Number 19 - December 5, 2002
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cartoonist Khalil Bendib didn't set out to draw a holiday greeting card,
but his November 28 creation was just so damn good, readers couldn't
help but treat it like one. We've been informed that readers have been
emailing Feast of the Parasites (one of our informal titles for the
cartoon, not Khalil's) to friends and colleagues, during this lean and
dangerous season. It appears that Hallmark has been totally outclassed.
Bob Beattie sends
his compliments to Khalil, from Oregon:
Right on the target!
Says it all and bluntly enough to make a difference.
Fred Jakobcic, of
Marquette, Michigan, stepped back, cocked his head awhile in thought,
and offered an interpretation.
It is sad to say
that this is a great cartoon, and very reflective of our times and
the politics that have been taking place, far too long, under the
reign of the duopoly, a.k.a. democrats and republicans. What's the
difference between the two? This could be reflective of either party,
most especially since the infamous days of r.r.(nancy's hubby).
And, Dale Banks
gives Mr. Bendib his props.
I couldn't have
done it better myself. Sometimes, a picture says a thousand words.
Keep up the good work.
What the Pilgrims
wished on the bone
Conquest and profit
are, of course, the real roots of America's unique national holiday.
We decided to wait until after the festivities to share with you a concise
history of Thanksgiving:
In 1620, English
Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts. We are told they were searching
for religious freedom. The truth is they had all the freedom they
could stand in Holland. So did other religious outcasts. What they
really wanted was a land they could absolutely rule and control with
their own ideas of religion, morality, and law.
When the Mayflower
landed at Plymouth, the starving Pilgrims raided Indian storehouses,
and even the bags of ceremonial grain buried in Native graves. Aware
of their extreme misery, the Wampanoags under Massasoit forgave the
capital crime of grave robbing. They taught the English how to farm,
how to hunt and harvest the foods of the area, and the following year
brought 20 deer to a feast that was supposed to be a treaty.
Within a few years,
the English had repaid the hospitality of their Wampanoag hosts by
launching hostilities against them, which would culminate in 1676
with the execution and dismemberment of Massasoit's son Metacomet.
Relations with
neighboring nations deteriorated as well. In the autumn of 1637, their
neighbors the Pequots were gathered for their annual harvest festival
near modern Groton [CT]. A detachment of English soldiers and Dutch
mercenaries surrounded the village, and shot the Indians as they came
out of the longhouse. At the end, they sealed exits and burned the
village, killing some 700 men, women, and children.
The surviving
Pequots were split into three groups: one-third were exiled to the
Narragansett territory in Rhode Island (today's Paucatuck Pequots),
one-third to the Mohegan territory in Connecticut (today's Mashantucket
Pequots), and the remaining were shipped into slavery in the British
West Indies colony of Barbados.
The next day,
the English governor William Bradford declared "a day of Thanksgiving,"
thanking God that they had eliminated the Indians, opening Pequot
land for white settlement. That proclamation was repeated each year
for the next century.
We found this glimpse
of genocide under the heading, Thanksgiving for Indians, at
Two years before
the Wampanoag made their fatal mistake of feeding the Massachusetts
newcomers, the English at the Jamestown, Virginia colony had begun trading
in Black flesh. Little is known other than that, in 1619, a Dutch vessel
unloaded "20 and odd" Africans in the land of the Powhatan.
In 1622, the Powhatan tried to oust the English, killing 349 of them,
but lost the war and their status as free men and women. Africans and
Indians have been entwined ever since.
LaVerne Arther knows
her roots in some detail, and welcomed our November
28 Guest Commentary, Trail of Heritage and Tears, by Eleanor "Gypsy"
I was quite excited
to read this, among many interviews and articles by Ms. Wyatt. She
is a very powerful voice in the struggle of the so-called "Freedmen"
Indians. I too have attempted to receive the elusive C.D.I.B. (Certificate
of Degree of Indian Blood) for my family. In fact, I am in the process
of appealing a denial by the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. Hopefully,
the public will recognize that we are indeed descendents of Native
American Indians and not the "Made for television Indian"
that society has so erroneously portrayed.
Thank you for publishing this article.
As normal people
draw up their holiday gift lists, the Bush regime is exhorting its minions
to lengthen the lists of citizens to be neutralized in a future national
emergency. Paul Wolf took time to read our commentary, Bush's Domestic
Enemies List - November
28, while studying for the bar, in Washington. Wolf hopes to spoil
Bush's big surprise party.
Excellent article
- "preventive" measures will definitely be taken, the whole
direction the FBI is going is to try to prevent terrorist attacks
before they occur. Cointelpro had the same idea, that there were dangerous
subversive people out there, and what you had to do was draw them
out by provoking them so you could neutralize them before they got
too far in their plans.
When you assign
thousands of agents to do this, and there are no real terrorists,
or perhaps a few dozen, then what the thousands of agents do is come
up with the most dangerous people they can find, in their opinion.
According to William Sullivan (Asst. FBI Director and author of the
CPUSA cointelpro) it's a very small step from intelligence to counterintelligence.
According to his autobiography, once you find out what these groups
are up to, you can't just sit there and watch, you have to do something
about it.
The other factor
that is very important is careerism. I understand the environment
at the FBI is very competitive. So if you are assigned to an eco-terrorist
investigation, or nuns from El Salvador, then you do your best to
come up with something. The biggest problem I see is that so many
people are working on domestic terrorism investigations, and there
are no actual terrorists to investigate. Maybe there are a few dozen,
but there is no terrorist invasion.
I'm in law school
and have been reading about federal torts claims. One thing these
victims can do is sue the government for violating their rights. It
may sound farfetched but I am putting together a list of people who
have gotten good sized settlements from the government, hundreds of
thousands or in the case of Earth First!, millions of dollars. As
the government takes harsher and harsher measures against innocent
people, there will be more cases popping up that would really offend
a jury. I wouldn't waste my time lobbying Congress, I would go directly
to a jury with the most offensive cases.
Keep up the good
work. It's amazing to me that every day there is some new repressive
idea that turns into a law and the whole country is still terrified
and believes we are under attack, more than a year after 9/11. And
even if Henry Kissinger could prove that we knew about the 9/11 attacks
in advance and allowed them to occur, people would still think we
are under attack.
Mr. Wolf's letter
was moving along just fine - until he said "we" might have
known about 9/11. As Tonto replied to the Lone Ranger, What you mean
Brooklyn's Melissa
Ennen has joined the brilliant ranks of
A friend just
alerted me to your site. The survey analysis and the war for private
profit articles are two of the best I've read in some time. Re the
latter, it's the first time I've read someone emphasizing the "cyclonic
speed" of recent events. This "blizzard" is terrifying,
and I sense that the worst is yet to come. I'm glad you're going weekly.
Yes, Ms. Ennen,
we must get as many issues out as possible in the time we have left
to us. However, that has always been the case, in one sense or another.
Kurt Nimmo contributes
to the indispensable publication, We are pleased that
he is also a
Excellent commentary.
But what is truly scary is the fact so few in the media see these
trends, or are they aware of history or how the people in power react
to opposition, especially when that opposition is comprised of people
of color (e.g., Fed Hampton, whom you mentioned). As you say, white
liberals may hear the wake up call when they end up on the list of
political enemies, or somebody they know who may be a bit more "radical"
than they are ends up on it. The Bush administration is so rightwing,
so paranoid, dare I say so vicious, that eventually even moderate
critics will face censor or possible detainment. It is the dynamics
of fascism - and it is fascism we face.
Keep up the good
Shannon Scott from
Savannah, Georgia, marks the return of Henry Kissinger, The Great Intriguer,
now entrusted to unravel the secrets of September 11. (See Secret Bomber
to Probe Secrets of Bombing, November
Although a used
copy of "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush [Sr.]"
will set any buyer back over $200, I cannot emphasize the worthwhileness
of its purchase (or free download for that matter), to anyone seeking
to understand the greater historical particulars that have lead up
to the Bush family's rise to power and Kissinger as its mastermind.
I mean, our whole
country's proverbial eyebrow must've raised when suddenly out of the
political nowhere, Kissinger's name has made it to the top of the
A-list??? Is anyone else out there kind of saying to themselves, "W-H-A-T?"
Perhaps some were also asking the same question when Donald Rumsfeld
made the top dog list also? Surely some then smelled Kissinger's return
around the corner?
Kissinger was
right there behind the smoke and mirrors of the now dated New World
Order, but has jumped from behind the cloak to defend the more dumbed
down and ambiguously termed War On Terrorism. This has been the moment
he and his gang have been banking on with the Bushs, the IMF and World
Bank for over 30 years.
I realize I'm
poking somewhat generically at certain editorial and readership sentiments
within the Black Commentator itself, and am the last to want to express
an alarmist view, but considering that the majority of us (I hope...),
are leading basic, peaceful and neighborly lives, how much longer
are WE going to let another set of failed wannabees lead us
into the open mouth of Hell.
We hesitate to quibble
with Mr. Scott, but Henry Kissinger is no wannabe. He is the most experienced
mass murderer on Earth - yet still tormented by unfulfilled passions.
If J.R.R. Tolkien were alive, he would recognize Kissinger as his creature
Gollum, lusting for The Ring.
A Ford in our
The re-ascension
of the genocidal Kissinger has served to diminish by comparison the
smaller players of international crime. We had hoped to pass a week
without mentioning any of the Black congressional members of Bush's
supporting cast, the Four Eunuchs who voted to give The Sneerer kinglike
war powers. However, in response to our November
21 commentary, The Harold Ford Show vs Serious Democratic Business,
reader Aubrey J. Howard has forced the issue. Mr. Howard, aware that
the 32 year-old lawmaker has his eyes on a U.S. Senate seat, believes
there's hope for Rep. Ford, yet.
The commentary
was quite interesting. I was chastised, at one point in my life, for
sticking to principles and leaving a potentially very rewarding position
which could have opened many doors for Blacks. The person who succeeded
me had no interest in advancing our cause. I could have eaten a little
crow and helped our folk. Even at the face of criticism, to advance
our cause we sometimes have to take difficult and not popular stands!
Harold Ford, Jr. recognizes he is Black but he also realizes that
unless he can attract white votes he cannot become senator in our
great state of Tennessee. However he achieves that goal, I worry not
that he will lead Black folk down the wrong path! Continue the battle
as it is most important to have divergent views no matter how distasteful.
We welcome and respect
the opinions of Mr. Howard, who describes himself as a "conservative
democrat." As students of opinion surveys, we have found that Black
self-described "conservative democrats" tend to be as progressive
as whites who call themselves "liberal." In any event, great
changes loom in our nation and the world, which will occasion a reshuffling
of many self-evaluations.
We hope Anita Johnson
doesn't change a thing. Clearly, she is a decisive woman of quick intelligence.
I just discovered
this site through a Buzzflash link. Very good! It is now on my list
of favorites and I will revisit.
Keep writing.
Kurt Nimmo, Counterpunch,