November 2, 2006 - Issue 204

Step Up And Be Counted
Supporting BC Is Like Voting
by BC Staffer Nancy Littlefield

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Last year, my little town held an election for commissioner, and my candidate one by one vote.  One vote.  One person who stepped up and voted when they could have done a thousand other things.  One vote, which also turned the political tide from Republican-controlled to Democrat-controlled.  That an election could be won on one vote must have made my late grandmother smile.  Nana marched for the right to vote.  She’d put my aunt into the baby carriage and brave the mounted police to demand her right to vote.  She told me that every vote mattered, that you had not just the right, but the responsibility to stand up for what you believed in.  Nana would have told me it was my vote that won that election.

So what does my Nana and voting have to do with BC? It’s really just a small leap to get the point that your support really does matter.  Your BC Paid Subscription can turn the tide from wondering to knowing, from hoping to confirming, from fearing a lost voice to celebrating a strong, dedicated chorus of determined, progressive voices, all focused on commentary, analysis and investigations on issued affecting African Americans. Your BC Contribution, added to your BC Paid Subscription can mean the difference between 40 issues of BC each year (usually more), and an Inbox filled only with spam.  This is all of us, together, making the effort to keep a progressive voice out there, pushing for positive, inclusive, diversity-conscious change.

We’re not asking anyone to spend money they can’t afford to spend, which is why we have Complimentary BC Paid Subscriptions available to anyone who finds the $50 BC Paid Subscription fee burdensome.  At the same time, we need those of you readers who can to send in your $50 for a BC Paid Subscription, or any amount for a BC Contribution.  We’re going to continue doing our part.  We’ll provide you with commentary from among the best thinkers and writers of our time; all we ask is that you step up and do your part, too.  Nana would tell you it was your support that made the difference, and she’d be right.

If you want to know more about what it means to become a BC Paid Subscriber please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you have a question we didn't answer, please let us know. Click here to contact Nancy Littlefield. Thank you.



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