November 8, 2007 - Issue 252
Poetic Black Fusion
By Poet Blackman Preach
BC Spoken Word Columnist
(now includs audio)
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Click here to listen to Blackman Preach read this poem.

45 seconds to pronounce the real deal-


mass destruction by hands


many hand steering airborne cancers that kills

Killed Dorothy to LUNG CANCER?

and she didn't smoke

I guess Miss Evers

great-great-grand children

carried my mother's-mother

to the land mill in Mississippi

it airborne fumes & rich crude oil

Is that all they care for?

New Orleans people

though spirited people

be buried in pain

as this government spends billions

on war & tours to see a satellite on mars

they dump and brag they own the sewer mill

burning chronic waste, the babies now, asthmatic

from Brewster/Boland, the Bricks-Ninth Ward

in New Orleans

it's a pure invasion to kill us all

nuclear and global warming

the conquest never stopped

UNITED, we must fight the white supremacy

that's systematically designed to wipe us out with

global warming


global warming

glaciers the size of Texas dropping in the seas-

causing  Tsunamis

global warming

surfacing server hurricanes-




warning, this is a 45 second-warning

to the racist government-we demand you repair New Orleans

it black and brown people,

though spirited people-they will live!

The preceeding words are lyrics from the CD Bumpy Tymes

Click here to listen to Blackman Preach read this poem. Spoken Word Columnist, Poet Blackman Preach (Cedric T. Bolton), is a poet (spoken word artist) and producer, born in Pascagoula, Mississippi and raised in Paterson, New Jersey. Cedric received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Western Washington University and currently resides, with his wife, in Syracuse, New York.  He is the Founder of Poetic Black Fusion, a writers' workshop that provides access and opportunities to poets of African Ancestry living in Central New York.  He is also the co-founder of Voices Merging, a student-run poetry organization (spoken word) at the University of Minnesota that provides a social outlet for undergraduate students to develop as writers, network and express themselves on stage. He has been writing poetry for 14 years and is published in the Ethnic Student Center's Newsletter at Western Washington University, The Spokesman Recorder, and St. Cloud Times. Click here to contact Blackman Preach.


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