surrounded
by citizens opposed to the money give away to Wall Street?
I cannot image such a photo these days.
history is being recorded, we are reminded. And not one
photo of Obama signing into law another opportunity to secure
an effective police state within the U.S. and globally!
Who will remember those dark moments?
rapid presentation of John F. Kennedy and Johnson photos
taken by their White House photographers seemed real, less
staged. Perhaps these men, contemplating the war of their
day and the young in the streets or fearless men and women
of the civil rights—perhaps these presidents knew a King
was out there, an A. Philip Randolph, an Adam Clayton Powell—some
serious troublemakers—were out there?
at the White House in 2010, there are no pictures of Obama
seated next to an equivalent of Martin L. King!
the hunter’s history books on the rise (and silent fall)
of Barack Obama will comment on how he looked good, stayed
cool, and got the job done for a corporate rebound. It is
the only narrative that matters to Wall Street now! I believe
Obama knows this and that he has always known his task was
to save capitalism and remove as much of that civil liberties
nonsense as possible.
never betrayed those he made the real promises to!

the hunted, however, will have to struggle to remember that
Barack Obama did not betray Black Americans! Our
Black leadership in the post-racial era did betray
the Black struggle but not Barack Obama!
Black Americans betrayed themselves!
Americans should have recognized a “Black” man—who said
his war would be better—would send their sons
and daughter (not Arnie Duncan’s or Rahm Emmanuel’s or Larry
Sumner’s children or grandchildren) to die for lies—his
lies—and that that man represented the same old contempt
for Black Americans!
should have known it was a slave ship disguised as the good
ship Hope. And even that ship, the one that sailed
in the 90s with the Captain from Hope playing a saxophone,
was shipwrecked and stranded millions of Blacks on these
isolated rural complexes.
Black people should have recognized the person Obama told
them he was. For he was forthcoming with Black Americans!
He may have told white liberals he was not to be feared.
Counting on deep-seated racism in the U.S.—I ain’t
really Black!—Obama won the white liberals
Obama frowned down on Black people! He hurled a fiery tongue
and denounced (with anything but coolness and calm) Black
Americans as a racial group. He denounced Black culture.
He denounced the Black heritage. He did so at every opportunity.
He did so in his memoirs. For a man made of images, he needed
only one image to bring out the handkerchiefs of the predominantly
Civil Right era generation: Pettus Bridge! Oh, remember
Pettus Bridge! And it had to be Selma only—for
Selma and Pettus Bridge lead to the Black vote!

no! His handlers were not stupid—Black leadership fell for
it! Great opportunity for historical photos! Maybe, cabinet
position, too?
won and snubbed them as he had snubbed Blacks in Chicago.
Firmly aligned with the Daley Machine and the financiers
on La Salle Street in Chicago, a fiercely determined Obama
proved his worth to the corporate capitalist when he clicked
the delete button in an office in Chicago and disappeared
the poor Black community along the Lake on the Southside.
A new map of his new constituency—the wealthy along Miracle
Mile along the lakefront! He did not even need Black votes,
but the Blacks, so faithful to the Democrats, voted for
him anyway. A Black man! He could even publicly
denounce the astute pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and Black
people still voted for the “Black” man.
think our Black leadership did not know that Barack Obama
was always (even in Chicago where he was groomed) “a servile
facilitator and protector of the political establishment;
an insidious capitulator”?
by Tony Rezko, Mayor Daley and his men, Rahm and Axelrod,
the financiers on La Salle, and Goldman Sachs, who needs
a now deceased population? Besides, Chicago could
not allow the dead to vote anymore! The U.S. government
called a halt to that tradition!
the corporate capitalists finally throw Obama overboard
(and not because he is “Black”), the government’s “street
cleaners” may pull out the bulldozers and the big trash
cans to pick up the deceased—because this collective is
Black! Watch we do not mistake the trash cans for Noah’s

BlackCommentator.com Editorial Board member, Lenore Jean Daniels, PhD, has a Doctorate
in Modern American Literature/Cultural Theory. Click here to contact Dr. Daniels.