weekends ago it became apparent that the TV networks have finally
lost their minds. We are not talking about the congenitally
insane FOX, the Rupert Murdoch spawn from Hell, or MSNBC, now
the official Savage
Network. Dementia has claimed broadcasting's founding news
interview programs: CBS's Face the Nation and NBC's Meet the
Press. They are brain dead and unwatchable for any other than
morbid purposes.
interview programs "create" news from scratch - a
function that 's
founders put to the service of progressive Black politics when
we syndicated television's "America's Black Forum,"
a generation ago. Sunday news interview shows attempt to "reset"
the agenda of public discourse. Corporate media labors continually
to drag the public conversation into sync with the political
views of their bosses and the rest of the rulers. When the rulers
go off the deep end, corporate media leaps out of reality right
along with them. The conversation disintegrates into nonsensical
The publishers
long ago abandoned the semi-religious journalists' practice
of ruining sleepy Sunday mornings observing the corporate media
as they go about setting the narrow parameters of the week's
"news" in identical sessions of circular reasoning
with interchangeable spokesmen for ruling circles. The untruth
would come out soon enough, we reasoned, reflected in the homogenous
headlines of the corporate printed press.
for ,
some of our readers keep watch over the TV babblers and report
to us when the gibberish becomes particularly alarmingly.
Such was
the case on Sunday, February 23. We received two urgent emails,
one from a Black couple who had been bludgeoned with the dull
weapons of CBS's Bob Schieffer and Time Magazine's Joe Klein,
the other from Joseph DiSalle, of New York City. Mr. DiSalle
sent us a partial transcript of the offending Meet the Press
exchange between host Tim Russert and presidential candidate
Rep. Dick Gephardt.
Do you think your fellow Democratic candidates for president,
are all of them qualified to be president? Do they have the
necessary experience?
I think we have a good field. I think I'm going to be the nominee.
But do you think Al Sharpton is qualified to be president
of the United States?
Tim, the people decide that, not me, but I'm going to be the
nominee. I'm going to win the nomination and I'm going to
defeat George Bush in November of 2004.
But would you take someone like Al Sharpton for vice president?
I haven't made that decision yet. I got to win this nomination
first, but I'm going to win it.
Mr. Disalle
provided commentary on the network inanity:
What did
Tim Russert mean? Who is "like Al Sharpton?" After
all, certainly in this day and age judging a candidate's qualifications
for the job of President or Vice President of the U.S. is
not all cut and dried. But the most disturbing question was,
" ... would you take someone like Al Sharpton for vice
Who is
"like" Al Sharpton?
For that
matter, who is "like" anybody? For instance, is
Dick Gephardt like Al Gore? Is Gephardt like John Kerry? Or
is he like neither because they are Senators while he has
always been a US Representative. Perhaps one might say that
Gephardt is like Tip O'Neill, each being long time leaders
of the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives?
So who
is Al Sharpton like?
He's a
reverend and a committed political activist, so maybe Rev.
Sharpton is somewhat like the late Father Philip Berrigan.
(For civil disobedience on the island of Vieques, Sharpton
was put in jail.) Somehow I do not think that is the comparison
Tim Russert meant. But I would like to know. (I wonder if
in his whole career Russert had ever mentioned Berrigan in
a broadcast?)
Is Al
Sharpton like Hillary Clinton? Maybe that is what he meant?
I got
it. He meant Al Sharpton is like Dan Quayle. D'ya think?
Jack Kemp?
The Tim
Russerts, the Dan Rathers, the Peter Jenningses, the Ted Koppels,
the Tom Brokaws do so much to define the political debate
and what is worse, establish historical fact. They are the
ones that say, "this White Water Story just won't go
away..." while at that same time will state, "Iran-Contra
has been gone over and over and over again... " But most
of the time they act as though they were not present when
history was made. They only tell us later, much later that
such and such President was able to make people feel good
while such and such President was brought down by Iranian
students holding Americans hostage for some 400 days....
Yes, the
Jennings, the Rathers, will always ask (or tell) for example
how Al Gore lost his election, but they never ask how Al Gore
was able to win by 600,000+ votes.
More clever
minds than mine could do more with this and could find more
comparisons "like" the late Philip Berrigan to place
beside Al Sharpton. That is why I send it to you. Perhaps
you could circulate this to the appropriate people.
There are
no more appropriate people than the people, themselves, an influential
number of whom visit .
Mr. DiSalle is correct - Russert's linkage of the word "like"
with "Sharpton" was meant to conjure up negative images
of a different complexion than Father Berrigan's. Russert's
"like" is better than a code word; it allows both
audience and interviewees to fill in the adjectives and react
as they wish, while leaving no definitive evidence of the host's
prejudice. "Like," indeed. Gephardt was just too slow
or scared (his two normal states) to take the bait.
Mr. Alexander
G. Hillery, II and Mrs. Nicole M. Austin-Hillery encountered
sheer idiocy on the tube, laced with racism. Face the Nation
host Bob Schieffer and Time Magazine columnist Joe Klein bantered
like guys in ties at the tale end of Happy Hour, accomplishing
absolutely nothing except to insult people not of their own
This morning
we were astonished to hear Joe Klein refer to Reverend Al
Sharpton and Carol Moseley-Braun, the only two African-American
candidates in a crowded Democratic party field, as "buffoons"
with "no chance" of becoming President or, presumably,
of winning the Democratic nomination for President. We were
disturbed, to put it mildly, that Bob Schieffer did not see
fit to challenge Mr. Klein's use of such an epithet to describe
Mr. Sharpton (who, no matter your opinion of his politics,
commands a sizable constituency within the Democratic party)
and Ms. Moseley-Braun (who was the first African-American
woman elected to the United States Senate in this country's
As African-Americans,
Americans, and Democrats, we found Mr. Klein's description
of the only two African-American Democratic candidates in
the Presidential race as "buffoons" to be every
bit as offensive and worthy of public condemnation as Senator
Trent Lott's infamous comments in praise of the segregationist
Dixiecrat candidacy of Strom Thurmond. CBS News and Mr. Klein
owe Mr. Sharpton, Ms. Moseley-Braun, African-Americans, and
all Americans an apology.
The Hillerys
later sent us a transcript, which had Rep. Dennis Kucinich sandwiched
in as a "buffoon" between Sharpton and Moseley-Braun.
The couple believes they heard the words correctly, but "even
if he did include Kucinich, we still find his characterization
of Sharpton and Moseley-Braun to be offensive."
Quite right,
and more. Aside from conjuring up raw racial imagery, Schieffer
and Klein succeeded in using a total of 869 words - the length
of a hefty newspaper column - to say: nothing. The insult stands
as the only notable, albeit deformed, thought in the
entire, extremely expensive exchange. As the reader will discover,
the two opinion molders have not a brain between them.
A profound
truth lies in the utter emptiness of the Schieffer-Klein discussion.
Readers in a hurry to get to the rest of the mail my scroll
through the transcript. For those who are hardy enough to experience
the black and white vapidity of corporate journalism, please
treat the exercise as a challenge: at the end of segment, we
dare anyone to cite evidence of human intelligence at Face the
When it
comes to American politics, nobody is more informed, I think,
than Joe Klein, the columnist for Time magazine. He's with
us here this morning.
Joe, I think we'd better first talk about a little of what
we've just heard. You write in your column this week that
so much of the campaign, so much of the next election, is
going to depend on this war and what happens. You just heard
Susan Sarandon. You just heard Mike Farrell. You just heard
Rich Lowry. It really underlines what you're saying. There
are great differences of opinion about all this.
KLEIN (Time Magazine): Yeah, there are and they're not going
to be resolved. In fact, you know, my sense is that people
are kind of getting a little bit grumpy about this because
nobody's said anything new really about this war since last
fall. And they're waiting for - for what's going to happen
next. And I think that that's - you know, I was out in Iowa
this week with the Democrats, and I think that's very much
the state of - of play with them as well.
Well, you know...
They're just waiting.
You know, talking about we hadn't heard anything about this
since last fall and that was of - of course in the midterm
elections, but think back to the previous presidential campaign.
In a way it sort of underlines what's happened to our politics.
I mean, I can't recall anybody saying much of anything during
that campaign that has any relevance to what's happening today.
Everybody is talking about, 'Well, everything's changed since
9/11,' but the fact is foreign policy was not on the back
burner. It was back in the cupboard. It hadn't even put on
the stove during that campaign.
That - that's - that is precisely right. And - and that had
- had been the case since the end of the Cold War which is
one of the reasons why Bill Clinton was s - so successful.
He ran almost entirely on domestic policy, but now I think
you're going to see that foreign policy is going to be at
the center of the coming presidential campaign and experience
is going to be a very important factor in who the Democrats
And I've
got to say, Bob, that, you know, usually at this - at this
stage of a campaign, with a whole big field of a lot of candidates,
you know, it's easy to look on them as a bunch of dwarfs or
buffoons, but the Democrats have some really serious and substantive
and - and effective candidates out there. Of course, there's
another whole brigade of buffoons that are led by Al Sharpton
and Dennis Kucinich and Carol Moseley-Braun, none of whom
really have a chance to become president, and - and are kind
of cluttering up the stage at this point, but there - there
are some good, serious candidates out there, too.
Well, talk about one. You write in your column this week about
Dick Gephardt. He's obviously been around the track before.
And you compare him to macaroni and cheese. What do you mean
by that, Joe?
Oh, yeah. He is - he is - well, you know, you - you listen
to him speak. I - I was out in St. Louis for his announcement
on Wednesday and he handed out the text to the speech in advance.
And it looked like a really good speech. And then about 10
minutes into it, I realized that I was bored.
to him speak sounds like someone trying to walk up the down
escalator, but he is a very solid, serious guy. And - and
he's playing that. He's saying - you know, he compared himself
to a pair of old sneakers this week, and he's gambling that
when it all comes down in the next year, people are going
to be looking for someone with experience.
And I
have to say, Bob, that in all the campaigns I've covered,
this one is least in the hands of the candidates and m - and
most in the hands of events and fate and things that they
can't control. And I think that on both sides - on President
Bush's side when the general election comes but also during
this primary process - it's going to be all about how the
candidates react to the - to the immense and often-shocking
events that we're going to see over the next year.
Well, of course, we're a long way from knowing who's it's
going to be on the Democratic side. Are you - are you willing
to handicap it at this point?
I am never willing to handicap it. We are never so stupid...
Which is a good thing about you, Joe.
.... as when we make predictions, but I - I got to say I was
at the - the DNC, the Democratic National Committee, meetings
in Washington on Friday and Saturday - well, on Friday, and
Howard Dean, the governor of Vermont came in and he just blew
those people away. It was one of the most effective speeches
I've ever seen a candidate give. Now he doesn't have foreign
policy experience, but I think that at the very least, he
is going to sharpen up the other candidates and he's going
to make this a very, very interesting race.
That's very interesting, and I think we'll end on that because
I'm going to have a little something to say about that when
we come back with a final word in just a minute.
you, Joe Klein.
My pleasure, Bob.
For generations,
African Americans have lamented the fact that we have been left
out of the American conversation. It is now clear that much
of this conversation is not worthy of our presence, deserving
only contempt. As somebody once said, "There is no there
Dr. Sharpton's
surgical intent
As evidenced
by the Face the Nation travesty, the corporate media find words
like "buffoon" quite acceptable when applied to Black
candidates (or white progressives suspected of cozying up to
African Americans.) It is unthinkable that corporate media would
use animalistic labels to characterize even the most eccentric,
insipid or obnoxious among the powerful.
We also
doubt that it has ever crossed the minds of "frontrunner"
Democrats Gephardt, Senator John Kerry, and the despicable Senator
Joe Lieberman to publicly upbraid CBS's Schieffer for yucking
it up with Klein at Black people's expense. At root, these men
share with the network babblers the view that both political
parties belong to white people, that Blacks are a nuisance.
It is this fundamental disloyalty on the part of white
Democrats who claim to share a political affinity with Blacks
that demands rebuke. It is white racism that threatens the survival
of the Democratic Party as a national force, not Rev. Al Sharpton.
"If the political house is unwholesome, polluted with the
unmistakable odors of white supremacy and Black sycophancy,"
we wrote in last
week's issue of ,
"African Americans recoil as one body."
Al Sharpton
is the personification of "frustration with the national
Democratic Party so high among Blacks that one more betrayal
will likely spark a massive exit, even if the destination is...
nowhere, the negative alternative that has already been
chosen by a huge chuck of younger African Americans."
Vik Chaubey
tends to agree.
for the article on Al Sharpton. I believe his candidacy is
good for Black America and hopefully he will get people involved
who are not now in the process. The Democrats are scared of
his candidacy and they even created a candidate, Moseley-Braun,
designed to take away votes from Sharpton. Let us support
Sharpton. He has flaws but on the whole he is going to create
inclusion and that is what we need today.
E. Bell, of Washington, DC, has a more separatist agenda in
with "desire for Power." White supremacists have
controlled and operated the political parties in the United
States of America, Inc. since its inception. So, who will
put forth the real solutions, as was done by Marcus Garvey
and then, Elijah Muhammad?
Ah, the
perpetual Who? Some people Who and When their lives away, oblivious
to opportunity, never finding Now.
Reuben Smith
can be fairly characterized as... tentative on the matter
of Sharpton's challenge.
who speaks truth to power will be on the white man's list
of bad people. Brother Al is one. When the Black Nation wakes
up we will understand there's only one party: the White Man's
Party of the U.S., two branches.
It would
be great if Brother Al and other brothers and sisters had
the full support of the Black Nation. (Black folks just don't
get it.) This is the time when we could make a statement to
ourselves and other people of the country and the world if
we would take the lead in a New Political Force. Power is
what you make it, if you know what it is.
Steve Schoenberg
needs no description because he describes himself.
for your article in CounterPunch
today. I am a white/Green voter, and I am shocked by the gutless
reaction of the Democrats to the frauds perpetrated on black
voters. If 90,000 soccer moms and yuppie creeps were taken
off the voter rolls in Florida for bogus reasons, there would
be blood in the streets. But since they were mostly black
voters, the Democrats just figured that Bush cheated better
than they could. I really believe that (angry) black voters
will be the savior of American democracy, if it can be saved
at all. I know that we cannot count on the spineless Repub-Lites
like Daschle and Gephardt.
What is
interesting here is the (growing?) understanding among significant
elements of white progressive opinion of the necessity for independent
Black political action. Unified action can only come when whites
accept the centrality of African Americans in the struggle for
social justice. Blacks have always supported white-led political
movements and parties in overwhelming numbers. White reciprocity
has been episodic, at best.
In this
context, consider Paula Alkaitis' letter.
I think
it's time that black Americans start their own party. They
always stood for everything that is decent in this country,
they have always been the real democrats.
I am a white woman, but I can guarantee you that I will vote
for such a party in no time flat. So will my husband and so
will lots of other white people. We as democrats all know
that there is no such thing as a democratic party anymore.
We are all angry and mad as hell.
It's the second palace coup that I have witnessed in this
country. The first one was when all the black leaders and
Kennedy were murdered, then now with this administration.
This country feels more and more like a third world country
living under a dictatorship, and you know its not going to
get any better soon. Until something extremely drastic happens
we are pretty much into a downfall.
So with that, you might as well start your own party: "The
All American Party", I even have a name for it. If all
black Americans stay home from the voting booth during the
next election, it will be such a scare because then its Republicans
all the way, you will have more people that will join your
party than you can handle!
Think about it, I know you can do it.
We will
be presumptuous and venture that what Ms. Alkaitis is talking
about is not a Black political party, but one in which
Blacks assert leadership commensurate with their participation
and commitment to a just society - which clearly does not describe
the present state of the Democratic Party.
The institutional
obstacle to an inclusive, progressive Democratic Party is the
Rightist Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), the party's Republican
wing currently led by Joe Lieberman. Anita Johnson wonders why
he keeps hanging around.
Joe Lieberman
should have walked across the aisle a long time ago. I was
appalled that he was on the ticket with Gore.
The DLC's
paralyzing grip on the Democrats led to the midterm election
debacle, last November. This primary season, the price of cohabitation
with the "crypto-racist" Lieberman will be far higher.
As we wrote:
Al Sharpton
will not tolerate the influence, much less nomination, of
Lieberman, the standard bearer for all that is wrong with
the Democratic Party. Sharpton will treat Lieberman as the
Republican that he is, methodically "outing" the
devious crypto-racist in terms that no amount of corporate
media ridicule and distortion can obscure. It is at that point,
in the heat of foreign conflict and domestic anxiety, that
the Black public will approach a sea change in their perception
of the Democratic Party.
White former
Democrat Adam Engel, a political writer from New York City,
is a man in flux.
I gave
up on the Democrats in 2000 and became a "stoplight Green"
(if I can't vote red I'll vote green but never yellow). Nevertheless,
at a rally for Nader in Madison Square Garden, October, 2000,
I couldn't help but notice that most of the people there were
either white college students or 30-something white "professionals"
like my wife and myself. Where were the people of color?
I'm not
wedded to the Green Party or any other party. If black leadership
can find a way out of this Republicrat gridlock in the form
of a third party alliance with the Greens, or even a "fourth"
party, I'll follow. Anything but business as usual as exemplified
by Lieberman and the DLC.
The answer
to Mr. Engel's question, "Where were the people of color?"
is quite simple: in the Democratic Party, along with nearly
10,000 of their elected officials. In many jurisdictions and
in terms of voter participation, the Democratic Party is
essentially a Black party, although most often not consciously
or effectively so. To the extent that Sharpton's candidacy serves
to energize these voters and responsive Black officeholders,
the party's local structures hold value. They are the fruits
of a great investment by African Americans. It is the national
party that is in acute crisis, and may prove itself unworthy
of Black support. Only reconciliation with "Sharptonized"
Democrats can save it.
We used
that term in our March 6 commentary to describe a Black body
politic that is in rebellion against racism and war, and whose
leadership rightly presumes to act as prime movers in
a national transformation.
Alice Copeland
Brown, of Canton, Massachusetts, remembers such an act of leadership.
As I listen
to growing incidents of our move away from democracy,
I think back to the day when the Black Caucus walked out on
the horrible site of a President being illegally seated. What
made me nauseated was the smirk on al Gore's face as they
did. He was watching some of his most ardent supporters take
an act of conscience against this Bush mob who had stolen
the Florida election and he smiled!!!! Black people know how
hypocritical our government can be, and it is to them that
I look to be brave and give us leadership. Kerry is too busy
equivocating to lead. Unfortunately, Sharpton has a lot of
baggage to overcome.
The Black
Caucus can take back the horrible mistake of giving this monster-in-chief
carte blanche to have my son, a major in Kuwait, killed. You
know that African-Americans represent a higher percentage
of cannon fodder in the military than any other racial group,
and that means they will take more deaths both in the carnage
in Iraq, and the occupation to follow. No conquered people
will take mildly the occupation of their land by our troops.
Can you blame them? We need to act now, in Martin Luther King's
example of Civil Disobedience to take to the streets and let
the rest of the country know, this war is IMMORAL.
rights, disappearing people
II is the perfect tool to 'disappear' any number of human beings
for any reason to any place for any length of time." Our
March 6 commentary, "In
the Time of Disappeared People: Patriot II Means Permanent National
Emergency" noted that the draft legislation - which
the Bush men sought to keep secret until after "shock and
awe" had exploded over Iraq and the world - "destroys
the very meaning of citizenship, allowing its arbitrary revocation
based on secret evidence, thereby rendering the Constitution
a nullity. It is a careful design to abolish the rule of law."
Russ Ellis,
of Berkeley, California, points to another possible item on
the Bush agenda.
you for the fine commentary on the probable intent and outcome
of Patriot Act II.
For your
editorial consideration, I would like to propose to you that
PA II is there to forestall the necessity of a presidential
election in 2004.
The Wise
anti-racist writer and activist Tim Wise's March 6 piece, "Fear,
Loathing and Laura Bush: Reflections on the Functions of Mass
Panic," noted the irony of the First Lady's public
abhorrence of the national fears that her own husband works
mightily to generate. Said Wise:
Fear always
serves the interests of elites. Throughout history they have
sought to identify dangers from which they insist their subjects
must be protected: witches, Jewish financiers, Papists, freemasons,
Indians, immigrants, atheists, communists, drug dealers, rebellious
slaves, the Mafia, the Black Panthers, jazz, rock and roll
and now rap music, the "homosexual lifestyle," satanic
ritual abuse, day care operators who molest children, and
now Muslim terrorists.
Laura Bush's
husband's constant cultivation and manipulation of fear is "what
pays her house note." Ella Baccouche got a kick out of
Mr. Wise
surely has the right last name. An extremely well-written
article revealing the pretentiousness and hypocrisy of another
White House resident. The historical examples of how fear
was and is used to maintain the "elite class" were
right on point. The well-timed infusion of humor made me burst
into laughter, calling on anyone nearby to come and listen.
We need analyses like this to keep the "bogeyman"
(another form of chaos) in perspective. And, it is so true!
We will never be able to see our common interests and form
meaningful relationships with one another as long as these
illusory fear clouds are looming overhead by magicians (government
and the media that supports it) greedy to create and implement
policies which in any other world (without the element of
fear) would seem fascist. Keep up the good work!
Our favorite
Tim Wise line is, "Simply put, were it not for Laura Bush's
husband and his henchmen raising the red flag every time bin
Laden farts there would be no news to exaggerate."
Van Furlough
(as in "leave of absence") dropped a note to us from
Alpine elevations, where a brother can find himself missing
things he once didn't know he had.
I am pleased
to find your page on the web. I currently reside in Switzerland
and at times feel isolated from my fellow African-Americans.
Your commentary is encouraging. Keep up the great work!
Kotter, on the other hand, feels the atmosphere in the U.S.A.
is getting a little too close.
I only
wish I had discovered you sooner. Your articles are a breath
of fresh air in this very stuffy country.
Vernon McClean
invokes the Deity, Herself - which gives us comfort.
You do
a great service to our community. Thank the Goddess for your
We need
Pierrette Mimi Poinsett, MD FAAP, writes from Modesto, California.
I've been
reading the Black Commentator for the last several weeks.
You all are so on point, so consistently excellent. You are
an invaluable source of information. I especially enjoyed
Dr. Sonja Ebron's commentary ["Why
African Americans Should Oppose The War," February
27] as well as the links.
My own
secret desire is that someday there could be an edition for
the younger reader (as in elementary school). I am looking
for progressive reading sources for my 6 year old (Scholastics
News and Nickelodeon are not exactly helping my child's world
There are
times, in fact, that we at
feel quite juvenile. However, we fear that we make poor role
models for the innocent young.
with appropriate titles to recommend to Dr. Poinsett and child
can send them to us. We'll pass them along.
Keep writing.
the Press, February 23
(Includes interview with Rep. Dick Gephardt, Rep. Dennis Kucinich,
and others.)

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