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October 8, 2009 - Issue 345 |
Cover Story:
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The reported demise of the European left has been greatly exaggerated. In fact, with the results of Sunday’s balloting in Greece a case can be made for the opposite conclusion. “A specter is haunting Europe — the specter of Socialism’s slow collapse,” wrote Steven Erlanger in the New York Times. “Even in the midst of one of the greatest challenges to capitalism in 75 years, involving a breakdown of the financial system due to ‘irrational exuberance,’ greed and the weakness of regulatory systems, European Socialist parties and their left-wing cousins have not found a compelling response, let alone taken advantage of the right’s failures,” wrote Erlanger September 28. That line has been conspicuously repeated in articles in the major U.S. media over the past few weeks, the thread being that even amid the severe economic crisis voters in the major industrialized countries are moving to the right. However, the evidence for this shift, for Erlanger’s contention that the left is being “trounced,” across the continent simply isn’t there. That is, unless you start confusing categories like “socialist” with “social democratic” and “left.” It’s true that the fortunes of the mainline social democratic or labor parties have declined (but even that is not a severe as it is being portrayed). It’s possible to see it that way if you ignore how well some of the “left-wing cousins” are doing. Let’s look at some of the recent election tallies:
(“In France, the Socialist party also lost many votes in the last general election to factions to its left, although their failure to offer a united progressive alternative meant that the political impact of these votes was greatly diminished,” observed Palmer in the Guardian. “ In Denmark, the Social Democrats now find themselves running almost neck and neck with the left wing – but generally pro-European – Peoples' Socialist party. One reason why the Portuguese party only narrowly scraped back into office in the general election was the loss of votes to parties to its left.”)
And so it goes. The much touted decline of the European left turned out to be pretty much of a mirage. The continent’s politics are being realigned not in spite of but because of the economic crisis. And the much of the gain has gone to the left – taken as a whole. In fact, as each of these results indicates, it was precisely the performance of the traditional socialist parties in response to the crisis that motivated the balloting. In some cases it was their failure to adequately challenge the economic policies of the conservatives and present clear alternatives that resulted in misfortune for the social democratic parties. A major point of contention has been the right’s drive for “labor market reform” – which means relaxing labor regulations, weakening trade union influence, making it easier to fire workers and reducing labor costs. Although the Socialist came out on top in Portugal, “anger over the government's reforms drove many Socialist voters to the hard left,” reported AFP. The incoming center right government in Germany “is good for Germany’s economy and business – but how good remains to be seen,” observed the Financial Times. “The outcome is complex. Paradoxically, Germany appears to have shifted rightwards just when the financial crisis has exposed the pitfalls of policies traditionally associated with the right. In fact, the result is as much about the decline of Germany’s two big parties and rise of smaller parties at either end of the spectrum. The CDU and Social Democrats, which once commanded 90 per cent of votes between them, this time took below 57 per cent, both scoring their worst result for nearly six decades.” Perhaps the drive to picture a rise of the right and the supposed decline of the left was prompted by the now likely (don’t count your chickens) electoral rout of what passes for the “left” in the upcoming election in Britain. The Conservatives appear headed for victory over divided and dispirited Labour Party. It is, there perhaps that the crisis of classic social democracy is most obvious. “The irony – that the left fails together with the banks – has been much noted, but may be less of a contradiction than is apparent, “ writes John Llyod in the Financial Times October 2. “In different ways, European social democracy was pro-market and pro-globalization – especially New Labour, which in Tony Blair’s early years in power was both leader and exemplar. Liberal social reforms, a lesser role for trade unions and, above all, mass immigration were all part of centre-left politics and were broadly acceptable to the mass of the people so long as living standards rose and public services improved. Now, that implicit deal is threatened.” “In this situation, it is not only the right that exults,” Llyod wrote. “The left, within these mainstream parties and outside, now sees a chance. The times are propitious: those charged with writing a manifesto for a party such as Die Linke … would have a pleasant task. The widely mooted collapse of capitalism; rapidly rising unemployment; the determined resumption of the habits of greed by bankers and others able to skim off fresh supplies of cream; the present or coming cuts in public services and pay; the continuing human cost and fiscal drain of conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan – these are a rich menu on which to make a meal of a centre-left that did well out of a successful capitalism’s surplus and now struggles in its decline. John Harris, the left-Labour commentator, encapsulated his position’s scorn for New Labour in the current issue of Prospect magazine, describing its policies as ‘a mishmash of beliefs that only entrenched the changes wrought by Margaret Thatcher’.” Often,
the most perceptive rejoinders to articles that appear in the major print
media are found in the comments section. But you won’t see them unless
you are online because they don’t show up in the letters-to-the editor
section. “This is just total nonsense,” wrote Christiuan Haesemeyer of
Los Angeles in response to Erlanger’s premature obituary for the European
Left. “The reason parties like the SPD suffer is because they aren't
socialist any longer. In those countries where the further left have gotten
their act together - Germany, Portugal, France - parties to the left of
the old reformist social democratic ones have begun to flourish. It is
amazing that Erlanger completely ignores the string of outstanding results
for the new Die Linke (The Left) party in Germany (which gained 12 percent
of the vote in Sunday's general elections, and is the second strongest
party in a number of states), as well as the very strong results for the
Left Bloc in Portugal (they doubled their number of parliamentary seats
in Sunday's elections), the popularity of radical left figures in France,
the election of a Trotskyist to the European parliament in Ireland. BlackCommentator.com Editorial Board member Carl Bloice is a writer in San Francisco, a member of the National Coordinating Committee of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism and formerly worked for a healthcare union. Click here to contact Mr. Bloice. |