May 3, 2007 - Issue 228


Beneath The Spin
Deadly Silence:
Proof of an Innocent Man on Death Row
By Molly Secours
BC Columnist

Phillip Workman is scheduled to be executed on May 9. Please watch this video, produced by Molly Secours and Dixie Gamble, so you can see that he is most likely innocent of the crime for which he is going to be murdered. Then call and/or email Governor Bredesen of Tennessee and ask him to view this video. Urge Bredesen to stop the execution of Phillip Workman.

Click here to watch the video.

To request a stay of execution or clemency write to:

Governor Phil Bredesen
Governor's Office
Tennessee State Capitol
Nashville TN 37243-0001
email: [email protected]

BC Columnist Molly Secours is a Nashville writer/filmmaker/speaker host of her Beneath The Spin radio program at 88.1 WFSK at Fisk. Her websites are and Click here to contact Ms. Secours.



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