The Black Commentator: An independent weekly internet magazine dedicated to the movement for economic justice, social justice and peace - Providing commentary, analysis and investigations on issues affecting African Americans and the African world.
November 19 , 2009 - Issue 351

Cover Story
Obama Reaction Blues
A Response To So-Called
Achievements Of President Obama
Women of Color
By Suzanne Brooks
B Columnist



Introductory Note:

I am one of the many grassroots people who supported and worked for the election of President Barack Obama. Despite disappointment with aspects of his administration, I am still glad that he was elected. However, working for the election of any candidate to any office should never be construed as the giving away of any right of citizenship. So, as with any candidate supported in the past or who will be supported in the future, the duties of citizenship do not end with the casting of vote. To the contrary, the good citizen monitors those elected, whether or not voting for them, because it is our responsibility to see that promises are kept, laws are obeyed, and justice and democracy are maintained equitably for all. Whether or not politicians and those they hire or appoint do their job, the rest of us must stay on the job. That job is not to jump on the bandwagon of someone popular who is not meeting the needs of the nation.

With that in mind, the following is my response to many of the issues identified as evidence of the achievements of President Obama.


  • Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut spending

    Every President does this. It�s hardly an achievement. It�s a move to get information to back up claims of accomplishment which are generally minor and mediocre.

  • Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices

    Every President does this. It�s hardly an achievement. It�s a move to get information to back up claims of accomplishment which are generally minor and mediocre.

  • Instituted enforcements for equal pay for women

    Not accurate. He signed a bill which changed the way the limit on reporting time tolls so that the time allowed begins when the complainant first learns of the discrimination. There is no accompanying enforcement action taking place. It will only apply to future cases. Yes, it is a good thing. But it would be better if he restored the budgets and staffing of the federal enforcement agencies and real support for victims of discrimination was underway. It is not.

  • Beginning the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq

    These were the anticipated changes in those on active duty there. To the contrary, more troops will be sent into war in Afghanistan. The US Embassy in Iraq which is under construction (bigger than 10 football fields) is continuing making it clear that the US is not leaving, even if the people want us out, as they do in both Iraq and Afghanistan because we have killed millions of the people, mostly civilians, in both countries.

  • Families of fallen soldiers have expenses covered to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover A.F.B.

    There is no attention to the fact that so many of our military there are actually from the national guard and have not had the training that regular military are given which is one of the reasons 20 or more commit suicide monthly�which is ignored. Obama, like his predecessors, punishes the families of those who commit suicide by not sending those families the presidential letter of condolence sent to all others who die while on active duty. Injured military come back without enough support to keep their homes. They and their families are among those whose homes are being lost to foreclosure and, like many Vietnam-era veterans, are a growing number among the homeless. In addition, many have to wait for treatment or are denied treatment. If they are treated, they are often in facilities far from their families with inadequate provision to keep these families together.

  • Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information

    Not accurate. The casualties of those killed by our troops, more than a million Iraqi and Afghani civilians are not fully reported so that Americans would understand how many more of them are being killed and why the people want us out of both countries. This is the same strategy used in Vietnam which conditions US citizens to see our �enemies� as less than human. This has contributed to the failure of the public at large to demand the end of torture by or sanctioned by the US which is still ongoing. In addition, the US is now, under Obama, moving to establish military bases in Latin America, beginning in Columbia, and working to destabilize several Latin American governments, as has been done in the past, including more assassinations of presidents of other countries.

  • Ended media blackout on covering the return of fallen soldiers to Dover A.F.B.; the media is now permitted to do so pending adherence to respectful rules and approval of fallen soldier's family

    Not if the military person committed suicide because the Obama administration, like his predecessors, does not acknowledge the existence of traumatic stress leading to emotional and mental health problems if it ends in suicide. Had they treated mental illnesses as illnesses, the psychiatrist at Jackson could have been given treatment and not have been scheduled back into a combat zone. There are also reports of depressed military being heavily medicated and then returned to combat.

  • The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom of Information Act

    Not accurate. Obama made the decisions to continue to conceal all but a few of the photos of those tortured by our military or other agencies. In addition, the Patriot Act which robs citizens of civil rights has had additions. He also protected the phone companies from accountability for releasing phone records of millions of US citizens, without the required court orders�these were fishing trips so government agencies could try to �get� something on innocent American citizens who had done nothing to justify these actions.

  • Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and transparency as much as possible

    Not so. Has he revealed contributions from the insurance and drug companies to his campaign fund? Why did he obstruct the will of the overwhelming majority of Americans citizens, doctors and nurses who all want a single payer health plan by prohibiting even it’s discussion. People who advocated single payer were not invited to or allowed in the so-called meetings to consider all kinds of health reform. He also worked on behalf of the mis-named “public option” which was developed to fool the public into thinking this was the same as single payer. His administration did not correct the misrepresentations of the successful single payer systems around the world. When citizens of Canada voted to honor the “most important Canadian” in their history, they chose the man who brought about their single payer system which 95% of them love. The Obama administration focused on the less than 1% who have come to the US for treatment. They exaggerated reports of waiting times for treatment, as if we don’t have that here. They concealed information that more Americans go to other countries for treatment. And let’s not forget that he kept the same Secretary of Defense as Bush had, who allowed all the war profiteering by companies like Blackwater, including all the private para-military employees which have committed atrocities as well as tortured civilians. None of these people were accountable under Bush or Clinton, for that matter. They are not accountable under Obama. The tortures that they have carried out are not even discussed.

  • Limits on lobbyist's access to the White House

    Not accurate. Here are just a few cases.

    National Journal Online -- Under The Influence:

    Jan 13, 2009 ... More Lobbyists in Obama Administration? President-elect Obama has nominated another recent lobbyist to a high-level administration position. He tapped William V. Corr, executive director and a lobbyist (until June 30, 2008) for the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, to be deputy secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.


    Report: Iran has assembled network of lobbyists that has 'penetrated' administration

    WASHINGTON — The number of significant pro-Iran lobbyists has grown and key players have gained access to the new administration of President Barak Obama.


    Washington Post -- Sells White House Access to Lobbyists. Jul 3, 2009 Until it was publicly-exposed, the Washington Post was selling its access to the White House to lobbyistsf or $25000

    Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration

    Not sure why this was listed. It does not apply to Obama�s administration yet, at least not in significant numbers, simply because there are not many of his aides that have left because he hasn�t been there a year yet.

  • Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date

    This is a disservice to the military to write this kind of false propaganda. For one, it does not apply to the National Guard who never enlisted in the regular military but have been conscripted into it and are not receiving this kind of consideration. Secondly, if Obama complies with the requests of the war-mongering generals and sends another 40,000 troops into Afghanistan and sets up new bases in Latin America and strikes out against Iran, it can only be done by making those already serving repeat their terms of combat service many times�until they are more weary, injured or dead.

  • Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems, which weren't even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan

    This is hardly an achievement. Everyone in the country upgrades equipment when new technology comes along. This is done routinely in the military not only with weapons. Interestingly, it seems not to have been done with protective gear and armor for vehicles for those serving in these places.

  • Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research

    While Obama did reverse some restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research which had been imposed by Bush, he did not order lifting all restrictions. Advocates of unrestricted research note that the cells are typically obtained from embryos that have been abandoned by couples seeking in-vitro fertilization and that the embryos would be discarded anyway.

  • Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research

    This appears to be coming and if significant will be to Obama�s credit.

  • New federal funding for science and research labs

    This is really the same issue as #15 and is an example of padding the list.

  • States are permitted to enact federal fuel efficiency standards above federal standards

    If the federal standards are inaccurate, inappropriate or not meeting public and national need, why doesn�t he implement them for the nation, instead of leaving to a few forward thinking states and leaving the people in the rest of the country with standards that are too low?

  • Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect

    This is an area much misrepresented as a solution. It should be kept in mind that most of this money will go to established, white-owned firms who will make most of the money. Most of the jobs are still highly gender-segregated and will thus not be a major source of employment for women, especially women of color. There is still considerable race discrimination in these industries, so most men of color will be in the lowest paying labor jobs, as was the case when President Roosevelt implemented similar practices. Keep in mind that despite being beloved by many people of color, it was President Truman, not Roosevelt, who desegregated the military. Also, check out which neighborhoods and areas will be attended to first, and which will be last�like the areas which are most highly populated by people of color�Think New Orleans!

  • Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools

    This will be great for schools in upper income areas. Meanwhile, not one penny to eliminate racism and racism plus sexism as experienced by students of color/female students of color. No resistance to the increasing criminalization of students and their parents with truancy as an excuse and while the movement to take away the right to vote for people on probation gets underway. Those on parole or who have completed their sentences for conviction of misdemeanors and felonies already have trouble voting.� Since the overwhelming majority of incarcerated people in this country are people of color, with the incarceration rates of women of color increasing the fastest, isn�t the country moving toward an apartheid system in which people of color will make up the majority of the population in the next 20 years or so, but white people will continue to dominate and control the government, economy, business, education, employment and all socio-economic aspects of the country.

    Apartheid is the name of the policy and the system of laws implemented and enforced by "White" minority governments in South Africa from 1948 till 1990. It is important to understand that this occurred after World War II and that the world stood by, including the US, as millions of Black South Africans were subjected to barbaric treatment and enslaved by a white minority which made up 5% of the country. In the US today, whites make up much more than 5% at this time and so implementing an apartheid system here is easier because they already control the country. There are many records documenting� the efforts to exterminate Native American Indians; of using then discarding the Chinese and other Asian/Pacific Island people who provided low paid labor; of the way in which the US illegally took over the Hawaiian Islands and imprisoned the Queen of Hawaii while threatening to kill masses of Hawaiian people with bombardment by the US Navy; of the US reneging on the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo which guaranteed Mexican and Mexican American people the right to cross the US-Mexico border freely; and of the illegal and without cause imprisoning of Japanese Americans and robing them of their possessions. The much later apology to the Japanese only gave them a penny on the dollar for all that they lost. Surely the many cases of scientific experimentation on� US citizens�including many people of color, among them, the Tuskeegee Airmen; the forced sterilization of black and other women of color in the US as a condition of receiving welfare, for which no one was ever held accountable; the ongoing refusal to make reparations for the centuries of slavery and the subsequent institutionalization of racism in the US and its colonies, including Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa and other islands/land under US control in which the residents are denied full citizenship. Those in denial about these and thousands, if not millions, more examples which can be cited are part of the problem. Unfortunately, denial does not deter the progress of the re-enslavement of the masses which is underway and includes poor, working class whites and exploited immigrants.

  • New funds for school construction

    Where will these schools be built and for whose benefit? Certainly not for people of color.

  • The prison at Guantanamo Bay is being phased out

    This is another misrepresentation because there is no intention of releasing the innocent. Now the argument has been made that even if those held there were never guilty of any crime or act against the US, they are probably angry at being tortured and imprisoned without reason and should never be released, unless returned to those countries which will continue torturing them. No one is to be held accountable for all the laws broken and innocent people murdered there. In addition, the US should return Guantanamo to Cuba and stop interfering in that country.

  • US Auto industry rescue plan

    Who was rescued? Not the thousands of auto workers who had already been stripped of salaries and benefits by corporate heads whose incomes increased. Now, auto workers are expected to work at less than a fourth of their previous salaries. People who once were middle class are now poor, working class people who can never recover the lost income and homes and whose retirements will be spent in poverty.

  • Housing rescue plan

    This is an insult to the millions whose homes have been lost to foreclosures because of unpaid medical bills, lost jobs, and lack of capital to businesses owned by people of color and women of all groups. This is the most hurtful, deceitful propaganda. When people apply for this help, they receive many months of run-a-round, which includes time after time being asked to submit the same documents which the banks and mortgage companies claim they don�t receive, no matter how the documents are sent to them. The banks/mortgage companies supposedly working on loan modifications refuse to conduct business in writing, then lie about the conversations, often accusing the home owners as being liars and other derogatory comments. Anyone who refuses to be subjected to insult has their modifications canceled and notifications of intent to foreclose are sent out. Illegal collection harassment is rampant and can result in home owners receiving harassing calls every half hour, up to 12 hours a day. These behaviors surely are related to some of the suicides occurring. Women of color, who receive 48% of the foreclosures, also have the highest suicide rates in the country. People who submit all their documents for loan modification, then are unable to contact those who took the applications or the underwriters, who either don�t answer their phones or have their colleagues say they are out sick. An undercover investigation by ABC News, which revealed these practices, has not been widely publicized, nor have the efforts of those members of Congress fighting predatory loan practices. The Housing Rescue Plan which supposedly is administered by HUD is not. HUD only refers people back to their own mortgage company. It�s an endless circle which includes people making money by providing �credit counseling� to home owners facing foreclosure who are encouraged to give up their houses on short sales, after which they are homeless. There may be a few who have been helped, but they are likely someone�s cronies. The overwhelming majority of people are left dangling in the wind and listening to the insulting remarks of Obama-ites who believe the propaganda that there is real help on a large scale. There is not.

  • $789 billion economic stimulus plan

    Another sham. This money has gone to the cronies of the politicians. Most of it was kept secret when it arrived until the cronies got it. Then announcements about it were made, after deadlines had passed. The poor, the homeless, the unemployed do not have access to this. The homeless are being shoved around in urban areas to keep their real numbers from being known. Whenever a large number of them stays in one area, the police are used to run them away with no real help or safe alternatives being offers. Those who are blind to the facts will always point to some rare and isolated example of a constructive action or some symbolic gesture as if it means something or helps those who are suffering. Does a starving person feel better by knowing or seeing on television that the Obamas and his administration are wearing the best clothes, eating great food, having dinner-theater dates in New York, site-seeing in Europe, and having fun on the beach in Hawaii? Meanwhile the children of the poor are dying from curable diseases and suffering from cancers resulting from exposures to pesticides while working beside their parents in the fields or living in chemically unsafe urban areas. The failure of people to check facts is appalling, especially with information at the fingertips via the Internet. It is easier to join in the dehumanization of others, ignore their suffering and believe in the fabricated propaganda that those who support the establishment will become prosperous.

  • The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance (the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are having trouble paying

    This is a fabricated fantasy not worthy of long discussion. Anyone believing in this will not be able to be reasoned with.

  • US� financial and banking rescue plan

    This is certainly no achievement. This gave money to the rich with not strings attached and left the masses of the public without any help.

  • The secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere are being closed

    This is not an achievement of the Obama administration. Those closed came about because of the actions and pressure of European citizens. The US still operates and participates in others.

  • Successful release of US captain held by Somali pirates; authorized the SEALS to do their job

    What has been done to aid the Somali people who have been left to starve to death in the millions, which is the situation which generated the Somali pirates trying to get resources for their people to live.� Why are the circumstances of the Somali people ignored? Why are they expected to die without any efforts to save themselves and, if they resort to radical acts, are they deemed terrorists?

  • US Navy increasing patrols off Somali coast

    Isn�t this like keeping people in a concentration camp so there is no alternative to their deaths.

  • Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles

    This is a benefit for those with money, as are most of the other benefits of the Obama administration, just like the other presidents before him. With millions having lost their homes to foreclosures and receiving no help, the wealthy now can buy up those homes and rent them out for profit and with their profits get tax write-offs like this or the Cash for Clunkers program mentioned next. Everything for the �haves,� nothing for the �have-nots.�

  • Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulated auto sales

    Not for the poor, unemployed and homeless.

  • Announced plans to purchase fuel efficient American-made fleet for the federal government

    Of course, the Obama administration doesn�t want its people who have decent salaries, homes they have money to pay for, and health care to ride around in old cars. There is money for everything except homes and health care for the working class and the poor. Everything else is presented like an important priority except the lives of the poor and working class whose needs are always to be met at some unspecified time in the future. The Vietnam-era veterans, who were exposed to Agent Orange, are still waiting for medical care and compensation. By the time a decision is reached, most, if not all, will be dead.

  • Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children

    Millions more are still excluded. How are the excluded children, their parents and families to feel? Why is there so much back-patting when a few people are helped while the majority are still shut out. Until every child is covered and every adult, there should be no back patting. Let the children and families of the presidents and Congress go to the back of the line and wait for health care until those they are supposed to serve have it first.

  • Signed national service legislation; expanded national youth service program

    Poor people contribute a higher percentage of their earnings and resources than do the wealthy and the middle class, yet they are always being asked to volunteer. The power-elite, who benefit most from the policies they implement, should be the ones to participate in this program at the highest rate.

  • Lower drug costs for seniors

    Where is the evidence of this? For the 4th year in a row, the Medicare related insurance plans are canceling Medicare recipients. This forces the seeking of new companies which are steadily increasing their rates, including the cost of drugs which increased in 2009. In addition, Medicare recipients will receive no cost of living increases in Social Security for 2010, which means prices will be up but income will not.

  • Ended the previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings

    Where is the evidence of this? No such savings are being passed on to Medicare recipients. Drug costs are going up, along with larger co-pays for medical visits and hospital stays and limits on covered drugs. Many drugs are completely uncovered and cost as much as $30 to $60 per pill or more.

  • Increasing student loans

    Maybe, but since tuition rates at colleges and universities are increasing at faster rates, some doubling in 3 or 4 years, students from low income circumstances are being shut out in massive numbers. Those that do go, using these loans, will find themselves saddled with hundreds of thousands in debt which will take decades to pay off, making them educated poor. This does not equal the playing field between the poor and working class and those who have resources and don�t have to go into debt. This further eliminates students of color from law, medicine and other areas that require more than an associate or bachelor degree.

  • Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program

    These programs should be widely visited before they are praised. They are often run by political cronies, their children, other family members and friends, often with little to no relevant education, and are hired over competent professionals with decades of education and experience. Because the people running many of these programs are themselves uneducated there are many stories of sexual harassment, drugs and other problems told about them, as well as claims of inadequate training and poor, if not corrupt administration.

  • Established a new cyber security office

    This is actually a frightening concept. The thought arises of this office spying on American citizens.

  • Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting force; this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.

    Haven�t read that this will include ending the involvement of Blackwater and other companies making billions in the process.

  • Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their loans refinanced

    Students without jobs or with jobs at minimal pay will still be unable to make loan payments and will end up coping with collection agencies.

  • Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media access than previous administration

    Even so, not all of us are allowed that access. Many who helped elect Obama are now excluded, especially from the grassroots and women of color. Many have noticed a negative attitude toward people that the Obamakins view as old and out of date - many of those over 50 - regardless of education, experience, and contributions to communities and the country. This age-ist attitude was evident during the presidential campaign in the disrespectful, usually erroneous manner directed toward many seniors. Since seniors vote at a very high rate, Obama must feel he doesn�t need their help next time. Surely, many seniors will remember this treatment for which George W. Bush cannot be blamed.

  • Instituted a new focus on mortgage fraud

    Can�t imagine what this means. It certainly isn�t helping the millions who have already lost their homes, nor those who continue to lose them. Haven�t heard of anyone being held accountable either.

  • The FDA is now regulating tobacco

    What does this mean? Will cigarettes be declared a hazard and their production stopped? There is no justification for smoking beyond participation in an addictive, life-threatening activity.

  • Making more loans available to small businesses
  • Many of the businesses which receive these loans have annual incomes in excess of $1million. Less than 5% of these loans are given to women. Less than 1% go to women of color. There has been no indication that this will change. These �unsafe� issues, like racism, do not appear to be on the agenda of the Obama administration.

  • Established independent commission to make recommendations on slowing the costs of Medicare

    How were the commission members selected? Who do they represent? What are the demographics of the commission members? Are drug and insurance companies represented on the commission? If so, in what proportions? How many Medicare recipients are on the commission? If so, in what proportions? Are there any lobbyists or current/former employees of lobbyist companies among commission members? Are any commissioners members of the families/friends of Congress or the President?

  • Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court

    This was commendable.

  • Limited salaries of senior White House aides; cut to $100,000

    Specifically, who are these people? Are these the only jobs of people working for Obama in the White House? Are there other categories of employees there whose salaries are not cut? How many people work in the White House? What are their job titles and pay? Do any of them get any other kinds of benefits? Are there people who are in the Obama administration that are not included in this salary limit?

  • Renewed loan guarantees for Israel

    Why? Israel is the most heavily armed country in the Middle East and is probably in better economic shape than the US.

  • Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan

    Most Americans don�t see this as positive.

  • Paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket

    This is commendable.

  • Held first Seder in White House
  • This was good for our Jewish citizens. Will he hold Muslim, Budhist and other religious events there? And, in fairness, what about events for those who don�t practice religion, such as atheists, agnostics and humanists? Otherwise, religion is linked to the government when it should not be.

  • Attempting to reform the nation's healthcare system which is the most expensive in the world yet leaves almost50 million without health insurance and millions more under insured.

    Since, from the inception of his efforts, Obama has refused to address the single payer option that most people want, his efforts, intentionally or not, will be the greatest gift to lobbyists and the drug/insurance companies. It is expensive because we pay the drug and insurance companies to make a profit and because the drug companies charge US citizens more than the citizens of other countries. If the profit is removed, and health providers are paid directly, costs would come down here.

  • Has put the ball in play for comprehensive immigration reform

    This is not evident so far, beyond the words. What is being changed? How is the history of discriminatory immigration practices addressed in some way that is fair to all people and cultural groups. US immigration policies traditionally have been based on racist policies, excluding or minimizing people from all of the world, except those from Europe in an effort to keep the country white.

  • Has announced his intention to push for education reform

    There is no indication that there will be any inclusion or even mention of discrimination in education of students, nor of employees of educational institutions. Absent attention to these issues, any �reform� is cosmetic.

Oh, and he built a swing set for the girls outside the Oval Office!

Will this help or comfort all the hungry/homeless children?

This is not to say that Obama has not achieved anything at all. He has done some things right. His problem is that he is losing the support of many of those who supported him because he has put the poor, the grassroots, the majority of people of color/women of color and many other groups at the bottom of those to whom he will keep commitments. Unless he and his administration recognize the problems he has with these constituents, he will be a one-term president. He ran on a platform of change. Now it has become obvious and critical for his political survival that he change himself. If he goes ahead with the plan under consideration to tighten domestic budgets, this will fall on the backs of the poor once more. Homeless, unemployed, starving, sick people will not be out to vote. His alliance of enemies that he modeled after Abraham Lincoln will be his opposition. He needs to listen to those who tell him the truth not those working to massage his ego, as they do with all presidents. They are the real power elite. Whether he knows it or not, Obama is not one of them. He is not an insider any more than the rest of us. It is the lunacy of injustice in all its forms that some of those manipulated by the power elite, for a while, think they are part of that club. Few face the facts in time.

There are many who wish to see Obama succeed. But in the final analysis, only he can determine his course, rightly or wrongly. He will have to live with the consequences of his own decisions and behaviors. The buck stops with him. Columnist Suzanne Brooks is the founder and CEO of International Association for Women of Color Day and CEO of Justice 4 All Includes Women of Color. Click here to contact Ms. Brooks.


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