poet Amiri Baraka acts as a surrogate for many of us when he
titillates student audiences at Condoleezza Rice's expense.
We could not resist calling attention to Baraka's characterization
of Rice as a "skeeza" in a recent speech at Baltimore's
Coppin State College - a much more economical description than
our own sobriquet for the woman, "The
Devil's Handmaiden."
entertaining was the ridiculous defense mounted on behalf of
the National Security Advisor by Gregory Kane, a painfully uptight,
politically primitive throwback Black columnist for the Baltimore
Sun. Kane thought it necessary to deny that Condoleezza
is a skeeza... repeatedly!
community activist Loretta L. Renford noted the response to
our story in last week's e-MailBox, and expanded on the thrust
of our headline, "'Skeeza'
is as 'Skeeza' does."
I was
amazed and glad Skeeza-Weezie made such a clamor among many.
It indicates we are thinking rather than just winking.
the call of the massa depends on who one perceives
herself/himself to be in life. But, the choice is a personal
one to make. We are familiar with the choice adjectives attached
to these mongrels because the view from the top varies. Pimps
and whores have not changed in their descriptive categories.
Dressed up or down, it remains the same.
As a woman
I dislike the attachments, but it causes me no great pain
to attach these titles. Oftentimes the pain these pimps and
whores - and let's include these so-called Black stealth candidates
- inflict on the innocent, while securing their place in history,
deserves our wrath.
print the truth and let the beat of justice reach the ears
and eyes of these pimps and whores. Yes, that includes these
quasi-leaders and representatives.
The "decline"
of the United States has begun, accelerated by the Bush Pirates'
aggressions against international order. In last week's commentary,
War, Pirate Plunder," we sketched the process of worldwide
withdrawal from all things American - a movement that has been
underway for some time.
The entire
globe is recoiling from the United States, a planetary phenomenon
that will characterize the historical period we have now entered
- if humanity survives it
A kind
of international redlining will increasingly make itself felt,
but not seen. The Bush men believe they are willing into existence
a New American Century, while in reality they are creating
an America-phobic planet in which the U.S. has earned an invisible
but powerfully consequential non-favored nation status. Having
invented the concept of globalism, the United States will
be consigned to pariah status - and shrink, until it learns
to live by human norms and scales.
George Paxinos
agrees with our analysis:
In all
my years of trying to understand and somehow formalize the
backgrounds to such worldwide elitist psychoses, their trends
and ultimate self-destruction, I have never ever read such
a shortly succinct, cogent and prophetic article as this one.
You have
put both past, present and future world history into perspective,
and that in a nutshell.
Larry Piltz
is a fine prose writer who also slings some biting political
verse. He was kind enough to send us both.
If you
didn't keep emphasizing the racist underpinnings to the current
Iraq invasion, and the relevant racist nature of the society,
my mind would probably wander. And it shouldn't. Because it
still all comes down to this - primordial delusions of white
superiority and the race's timeless ritual of killing and
oppressing nonwhites in order to prove to itself the validity
of its flawed original premise.
It's an
invasion, not a war.
It's fomenting terror, not fighting terror.
It's using weapons of mass destruction, not suppressing them.
It's using uranium ammunition, not suppressing uranium weapons.
It's practicing fascism, not promoting democracy.
It's Anglo-American colonialism, not a willing coalition.
It's classic hegemony, not charity.
It's backwards logic, not forward defense.
It's another racist hate crime, not a noble just war.
It's an organized lynch mob, not leadership decapitation.
They're homicide bombs, not guided bombs.
They're the natives, we're the cavalry.
Deja vu all over the place.
Larry Piltz
is a prolific commentator. We recommend his recent
piece, "TV's
War Coverage Becomes Pentagon Snuff Film."
This media
coverage debases all who see it, converting passive observers
into material witnesses and war supporters into accomplices,
while hiding in plain sight the amorality and sadism of war
crimes. Many will say "I didn't know" that there
were people in those buildings, but if they're honest they'd
actually say they didn't care that there were souls in those
Ella Baccouche
frequently graces our pages with her insights. She ponders the
Bush/media's "Operation Iraqi Liberation" - a monsoonal
insult to language and reason - and sets her mind to traveling.
about this conditional probability. If a country happily supported
my oppressor during his worst atrocities against me, then
when that country controls the government, it would oppress
me, too. Seems logical.
an Iraqi mother is thinking - if these Anglo-American troops
are liberating us so that we will no longer be oppressed,
depressed, and our voices suppressed, then why are they brutally
bulldozing their way through our cities with their "machines
and weapons of mass destruction," terrifying us, killing
hundreds, perhaps thousands of us civilians, especially our
children, bombing our water and electricity supply - it is
very hot here during the day and our bodies crave water -
depriving us of food, mining our countryside to immobilize
and paralyze us now and reek havoc for us in the future, ransacking
our homes with all the egregious enthusiasm and contempt of
a Ku Klux Klansman looking for any "nigger" to hang,
and taking our sons who are not military personnel as prisoners,
perhaps never to see again? And yes, why do their bombs contain
depleted uranium when they know that it has a half-life of
4.1 billion years, creating carnage now and, until the end
of time, affecting the survival of our posterity?
Is all
this in the name of freedom? It seems to be an illogical,
and perhaps, even INSANE probability, in her thinking.
And in the
thinking of any human being not hopelessly afflicted with racist
Luisa Etchart, an Argentine currently living in Costa Rica,
finds the Bush/media version of Standard American English difficult
to translate into civilized language.
I receive
your editorials regularly and really thank you for them. They
are well written, truthful and informative. I enjoy your style
because I can sense the flame burning behind the pen, the
way it should be.
The latest
war (stay tuned: there are more coming) has had the singular
effect of creating a new set of euphemisms produced by the
gang and their obscene voice: the media. Such as "friendly
fire" - to express they are so paranoiac they tend to
shoot their own allies.
damage" - meaning they kill civilians, including children
and old people but what the heck, what were they doing there,
walking about in their own country.
of Iraqis" - so far they haven't been able to show anyone
asking them to please set them free.
- arms supposedly possessed but not yet shown by the "Evil",
which can be easily distinguished from the ones used by the
"good guys" who are tearing apart a nation using
only World War I bayonets.
aid" - which, like reconstruction of everything that
is being destroyed, will be paid for with their own oil production.
was a scene shown (probably by mistake) of American troops
on their knees, with guns pointing down, trying to calm down
a group of unarmed people who by merely lifting their arms
and showing their hatred and contempt for the invaders dominated
the scene. No further comments were provided on that episode.
They will no doubt end by invading the whole country but that
doesn't mean they have conquered the spirit of those brave
people. The fall of the empire has just begun and they have
no moral values to support them.
A 21st Century
world watches the mad lunge for global hegemony, a death-dealing
theater of racist depravity acted out in minute detail on everybody's
television, complete with running commentary by the also-guilty.
Somehow, the term, "fascism" sounds parochial and
small, not big enough to fill the screen - possibly prematurely
overused by a previous generation of Americans. But it's the
word we've got.
It should
be constantly emphasized that European fascism was a popular
Carol Habstritt,
of Saint Paul, Minnesota has been thinking a lot about the subject,
I have
always been curious as to how the German people let Hitler
rise to power in the 1930's. Now I am witnessing the same
phenomenon in the U.S.
It appears
that the citizens are sheep, the media follows everything
the administration says, and the Democrats are scared by the
bullies in the administration into saying nothing.
Our country
has essentially sleepwalked into a war with Iraq. There has
been virtually no discussion in the Congress about it. The
media has followed the administration line. The people treat
the whole thing like an inevitability. The Bush people bully
anyone who disagrees with them (e.g. the Dixie Chicks, Tom
Daschle, France). The Bush people are nasty and liars, but
no one confronts them.
How many
times does one need to tell a lie before it becomes the truth?
How many times does Bush need to connect Iraq and Sept. 11th
before it becomes true? Apparently it has worked, because
most of the Marines in Iraq believe that Saddam Hussein was
behind Sept. 11th, although there is no credible evidence
that he has had any dealings with terrorists.
In two
short years, Bush has wrecked our economy, provided deficits
for as long as anyone can see, caused almost every country
in the world to hate us, taken us out of many international
treaties, started a war and taken money from the poor and
given it to the rich. When is enough enough already?
With the
new preemptive strike strategy, the U.S. will be continuously
at war (shades of 1984). There will always be a country that
presents a threat to the U.S., and might do something to us
in the future. If not, the threat can be manufactured (e.g.
Lanagan writes from Germany, where peace is popular and George
Bush is anathema.
for the excellent article, "Racist War and Pirate Plunder",
which hits several nails squarely on the head. As a Scotsman
living in Germany, I can only confirm the author's diagnosis.
Immediately after 9/11, this country was united in heartfelt
solidarity with America and Americans; yet now, only 18 months
later, the amount of sheer rage (and fear) at the words and
actions of this lying, warmongering Bush junta is simply indescribable.
I notice this even amongst people who were previously almost
completely apolitical. Nonetheless, I'm doing my best to share
your author's view that the long-term effects of these altered
perceptions will prove positive for everyone involved - except,
of course, for the soldiers and civilians in Iraq who won't
live to experience those effects.
Best wishes,
and keep up the good work.
Leona Heitsch,
of Bourbon, Missouri appears to have written to
with the sole purpose of furthering the impeachment process.
We're down with that. Ms. Heitsch also calls attention to a
site where the Bush men's plans for the world are plainly presented.
So glad
you let the cat out of the bag on the Project
for the New American Century. The mainstream media ducks
it like it was a cluster bomb, which it is, aimed at all of
us, black, white, tan, olive....
It is
disgusting to listen to Bush saying "we are coming"
to the Iraqi people with the inference that all this blood
and gore is for their freedom. They might look at us
and wonder what happened to our freedoms if they weren't
so busy with what our tax money is raining down on them.
We don't have to take this steamroller if we all shout NO
We knew
we would run afoul of one constituency when we wrote the following
description of racist, delusional American behavior:
incompetent at analysis of non-whites and only imagining the
characteristics of foreign whites, they launch wars against
"enemies" whom they cannot properly assess, with
a cavalier cruelty that the civilized world reserves for animals.
Alant Jost
writes to correct us, and to speak for those who seek peace
among all God's creatures
I would
leave out the part "with a cavalier cruelty that the
civilized world reserves for animals."
The civilized world shouldn't be cruel to animals at all.
man cautions
on "racism" overuse
In our February
27 commentary, "Al
Sharpton's Battle to Transform the Democrats," we described
Connecticut Democratic Sen. Joseph Lieberman as a "dreadful
racist." He is, and his Democratic Leadership Council (DLC)
was formed in the 1980s expressly to move the party to the "center"
- away from the policies of the Congressional Black Caucus and
organized labor.
is a frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination.
We wrote:
He will
soon be recognized as wholly unacceptable to Black voters,
who are the progressive mass base of the party, and to anti-war
voters, a majority sentiment within the ranks at this time,
and the DLC spell electoral non-participation by Blacks. Therefore,
he and his ilk are the enemies of all those who seek the broadest,
most intense political involvement of African Americans in
national life. There can be no compromise with people who
poison the political well. Cohabitation with Rightists and
racists means death to the Party.
In this
and other commentaries, we predicted that a Lieberman victory
at the convention would cause a drastic erosion of Black support
for the national Democratic Party, although African Americans
would continue to work through local and state party structures,
the repositories of generations of Black political investment.
Jon Chapman
doesn't like our frequent use of the term, "racist"
- or our treatment of Lieberman.
Black Commentator for your articles. I am glad to have the
chance to read them.
I would caution against what appears to me to be the over
use and sometimes ill-considered use of the term "racist".
I assume Al Sharpton used it in his comments about Lieberman.
In the first place, Lieberman's obvious and not unexpected
pro-Israel views do not necessarily mean that he is a racist
or anti-Black. Any more than Al Sharpton's pro-Africa/African
American views means that he is anti-Jewish. Yet the media
has a field day portraying him as such.
In the second place the premise that denying Lieberman the
Democratic nomination is more vital to Black America than
denying George W. a second term is patently wrong-headed,
in my view. No president since FDR (that's as far back as
I go) has been able to stand up to the Jewish lobby/voting
block in this country so Lieberman could not be much worse
than Bush with regard to Palestine-Israel, at least as this
issue affects Black American.
On the other hand, will Lieberman be so anti-Affirmative Action,
anti-minimum wage increase, anti-civil rights and freedoms,
pro-big business, and pro-wealth as George W.? I think not.
My last point is, that if we keep using the "R"
word as a tool of political opposition, it will continue to
decline in its meaning and impact and may even backfire -
becoming a kind of "Red Badge of Courage" for politicians
pronouncing themselves ready and able to stand up to "special
Black people are not a special interest group, but we are
easily portrayed as such when so few vote and express their
"interests" and those that do, engage in unproductive
playing of the race card.
Keep those articles coming.
Since 's
agenda is not dictated by the Bush/media, we chose not to answer
those parts of Mr. Chapman's letter concerning Sharpton and
Lieberman and Jews and other diversionary nonsense. Here's our
reply to Mr. Chapman's "racism" complaint:
We do
not "play" any cards. We do analysis. Our mission
is to encourage debate by offering and defending our own positions.
Racism is pervasive in America. We submit that you care too
much about what others perceive Black people to be
doing (how we are "portrayed"), to the detriment
of forging an effective Black strategy based on a cold assessment
of the facts, including the pervasive facts of racism.
Lieberman is an active, conscious racist. That's why he employs
the red herring term, "quotas" - a code word well
vetted by the Right for its effect on racist audiences. We
discussed the disastrous consequences for Black political
action within the Democratic Party should Lieberman and his
DLC capture the nomination.
is primarily concerned about the ways in which Black people
can influence events and empower themselves. A victory of
the DLC neuters Black power in the Democratic Party, where
most of our assets are engaged.
- "If the political house is unwholesome, polluted
with the unmistakable odors of white supremacy and Black
sycophancy, African Americans recoil as one body."
In terms
of war and peace, which is now the paramount issue for the
entire globe, Lieberman is no different than Bush - a point
not worth belaboring since Lieberman himself strives to hammer
it home, daily.
never framed the question of Lieberman v Bush. You did. We
happen to believe that Bush would trounce Lieberman, a redundant
choice, anyway. This outcome would leave us with a wrecked
and worthless national Democratic Party and a second
term of George Bush.
- "If the party cannot loosen the fatal grip of the
Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) - the Republican
wing of the party - it will die."
then, Powell now
Colin Powell
has been depicted as dragging the Bush Administration kicking
and screaming through the processes of one United Nations Security
Council Iraq resolution (October) and the final collapse of
a second (March). In this version of events, the product of
insipid corporate media sports-type analysis, Powell plays the
diplomat seeking peaceful resolution versus Donald Rumsfeld's
Mad Hatter of war.
Powell benefits
immensely from this fiction, especially in the eyes of some
Blacks, a portion of whom wish desperately to see him as a Man
of Respect among the White and Powerful, single-handedly holding off the forces of Bushite barbarism until the good fight could be fought no more.
it is true that Secretary of State Powell argued mightily that
the U.S. should try everything possible to gain UN acquiescence
to an American invasion, there was never any question but that
all roads led to war - for Powell, as much as the rest of the
Bush men.
As documented
in the April
3 PBS Frontline, the Bush team's reluctant dance with the
UN came apart when France and Germany informed Powell that they
would not agree to war under any guise or pretense. The Bush/media
described the confrontation in Paris as a Franco-German "ambush"
of Powell. After that point, the former general started talking
just like his berserker comrades at the Pentagon.
The final,
bizarre weeks of blustering American engagement with the UN
were a show for the benefit of British Prime Minister Tony Blair,
an exercise to assuage British public and Labor Party anti-war
opinion. Powell was undeservedly portrayed as a peacemaker to
the very end when, in fact, he had never been in the peace game,
at all.
Not coincidentally, the farce ended just as the U.S. military had finally assembled nearly all of the men and equipment thought necessary to begin Shock and Awe. Powell moved smoothly on to the new script.
We have
said all this to introduce a correspondence from Dr. Salih J.
Altoma, Professor Emeritus/ Former Director, Middle East Studies
Program, Indiana University at Bloomington. In a letter titled,
"Occupying Baghdad: Colin Powell's Failure to Heed His
Own Warning," Dr. Altoma points out another opportunistic
policy reversal by the Secretary of State.
In an
essay published in Foreign Affairs (1992-1993) General
Colin Powell defended former President Bush for not ordering
American forces to occupy Baghdad in 1991. He argued that
"even if Hussein had waited for us to enter Baghdad and
even if we had been able to capture him, what purpose would
it have served? And would serving that purpose have been worth
the many more casualties that would have occurred? Would it
have been worth the inevitable follow-up: major occupation
forces in Iraq for years to come and a very expensive and
complex American proconsulship in Baghdad?" Mr. Powell's
answer was "Fortunately for America, reasonable people
at that time thought not. They still do."
As a general Mr. Powell was keenly aware of the regional ramifications
of occupying Baghdad, even when Iraq was still the fresh aggressor
and the US had the backing of the UN, numerous allies and
friends. Perhaps Mr. Powell knew then (but obviously not now)
what it means to occupy Baghdad, a city that stands out, for
Arabs and Muslims alike, as a metaphor of the golden age of
the Arab-Islamic civilization.
If the "unpardonable expense in terms of money, lives
lost, and ruined regional relationship" was obvious to
Mr. Powell as a General, in 1991, how much more odious our
war of occupation will be today? As America's top diplomat
he knows more than any government official the long term consequences
of growing anti-Americanism in the region.
What is regrettable, if not unpardonable, is that Mr. Powell,
the diplomat, should find himself promoting a plan he wisely
opposed as General.
The academic
community make up nearly 40 percent of 's
readership, including a large and influential audience at historically
Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). However, we have never
gotten a letter from a Black professor in the Far East, nor
one more kind than that sent by Dr. Asselin Charles, Associate
Professor of French and English, Wenzao College of Languages,
Just when
I started despairing of the international Black intelligentsia,
I discovered The Black Commentator. Your journal is simply
one of the most lucid, incisive, and uncompromising voices
in the Black world, indeed in the Third World, at the moment.
Any chance of producing the occasional, say a couple of times
a year, parallel edition in the major languages of the African
Diaspora? The French, Spanish, or Portuguese speaking brothers
and sisters around the world would be thrilled to hear a fearless
voice from our midst.
Keep up the good work.
we had never considered the idea. But now we know whom to turn
to when the time comes for
Until then,
Michael Dunkley likes us just fine in English.
great newsletter, diamond-like lucidity, just like listening
to good blues. Keep storming the ivory towers of white intellectual
racist worldviews.
Keep writing.
gratefully acknowledges the following organizations for featuring
our commentaries during the past week:
of Afrika
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