Number 16 - November 14, 2002
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Black Commentator has called on the NAACP to dismiss the editor of its
publication, THE CRISIS. In our November
4 issue, we published our brief against Victoria Valentine, along
with an Open Letter to the magazine and its parent organization from
Harvard political scientist Dr. Martin Kilson.
Journalist Dr. Todd Burroughs, who writes frequently for THE CRISIS, and other
important Black political publications, rose to Valentine’s defense.
Dr. Kilson responded with expected brilliance, and the publishers of
BC have also taken the opportunity to elaborate on Valentine’s “weak
and confused” guardianship of the magazine’s legacy and the interests
of the NAACP.
Valentine’s offending
editorial, “Black According to Whom?” is the last item on this page.
We begin with BC’s position, followed by Burroughs’ letter and Dr. Kilson’s
the Publishers of The Black Commentator:
Readers of this
publication are familiar with our efforts to expose the new crop of
politicians that we call Black Trojan Horses, nominal Democrats who
consciously collaborate in the rightwing and Republican mission to destroy
existing Black political structures. These “stealth” politicians are
most useful to the Right in creating the illusion of grave divisions
among African Americans along age and income lines. According, they
are heavily funded by conservatives, and receive intense and uniformly
positive coverage in the corporate media.
Once anointed by
media as “new Black leaders,” these subsidized pretenders walk the political
high wire for their paymasters. For example, they endorse public vouchers
for private schools, a political demand first put forward by the most
extreme elements of the Hard Right in order to encourage privatization
of public institutions, drive a wedge between Blacks and public employees
(a large proportion of whom are Black), and undermine the political
positions of established organizations such as the NAACP.
To our shock and
amazement, Victoria Valentine, editor of THE CRISIS, the NAACP publication
founded by W.E.B. DuBois in 1910, dedicated the online home page of
the September/October issue to a defense the most notorious Trojan Horse
of all: Cory Booker, the failed candidate for Mayor of Newark, NJ.
Booker, a board
member of the Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO), a Bradley
Foundation-created school voucher front-group (see Trojan
Horse Watch in this issue), is described by Valentine as a “liberal,”
a term she also applies to Denise Majette, the Right-funded, onetime
Republican who defeated Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney, and to Artur
Davis, whose victory over Alabama Rep. Earl Hilliard was bankrolled
by the Right. Worse, editor Valentine arbitrarily linked the Trojan
Horse trio to other young Black politicians such as Rep. Jesse Jackson
Jr. (D-Ill.), Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, and Tennessee Rep. Harold
Ford, Jr. – a grave disservice to Jackson, Kilpatrick and Ford.
Valentine swallows
whole the Right’s and the corporate media’s unsubstantiated line, that
Blacks “greatly differ” on issues of “welfare and education reform and
tax cuts... depending on income, age and education level attained....”
The most grievous,
direct damage was done to Valentine’s parent organization, the NAACP.
She dismisses Booker’s voucher activities and leadership position in
the BAEO, facts of which she should be aware, as openness "to ideas
in education reform."
Does Valentine not
know that the NAACP has locked horns with Booker’s voucher crowd across
the length and breadth of the nation, in courtrooms, statehouses, on
Capitol Hill and in the streets? That the NAACP is the object of ridicule
and scorn in the ranks of Booker and Majette supporters and funders,
everywhere? That the oft-stated goal of right-wingers in money and media
is to replace the NAACP and other “civil rights-type” organizations
with “new Black leaders” of more “moderate” and “independent” bent –
invariably citing Cory Booker, Denise Majette and Artur Davis?
Valentine seems
oblivious to the NAACP’s position on defense of public education – or
does she believe that the ongoing conflict over vouchers amounts to
no more than a preference for white wine over red?
Let us remind Valentine
what her leaders have to say about vouchers for private schools.
President Kweisi Mfume: "Vouchers are a pernicious, steal-from-the-poor-and-give-to-the-rich
scheme. They take money from our public school students, give it instead
to private schools, and abandon many of our children in the process."
NAACP Chairman Julian
Bond: "We oppose vouchers. We support public education, where over
80% of American children are educated."
David Levering Lewis,
DuBois biographer and CRISIS board member, believes the magazine's great
founder and editor would oppose vouchers: "I've heard Dubois' name
invoked as an enemy of affirmative action, someone who might favor vouchers.
Those things seem quite unlikely to me...."
Former Colorado
Springs NAACP head Willie Breazell was ousted because of his support
of vouchers. Breazell now sits on the board of the BAEO, with Cory Booker.
Victoria Valentine gives aid and comfort to Booker, and has so far gotten
away with it.
CRISIS board of directors is separate from, but includes many notables
of, the NAACP. They are: Mfume, Bond, Levering Lewis, David Schneiderman,
Ken Bentley, Justice Laura Blackburne, Bishop William Graves, Gwendolyn
Smith Iloani, Vernon Jarrett, and Joe Madison. Roger Wilkins is Chairman
of the Board and Publisher of the magazine, directly responsible for
editor Valentine.
We at The Black
Commentator are most concerned that the NAACP does not appear, in this
instance, to be prepared to defend itself from propaganda generated
by the magazine's own employee, within its own pages. This does not
augur well for the long struggle ahead, which will be waged against
the same rich think tanks and corporate media whose premises Valentine
repeats like a catechism.
In our November
4 issue, we called for Valentine's dismissal by the board as "a
weak and confused guardian at the gates of its venerable publication."
Our colleague Todd Burroughs, in his reply, published below, calls that
"destructive criticism" and urges us to "save it for
those who oppose us, not those with whom we just disagree."
Burroughs accuses
us of lacking "civility" toward Valentine and suggests that
we got carried away due to being "caught up in their righteous
and proper campaign against Booker's affiliations."
We resent the condescension.
Our criticism and conclusions regarding Valentine's editorial are direct
and need no interpretation. She undermines the NAACP's mission in fundamental
ways, and has shown a mindset to do future damage to the organization
- an institution that is an important part of the African American legacy.
If Burroughs thinks this is a matter of politeness, he needs to get
serious about struggle and the real meaning of solidarity. The collegial
embrace from the editor of THE CRISIS is exactly what Booker needed
to show his paymasters that he, Majette and Davis remain a credible
alternative to... the NAACP! Valentine gives the trio her blessing,
and they march off to do surrogate battle against her employers and
what's left of Black leadership - after a stop at the bank, of course.
Directly opposite
Valentine's odious editorial is a link to a statement by DuBois, edited
by CRISIS board member David Levering Lewis. Here is how the man who
inspired generations of progressive Black intellectuals and activists
viewed corporate dominion over political discourse in the United States:
"The organized
effort of American industry to usurp government surpasses anything
in modern history, " he warned. "From the use of psychology
to spread the truth has come the use of organized gathering of news
to guide public opinion and then deliberately to mislead it by scientific
advertising and propaganda. This has led in our day to suppression
of truth, omission of facts, misinterpretation of news, and deliberate
falsehood on a wide scale. Mass capitalistic control of books and
periodicals, news gathering and distribution, radio, cinema, and television
has made the throttling of democracy possible and the distortion of
education and failure of justice widespread."
Yet THE CRISIS employs
an editor who takes her cues from the corporate media, ignores the funding
sources of people she describes as "Black leaders," and attacks
those who document the activities of the NAACP's enemies.
has no place, here. Get rid of her.
Burroughs' Defense of Editor Victoria Valentine
I sincerely appreciated
the spirit in which the deservedly legendary Martin Kilson responded
in to The "Editor's Note" of the
September/October 2002 edition of The Crisis, a publication of which
I have been proud to freelance for during the past two years. However,
I disagreed with the editorial context in which Kilson's comments were
placed, and would like to present my own views on the entire controversy.
I agree with Kilson
that Booker's affiliations with the Bradley Foundation and the Manhattan
Institute, among other right-wing groups, should have been included
in Crisis editor Victoria Valentine's column. I also agree with
him that any implication that Denise Majette and Cory Booker are "liberals"
is incorrect. I think that any editorial errors were honestly made and
were not designed, as's introduction seemed
to imply, to "bestow political cover" to closet Black conservatives.
I hope Ms. Valentine will consider a future "Editor's Note"
column clarifying her views and discussing this controversy.
However, I believe
that the issues Ms. Valentine brought up are completely valid, as is
the framework in which she presented the conflict. There are serious
generation, "authenticity" and ideological gaps in Black America
in 2002, and constantly bringing up the NAACP's long and illustrious
history can't paper that reality over. I humbly suggest that Dr. Kilson
expose himself to Black-targeted media forums designed for those under
30 so he can see the diverse political and social views held by Black
young adults. He could start with magazines such as Port of Harlem,
Colorlines and The Source.
I have written about
the issues surrounding Booker for another Black-oriented website. Although
I appreciate's muckraking on the issue of
Booker's "stealth candidacy," my reporting - which included
interviews with several liberals and progressives in the city - found
that Booker and his political views were more complicated than the simplistic
labeling of him because of some of his sponsors. Perhaps I'm wrong,
but I doubt that even the Democratic Leadership Council - the neo-conservative
group that spawned Bill Clinton, America's so-called first "Black"
president - would recognize an arch-conservative "plant" as
a future leader of the party. I believe Booker is just a Black version
of Clinton - an Ivy League political opportunist who plays all sides
for his benefit.
Booker may be to
the right of Harold Ford and Jesse Jackson, Jr., but all of them can
be placed together as a "new" generation of Black political
leaders who do not necessarily see themselves as being in lockstep with
the traditional liberal-to-left-of-center civil rights agenda. That
is a documented sociopolitical reality within the Black community. For
example, some Black educators who own private community schools may
not necessarily be against vouchers, and may see the issue as necessary
"education reform." If Ms. Valentine chose to make an argument
in the pages of The Crisis from that point, it would be an opinion,
not an error. And that's what Ms. Valentine wrote - an opinion.
Let us remember
that Crisis founding editor W.E.B. DuBois used to write his opinions
in the publication, and not all meshed with current NAACP policy. It's
good to see 20th century traditions continue.
Now to the call
for Valentine's removal. I have disagreed with editors of Black publications
before, and have not been afraid to tell them of my disagreement to
their faces. But I would never publicly call an editor of a Black publication
a "weak or confused guardian," or called for her ouster, if
I disagreed with her or thought her analysis or reporting was faulty.
I would instead look at the opportunity to educate a powerful player
on an important issue. By calling for the NAACP board to remove Ms.
Valentine, The obviously disagrees with
this tactic.
In the past, I have
yielded to the temptation of publicly criticizing other writers as an
attempt to generate heat. I learned my lesson from that experience when
I saw it alienated instead of educated. I'm sure that
wants to generate light, saving the heat for those who really deserve
it. If our criticism is constructive, it may not generate the welcome
attention to our worthwhile endeavors that we want. But it also will
not create unnecessary antagonisms among our few existing Black-controlled
media outlets.
I will continue
to support The Crisis, The and all Black
media that honestly attempt to explain and define issues from our varied
perspectives. I only humbly request that we are civil in our dealings
with each other---a civility Dr. Kilson displayed and that The
editors, in my opinion, seemed to jettison because they were
caught up in their righteous and proper campaign against Booker's affiliations.
If we must engage
in destructive criticism, let's save it for those who oppose us, not
those with whom we just disagree.
In Solidarity And
With Respect,
Todd Steven Burroughs,
[email protected]
In general, my reaction
to Todd Burroughs' comments on my Black Commentator column that critiqued
the "Editor's Note" in the September/October issue of THE
CRISIS and his comments on the introductory note by the editors of Black
Commentator is a mixed one.
First, I can see how Burroughs' could interpret the introductory note
by the editors of Black Commentator as being somewhat "uncivil"
- causing Burroughs to request that "we are civil in our [argumentative]
dealings with each other". But as I read the introductory note
it struck me as "tough-minded" rather than "uncivil."
Underlying the "tough-minded"
commentary by the editors of Black Commentator is, I think, a keen recognition
that the public policy purposes driving rightwing conservative and Republican
party forces which launch "stealth candidacies" among African-Americans
(like the Cory Booker candidacy in Newark's mayoral election this year)
are systemically reactionary. Accordingly, "hard-headed"
and "tough-minded" thinking and action are required on the
part of the liberal and progressive sector of African-American leadership
groups like the NAACP, National Urban League, the Congressional Black
Caucus, etc., not fantasy-prone "polite thinking" or "civil
thinking." I got the feeling from Burroughs' reply that he was
confusing "tough-minded" discourse with "raucous-prone"
discourse, but this, I can assure Mr. Burroughs, is just not the intellectual
style of the intellectually sophisticated editors of Black Commentator.
Second, I couldn't
agree more with Burroughs that in commenting favorably on the emergence
of "new generation" political leaders among African-Americans,
Victoria Valentine - editor of THE CRISIS - has a right to "her
opinion." However, the important issue in regard to these inevitably
new developments in African-American society that relate to generational
patterns is not "our opinion". The important issue is that
we produce in our writings on new generational dynamics a viable
and effective analysis. And this is especially so for someone writing
as editor of the main organ of African-Americans' premier and most effective
ethnic-bloc political organization - the NAACP.
Thus, it was for
this reason that I pointed out in my original reply to Valentine's "Editor's
Note" in THE CRISIS (September/October) that Valentine was gravely
in error when suggesting, as I put it, "a parallel political symmetry
between Cory Booker - a genuine 'stealth candidate' - and Tennessee's
U.S. Representative Harold Ford
. While Representative Ford, as
a Black member of Congress, has fashioned a neo-liberal format for himself,
this neo-liberal format remains genuinely committed to the core public
policy goals of the longstanding mainline African-American leadership's
civil rights agenda [the NAACP's agenda in effect]."
Alas, Victoria Valentine,
as I pointed out in my reply, compounded this erroneous "opinion"
when she went on to suggest, as I put it, "a parallel political
symmetry between Cory Booker and other young Black politicians, such
as Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. (Democrat- Ill.) and Detroit Mayor
Kwame Kilpatrick, but this is just analytically disingenuous. Jackson
and Kilpatrick, like Representative Ford, while creatively broadening
the alliance pattern among African-American office-holders, remain genuinely
committed to the core public policy goals of the mainline African-American
leadership's civil rights agenda. In short, the NAACP's agenda."
Again, let me say
to Mr. Burroughs that this issue is not a simple matter of Ms. Valentine's
"opinion". Rather it is a crucial matter of presenting a viable
and effective analysis of new patterns in African-American political
life. Ms. Valentine, I suggest, did not produce a viable and effective
analysis in her "Editor's Note" in September/October issue
of THE CRISIS. Given the fact that THE CRISIS functions as a crucial
organ of the premier political agency for African-Americans - the NAACP
- I for one consider it imperative that pieces written either by staff
of THE CRISIS or officials of the NAACP emphasize the goal of viable
and effective analysis.
I noticed in Mr.
Burroughs' reply that he mentioned the name of the great W.E.B. DuBois
(next to Frederick Douglass and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the
three greatest African-American leaders ever) in regard to the production
of THE CRISIS. Mr. Burroughs failed to mention what was most crucial
about DuBois' three-decade headship of THE CRISIS. Namely, his brilliant
capacity to attain the goal of viable and effective analysis in virtually
every essay and commentary he penned for THE CRISIS.
One final thought.
The American media - newspapers and magazines especially - have given
a lot of attention to the "generational issue," let's call
it, in African-American society over the past decade, and in the past
several years political aspects of the generational issue have been
particularly emphasized. The most up-to-date survey of African-American
political attitudes available to me is the "2002 National Opinion
Poll of Blacks" produced by the Joint Center for Political and
Economic Studies in Washington, DC.
While the various
questions put to African-Americans in this poll clearly reveal "generational
differences" on a variety of political subjects, these differences
are in general not massive. For instance, TABLE 5 records responses
to the query, "Do you feel things in the country are generally
going in the right direction
?" Some 66. 4% of Blacks in 18-25
age bracket and 67.5% in 26-35 bracket replied "wrong direction."
This compared with 70.4% in 36-50 age bracket and 68.8% in 51-64 bracket
who replied "wrong direction." Viewed in generational terms,
the foregoing cross-generational differences are not at all large.
differences get larger when the Joint Center pollsters asked African-Americans
to express their "party identification." In general, the older
you are the more likely you identify as a Democrat. Thus, in 51-64 bracket
some 70% of African-Americans identified as "Democrat" as
did 65% in the 36-50 age bracket. On the other hand, in the 26-35 age
bracket some 56% identified as "Democrat" as did 54% in the
18-25 age bracket. However, the lower identification as "Democrat"
among the younger age brackets (18-35) did not translate into a sizable
identification as "Republican". Only 9% of 18-25 bracket identified
as "Republican", for example. Instead, the lower identification
as "Democrat" among 18-25 bracket translated into identification
as "Independent" - one third - while 21% among both 36-50
and 51-64 age brackets identified as "Independent."
When compared with
the small generational difference among African-Americans in regard
to attitudes toward the policy direction in America under the Republican
Bush Administration as the "wrong direction," the generational
difference in "party identification" is more distinct and
larger. Even so, when African-Americans were asked to "pull-the-election-trigger",
so to speak, the larger generational difference in "party identification"
did not show up in TABLE 9 of the Joint Center's poll which asked African-Americans
how they would vote in the upcoming 2002 elections for the House of
In response to this question, 74.7% of 51-64 age bracket replied, "Vote
for Democrat" and 72.1% of 36-50 age bracket replied likewise.
By comparison, nearly 70% (69.8% to be exact) of 26-35 age bracket replied
"Vote Democrat" as did 69% of the 18-25 age bracket. On the
other hand, at the younger end of the generational spectrum, only 14.7%
of the 18-25 age bracket replied "Vote for Republican," compared
to 10.7% of the 36-50 age bracket and a miniscule 3.2% of the 51-64
age bracket.
In short, when it
comes to making the crucial decision of voting in the American electoral
process as of November 2002, the so-called "generational gap"
among African-Americans is still relatively marginal. Whether the launching
of "stealth candidacies" by rightwing conservative and Republican
forces among African-American voters - candidacies like that mounted
by city councilman Cory Booker in Newark's mayoral campaign this year
- will intensify a political "generational gap" among African-Americans
remains to be seen. Also, it remains to be seen whether efforts by some
African-American legislators at the federal or state level to maneuver
in the direction of neo-liberal legislative alliances will similarly
intensify a political "generational gap" among African-Americans.
I don't want to wager a prognosis on this very important issue here.
But I can say that as long as broad sections of our African-American
citizenry continue to confront numerous barriers to attaining access
to viable working-class and middle-class existence in our society that
are a legacy of America's century-old racist practices, I don't envisage
anything one would call a "cataclysmic generational gap" politically
among African-Americans. Today, perhaps some 35% to 40% of African-American
households fall in the category of "poor families" and "weak
working-class families," and from where I sit ideologically and
politically I would hope generational cleavages will not weaken the
capacity of future African-American political patterns to play a major
role in facilitating the advancement of these poor and weak African-American
families. For me, this must be a major future goal of the liberal and
progressive sectors among African-Americans today.
Dr. Martin Kilson
is a longtime NAACP supporter and author of the forthcoming two-volume
work, The Making of Black Intellectuals: Studies on the African-American
According to Whom?,
A Message from the Editor, Victoria L. Valentine...
This election season
there were a number of heated contests in which Black incumbents faced
Black challengers. In these races pitting Democrats against one another,
most of the focus has been on the fact that the incumbents have been
political veterans who have rarely faced real competition and their
challengers have often been younger, relatively green candidates.
But there are other
qualities about the opponents that the veteran politicians have exploited
in their efforts to hold onto the support of their constituents. The
political establishment has characterized the challengers as not authentically
Black, an indictment once only lavished (with equal ridiculousness)
on Black republicans.
The newcomers are
liberal like their opponents, but because they may have attended Ivy
League schools, haven't grown up poor enough, have a diverse base of
support and may be more moderate on key issues, they are being cast
as not Black enough.
Some young politicians,
including Rep. Harold E. Ford Jr. (D-TN) and former Newark City Councilman
Cory Booker are open to ideas in education reform, that are controversial
to civil rights veterans who fought to integrate public schools. And
candidates such as Denise Majette, who defeated Rep. Cynthia McKinney
in the Democratic primary for the 4th district of Georgia, and Artur
Davis, who successfully challenged Rep. Earl F. Hilliard (D-Ala.) for
his seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, have courted controversy
in the Black establishment because their campaigns were significantly
supported by Whites and Jewish organizations outraged at their opponents'
views on the Middle East. Rev. Al Sharpton, campaigning in Birmingham
for Hilliard, said, "Everybody that's our color is not our kind.
Everybody that's our skinfolk is not our kinfolk."
The most poignant
example occurred in this season's mayoral election in Newark, N.J. Mayor
Sharpe James, who has served since 1986, faced a viable opponent in
33-year-old Booker, a tenant lawyer who had already beaten a four-term
incumbent for a seat on the city council. Next, Booker who grew up in
a New Jersey suburb, and graduated from Stanford University and Yale
Law School before heading to Oxford on a Rhodes Scholarship, challenged
James, 66, in the mayoral election. James managed to garner 53 percent
of the vote and will serve a fifth four-year term. But the campaign
was ugly. It was widely reported that James called booker a "faggot
White boy." According to New York magazine, James' spokesman explained
the slur as an "emotional reaction."
There's no doubt
that these up and coming leaders are passionate about their race. And
that's likely why they entered politics to begin with - to better the
lot of the African American community. But as beneficiaries of civil
rights and other legislative advancements accomplished by their predecessors,
rising Black politicians like Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) and Detroit
Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick have benefited from integrated environments at
school, work and home. While their priorities remain with issues of
traditional concern to Blacks, they also have expanded interests and
expertise. Which was the goal, I thought, of us overcoming.
Once in office,
Black politicians trying to build coalitions and work on business issues,
for example, have enough problems dealing with the biases of those outside
the race without worrying about being judged by those within the race.
It really should
come down to the issues. The Black community has traditionally voted
as a bloc (sometimes with success, sometimes not) in areas such as welfare
and education reform and tax cuts, but increasingly, depending on income,
age and education level attained, African Americans greatly differ on
these matters.
If we don't agree
with a Black politician's stand on issues (or are concerned about the
source of his or her financial support), we just shouldn't vote for
them, not question their Blackness.
Website of THE CRISIS
e-Mail address for Letter to the Editor of THE CRISIS
[email protected]
