Issue 174 - March 9, 2006

The Voice of BC Paid Subscribers
The BC Bottom Line
Email from BC Paid Subscribers
by BC Staffer Nancy Littlefield

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Personal fortunes only go so far, and Peter Gamble's has gone as far as it can go.  He used it to fund the start up of  After all, on the list of truly worthy causes, ranks high.  Nonetheless, when Glen Ford and Peter began BC over four years ago, both knew that at some point, funding would have to come from elsewhere.

Originally, the business plan called for reliance on advertisers, but it quickly became apparent that accepting advertising dollars meant accepting Corporate dollars.  More often than not, Corporate advertising income meant Corporate strings, an idea abhorrent to Glen and Peter, and antithetical to the mission of  So, Peter continued to spend his own funds to keep the BC voice growing into the publication it is today; 174 issues of commentary, analysis and investigations affecting African Americans.  What few ads there are come from those wanting only to advertise their products or services, without any editorial input as to the content of

Judging from the email BC receives, Glen and Peter have hit their mark.  According to the data analysis, there are well over 100,000 individual readers who visit the website each month, and the number continues to grow.  The BC readers tell us they are black, white, brown, wealthy, educated, poor, middle income, high school dropout, a professor, a doctor, an inmate, a teacher, male, female, religiously affiliated, religiously unaffiliated, a US citizen, a Haitian living in what was described as "enslavement on a plantation".  For the positive effect BC has had across what are often viewed as unconnected segments of the world population, Glen and Peter are grateful and feel fulfilled in their mission.

That mission began in the mid-'70s, when Peter joined Glen at the Mutual Radio Network in Washington, DC, where they served as radio anchors, White House reporters, State Department correspondents and much more.  (You can read their biographies on the About Us page.)  Their friendship has lasted over three decades, and has been based on a shared, uncompromising sense of economic and social justice.  They have collaborated on many projects including television's America's Black Forum, political media campaigns, and eventually

Last year, a Corporate controller and MBA fled the Big Corporation world and joined the group.  One of her first assignments was to find a way to keep BC financially viable.  She took a look at the readership data, admired the hell out of Glen's and Peter's refusal to be bought by Corporate dollars, and voila!  The idea of asking for BC Paid Subscribers and BC Contributors was born.  Surely, many of those 100,000 readers would want to support

Along with all the details of getting online paid subscriptions set up, the folks at BC couldn't help but fantasize how that subscription money could fund projects to reduce the "digital divide" in our country.  Imagine an internet café where people without computer access could get online for free, take courses in how to use a computer, take courses in how to use income-generating software.  Imagine providing the equipment for home-based computer users to make a living.  They even kick around the idea that, with a huge response from BC Paid Subscribers and BC Contributors, they could partner with a bank to funnel money to Katrina victims in an effort to restore communities that stand at the brink of "gentrification".  There's more:  scholarships, paid interns, funding a progressive "think tank" (the Left's answer to The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute).  All of that and a reversal of Peter's negative cash flow, too.  Oh, the vision is grand.

It is important to BC to make sure that no one is cut off from because of money concerns, so they made sure that BC would include four key things:

  • the current issue would remain free to everyone
  • articles could still be sent from readers to their friends and colleagues
  • for those to whom the $50 Paid Subscription fee was a burden, they would offer Complimentary BC Paid Subscriptions
  • they would ask those who could afford it to become a BC Contributor by giving more than the subscription price

Future plans include special items and bonuses exclusively for BC Paid Subscibers - more on that next week.

BC truly appreciates the generosity of those who have become BC Contributors, those who have purchased a BC Paid Subscription, and those who asked for a Complimentary BC Paid Subscription so that they could continue to support BC with their readership. 

But what of the rest of those 100,000 readers?  What about the rest of you?  What of the idea of keeping the BC voice alive?  As of this writing, a few hundred generous readers have spent $50 on a subscription. About 20% of those have also become BC Contributors. BC has given away many more Complimentary BC Paid Subscriptions than has been covered by contributions. You don't need to be a finance wizard to realize that the financial support of these socially and politically responsible BC Paid Subscribers/Contributors is not enough to keep BC going.

Glen and Peter are not going to accept Corporate strings with Corporate dollars.  Period.  It's up to you, the BC reader to keep BC online.  The well of start up money for this venture has lasted for 174 issues.  It is imperative that become self-sustaining through BC Paid Subscriptions and the generosity of the BC Contributors.  If you want to continue to read and rely on the excellence of, and have the means, please show your financial support and become a BC Paid Subscriber/Contributor  This link will take you to the Sign Up Page:

For those of you in education and social services, contact Nancy Littlefield, BC Staffer and [email protected] about obtaining a group subscription.


Need more inspiration to send in your $50?  These are some of the comments that have come in from BC Paid Subscribers:

BC is by far one of the best sources of critical thinking, genuinely informative.  Thank you for your work. MZ, Santa Monica, CA

Thank you for supporting my art, and the excellent commentary you bring to the "Black Community", along with your vision and critical insight that affects all of us.. Peace.  LR, Valencia, CA

Hat's off to your fine site .It is my pleasure to contribute. As a brother DOD contracting in Iraq, I find the seemingly endless odor of bullshit overpowering; that which is flatulated by the Main Stream Media, obvious slaves to the new King of the United States, has reached an ALMOST overpowering stench. I laud you and continue to hope that I'm not alone out here........DR, Detroit, MI

As I watched developments in Haiti and then the blatant racism   (and classism) following Katrina in New Orleans The Black Commentator website became an important place to check for reactions not usually available elsewhere. The same goes for my suspicions about Obama and some of the members of the Black Congressional Caucus.  Your voice is needed by all of us.  RH, Cottage Grove, OR

Glad to be able to support what is the best site on the Internet!  MW, Philadelphia, PA

I may not agree with what you say but I can never deny your love for Black folk.  RT, Sacramento, CA

The Black Commentator is the is the only source of information that comes close to expressing how I feel politically as a Black Man in America. It is my pleasure to become a paying member and will send more when I can afford it. Thank you.  BL, Portland, OR

Keep making it do what it do.  Thank you.  RB, Altadena, CA

Keep carrying the torch, we need it.  GA, Phoenix, AZ

I truly look forward to receiving Black Commentator.  I love the commentaries and the writers.  I want to continue to support a worthy organization that speaks truth to our situation in America and around the world.  Thank you.  BA, Alexandria, VA

I can hardly wait for Thursdays and this website.  HG, Norwich, CT

This is a seminal site.  Thank you for the work that you are doing.  EB, San Francisco, CA

Glad to hear that you finally decided to introduce subscriptions.  Information costs dearly these days.  You are the best and I wish you much success.  EB, Suffolk, VA

As far as I'm concerned, Black Commentator is the voice of black America.  MT, Indianapolis, IN

World events are making black folks marginal and meaningless and our lives are important only if we know something about the people and events that are helping us or crippling us. Black folks cannot be a player in this real life and death drama without knowing what the hell we must do. Please help make the picture clear so we know who and what to fight.  GE, Decatur, GA

Keep tellin' the truth!!!  GB, Tuscaloosa, AL

A friend of mine made me aware of this publication, and since I have been getting the e-magazine, I have felt so much stronger as a Black man in America. I have real information. I live in a community where the news so often is so heavily screened for its blind members, I have a really hard time finding places for up to date real information about the affects of this US administration's dealings with our people. Thank you for being a voice of balance and reason in these imbalanced, singular voice times!  MH, Madison, WI

There can be no progressive black politics without open dialogue and debate about where to go from here and how to get there. Thank you for creating and maintaining this important forum.  TS, Brooklyn, NY

Thanks. And thanks for the contribution that you are making with your e-zine.  CB, Huntington, NY

Please note that I love BC.  I think that you and Mr. Ford provide us with thoughtful, insightful, and wonderful articles on the Black experience.  Thank you very much and please keep up the good work.  May the Lord continue to rain down blessings on you all at BC.  HBR, San Antonio, TX

I have been reading your site for a year now and it is the best site I go to.  But now your article A MOVEMENT AGAINST WAL MART has so inspired me that I have come to  your contribution page...We are organizing our small town on the very things you talk about.  We are saying as we pass flyers to all the small businesses, " Wal Mart is trying to tell you that this is a Union issue; this is not a union issue this is a community issue.  When you hear that Wal Mart is coming; it's too late.  We want you to come to an organizing meeting for small businessmen or women because you'll never hear this from the Chamber of Commerce and this town has just elected a pro-developer City Council, It's time we talk...And they are saying," We'll be there."  P.S. I'm white.  So is the town, pretty much. But we want a movement, not a campaign. I'm 74.  Let's hope I live till 90.  MM, Benicia, CA

Thank you, everyone who has given their financial support to BC.  We hope to be around for a long time, too, and we will - with your help. 

Come back to The Voice of BC Paid Subscribers next time, and see if we've published your comments!

If you have any questions about how to become a BC Paid Subscriber and BC Contributor, you may reach Nancy Littlefield, BC Staffer, BC Paid Subscriber/Contributor at [email protected].




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