must never be confused with vision. And it is an
actualized, collective vision
- for real systemic change - that everyday
Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people must employ
if this nation is to pull back from the precipice of economic,
social, and political disaster and chaos. Nothing
short of this will suffice in these perilous times.
States of America, has within the
relatively short span of two years, sunk - and continues
to sink - to its lowest idealistic, social, political,
and economic level thus far in the 21st century. Some
attach the blame for this solely to George W. Bush, some
attach blame solely to Barack Obama, some to both, referring
to Obama’s administration as the “third term of Wubbya.”);
and while it is certainly accurate that they are
(as this nation’s former and current chief executive)
in very large measure responsible for this
ongoing catastrophe and quagmire - they are not alone
in this responsibility. Their accomplices include the
avaricious corporate Wall Street and military elite of
this nation, politicos of both political parties,
so-called ‘educational’ institutions, and the ever-willing
corporate-stream media. Moreover, it was (and to some
extent still is) many of we the people, who like
sheep being herded to slaughter, allow[ed] ourselves to
be mesmerized and duped by a cynically clever and articulate
politician whose skin tone happens to be a shade or two
darker than the other politicians to whom we had grown
accustomed to and fed up with.
many - so fervently - wanted to believe in this
Obama politician who (rhetorically at least) seemed
to represent a fresh idealism, but who was and
is utterly devoid of an actualized vision that
uncompromisingly serves everyday people. So
many wanted to believe, while so few were willing
to critically think and question. Thus, today this nation
has moved backwards to a future that is increasingly
worse than its past.
an estimated 450, 000 home foreclosures occur nationally
every month, joblessness continues to rise, U.S. foreign
wars and/or occupations drag on and intensify,
corporate hegemony, glut and greed have replaced even
the semblance of an egalitarian ‘American’ democracy,
political prisoners continue to languish in local, state
and federal gulags while prison populations in general
bulge at the seams, and the supposed Constitutional rights
of the people of this nation have been shredded and made
essentially null and void, all in the name of combating
the very “terroism” that the policies of this nation’s
misleaders are constantly fanning, globally. Akin
to Ralph Ellison’s ‘Invisible Man,’ the horrible
pain, suffering, and legitimate needs & aspirations
of everyday Black, White, Brown, Red and Yellow people
collectively, are in fact invisible to the cynical
and shrewd politicians of this land. Yes, as this nation
draws close to the year 2011, it bears reiterating
that ‘America’ has indeed moved
backwards to a future that is increasingly worse
than its past. However, it does not have to remain this
is incumbent upon everyday people to remember that hope
and idealism that is devoid of a clear actualized vision
is mere fantasy. Nothing else. Moreover, it is
also mere fantasy to succumb to the notion that fundamental
change, that serves the interests of everyday people,
can be brought about without over-all systemic

is time to dispense with - and quickly - self defeating
liberal notions. For example, the election of Barack Obama
as president is no more the culmination or fulfillment
of the ongoing civil/human rights struggle
in this country than was the installment of Clarence Thomas
as a Justice in the U.S. Supreme Court. We must dispense
with these ridiculously dangerous and absurd liberal
notions. Those so-called “changes” were merely cosmetic
and represent no real or fundamental systemic
change. Indeed, if anything, those said changes represent
a psychological strengthening of the (Democratic
and Republican) two-party dictatorship - which
is precisely the opposite of much-needed, fundamental
systemic change. We must dispense with liberal notions,
engage in critical thinking, and act accordingly. Otherwise,
we will forever be at the mercy of these corporate, bloodsucking
political parties and their slimy political puppets; finding
ourselves as perpetual political ping-pong balls,
supporting perpetual foreign wars at the behest
of a greedy and amoral corporate / military elite, even
as the quality of life for everyday people is steadily
emaciated in this nation.
constant fake battles between the Democratic and
Republican parties [i.e. the Republicrats] are meant to
distract, dis-empower, and manipulate everyday
people, keeping us in a perpetual state of dependence
and servitude to these corporate political parties.
For example, when one considers the legitimate need to
protect social security benefits and unemployment insurance
for everyday people in this nation - there is absolutely
nothing about which to debate.
the Obama regime and the wily Democrats and Republicans
engage in a pernicious fake debate over social security
and unemployment insurance, etc. - while simultaneously
supporting the shelling out of trillions of dollars of
everyday people’s money for corporate welfare to
the corporate elite - with no serious or meaningful debate
whatsoever. This is but another example of the insidiousness
and criminality of the corporate two-party dictatorship
in this nation.
Obama is neither weak nor is he stupid. He knows exactly
what he is doing. He is cynically carrying out the
precise bidding of his corporate / military masters,
while rhetorically faking-out everyday Black, White,
Brown, Red, and Yellow people with his endless bait
and switch tactics.
people in this nation must choose social, economic, and
political justice over the chicanery of the Obamaites
and their corporate Democratic and Republican Party fox
and wolf counterparts. The time is here for systemic
change, and nothing less. This change will only be brought
about collectively by everyday people with an actualized
vision for the present and the future. Notwithstanding
the endless subterfuge, arrogance, and chicanery of Obama
and his Democratic and Republican Party colleagues, our
task remains to change the course of history by unflinchingly
struggling for a present and future free of environmental
degradation, and military & corporate insanity. We
must change the course of history for Mother
Earth and for the people who inhabit her!!! We can and
we must do this!
us combine “the actual” with “the ideal” to bring about
a different reality. Let us, be invisible no more!
Let us transcend mediocrity. Organize, educate,
and agitate! At stake is the present and future of humankind.
Yes, at stake is our humanity and very existence!
my sisters and brothers! Onward!
Board Member, Larry Pinkney, is a veteran of the Black
Panther Party, the former Minister of Interior of the
Republic of New Africa, a former political prisoner and
the only American to have successfully self-authored his
civil/political rights case to the United Nations under
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
In connection with his political organizing activities
in opposition to voter suppression, etc., Pinkney was
interviewed in 1988 on the nationally televised PBS NewsHour,
formerly known as TheMacNeil / LehrerNewsHour. For more
about Larry Pinkney see the book, Saying No to Power: Autobiography of a 20th Century Activist and
Thinker, by William Mandel [Introduction by Howard
Zinn]. (Click
to read excerpts from the book). Click here
to contact Mr. Pinkney.