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Bob Johnson, the
Black Entertainment Television founder with a personal net worth of
$1.3 billion, is a Trojan Horse, an aggressive political operative
of the Bush White House posing as a Democrat. He has used his high
profile status as one-half of all African American billionaires (the
determinedly non-partisan Oprah Winfrey is the other half) to advance
the most politically perilous item on the GOP agenda: privatization
of Social Security.
In his unseemly
eagerness to ingratiate himself with the Bush crowd, Johnson has embraced
a far-right cause so hot, the National Republican Congressional Committee
has instructed its own candidates to avoid the issue at all costs.
Undeterred, and bolstered by what Johnson likes to call "a healthy
disrespect for traditional thinking," Johnson helped fashion
the party's "Black" rationale for delivering the centerpiece
of the social safety net to the tender mercies of the marketplace.
The Social Security
Act of 1935 spawned the largest public cash cow in the history of
the world. Businessmen tried to strangle it at birth, and the Right
has never forgiven FDR for tampering with the market-imposed rhythms
of life and death. Social Security is the only enduring step the United
States has ever taken toward European-style social democracy. Everybody
pays into the kitty, and everyone gets something out in their old
age. A range of survivors', disability and other benefits have been
added to the system over the years.
Rightwing think
tanks have long argued that the shorter life spans of Blacks can be
used to turn them against Social Security, if only a credible African
American voice were found to articulate the position. Preferably,
the mouthpiece should be someone that the African American public
believes knows his way around money. Enter, Bob Johnson, Black billionaire,
and a man with some favors to earn.
Better still,
Johnson is a nominal Democrat, a contributor to the party, perfect
for applying two coats of cover to the Republican raid on Social Security.
Here was a man who could lead his people to the roulette tables of
privatization. If you can't destroy the Social Security system, steal
Spinning Black,
voting Right
In May of this
year, the 56 year-old deal-maker took his appointed place on the Bush-rigged
Commission to Strengthen Social Security, a business and ideologue-dominated
group carefully chosen to scare the public into surrendering their
futures to the stock market. This was not a good year to popularize
the scheme, however, as the public observed that Wall Street was filled
with fleeing thieves. From his Democratic seat on the supposedly bipartisan
panel, Bob Johnson screamed like a Republican banshee.
"We're all
on the Titanic as it relates to Social Security and people are telling
us it's the safest ship afloat,'' Johnson told the Associated Press.
"But we are heading for a disaster.''
Actually, Enron,
Worldcom and other scandals were threatening to drag congressional
Republicans towards disaster - Bush having not yet soaked up all the
news by threatening to destroy the United Nations and Iraq. And, what
was all that "we" stuff, spilling from the lips of a billionaire?
Having run the
GOP line for general public consumption, Johnson pulled out his specialty
spiel, the one marked, for-Blacks-only.
The Johnson privatization
argument is standard Right doctrine wrapped up in a Black package
- kind of like Johnson, himself. "African Americans who contribute
to the Social Security system and payroll taxes also have one of the
highest mortality rates, so in the end, they may not receive the full
benefits of what they put in Social Security," said the instant
expert on such matters. Solution? Let's roll the dice!
According to the
official notes of the June 11 meeting of commission, Johnson "wants
to improve the program for all Americans, but will focus on giving
African Americans broader access to wealth accumulation and enlarging
the program equity - particularly among African Americans, who, he
believes, receive less from the system because of higher mortality
rates, making it difficult for their heirs and families to benefit
from their contributions."
Johnson knows
perfectly well that there cannot be an "African American"
version of the Social Security system. What he and the GOP raiders
want is a program in which people can invest more money in the stock
market, sooner, something euphemistically dubbed "optional private
investment accounts." Johnson's assignment is to stick "Black"
and "Democrat" labels on the package, for political sale
- an exercise requiring vast reservoirs of cynicism and dishonesty.
As Jonathan Chait
pointed out in his August, New Republic article on Robert Johnson's
White House intrigues, the billionaire is reading from a script that
has been flipped.
Social Security's
retirement benefits are progressive: They offer a higher rate of
return to lower-paid workers. Since black workers, on average, earn
less than the population at large, they benefit from this redistribution.
This more than makes up for any loss they suffer from dying
younger. On the whole, then, Social Security redistributes money
from whites to blacks. Most plans for private accounts do not....
Johnson has his racial analysis backward.
Social Security
can and should be made much more progressive. But the Right
has always opposed such measures, because it abhors the very concept
of income redistribution. So does Bob Johnson, who once told C-Span,
"If I help my family get over and deal with the problems they
might confront, then I have achieved that one goal that is my responsibility
to society at large."
Too hot for
Kansas City
By now, the summer
was almost over; war season would begin promptly after Labor Day.
Republican troops were ordered to shut up about Social Security, and
just ride the patriotic wave to full dominance of Congress. Kill Saddam
first, Social Security, later.
Hard Rightists
rebelled. On September 18, the National Review wrote:
National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has urged candidates
to disavow their association with the concept of privatization. This
is dreadfully bad policy - it could stunt the movement toward reforming
the biggest entitlement program in the federal budget by 5 to 10 years.
But it is also questionable politics. Optional private investment
accounts are a political winner that can attract a new generation
of voters to the GOP."
Thanks largely
to Bob Johnson, the Hard Right had been encouraged to believe that
a significant number of Blacks might become part of that "new
generation" opposed to Social Security.
Freewheeling GOPAC
had already broken silence on the Black front. The propaganda committee's
media men ordered a full schedule of ads for Black radio in Kansas
City, including this 60-second script:
Woman: "You've heard about reparations, you know, where whites
compensate blacks for enslaving us. Well, guess what we've got now?
Reverse reparations. Under Social Security today, blacks receive
twenty one thousand dollars less in retirement benefits than whites
of similar income and marital status. In the U.S. of A., white men
live seven years longer than black men. One third of the brothers
die before retirement and receive nothing. Almost half the married
sisters lose their husbands before they rank Social Security spousal
benefits. President George Bush proposed reforms that help our community
in three ways. First, we get a higher minimum benefit. Second, our
women get their fair share in their spouses Social Security. And,
third, blacks get retirement accounts with real financial assets.
So the next time some Democrat says he won't touch Social Security,
ask why he thinks blacks owe reparations to whites?"
This is the unalloyed
Bob Johnson argument, a combination of grossly misapplied numbers,
fantasies and false promises, and a few very hard truths that privatization
cannot address or ameliorate. The Republican appeal to Reparations
sentiments is the most cynical ploy imaginable, a rank insult to Black
people's intelligence. The ad presumes that African Americans are
political ignoramuses who know nothing about the GOP's absolute hostility
to Reparations of any kind.
All hell broke
loose in Kansas City. The ad, one of seven booked, was pulled on September
12, after having run for several days. Black former Kansas City Mayor
Emanuel Cleaver demanded that GOPAC apologize to the community. The
outfit that scheduled the radio time claimed the ad was a "mistake"
and that "GOPAC didn't pay" for it. A spokesman for the
political action committee announced, "the language in this ad
is misleading and offensive."
So, GOPAC suddenly
decides that its party's Black spin on Social Security is "misleading
and offensive." Could it be that the shameless use of the Reparations
theme was a bit too much? Far more likely, GOPAC's rogue ideologues
had been balled out for breaking discipline during Bush's declared
Time of War; there is to be no talk of Social Security until after
the elections.
The Star treatment
That didn't shut
up Star Parker, a hustler who feeds at the very bottom of the GOP's
Black stink-tank. The author of "Pimps, Whores & Welfare
Brats" put the issue back in play. "The Social Security
system has proven to be an injustice against African American men,"
said the former welfare mother turned Hard Right speaking circuit
maven. "Reparations are to repair an injustice. But rather than
the reparationists looking back 200 years, they should look at the
current Social Security system. It is a reverse reparations system
against African-American men today"
Parker, president
of a Washington outfit called the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education,
cannot be faulted for violating the White House embargo on Social
Security speech. She learned her lines from her hometown billionaire,
nominal Democrat Bob Johnson.
NAACP Chairman
Julian Bond found himself responding to Star Parker and the Kansas
City commercial. "The Republican ad attacking Social Security
as the equivalent of 'reverse reparations' that African-Americans
must pay to white people is wrong on the facts and outrageous in its
intent" said Bond, in a September 13 press release. "Social
Security is not unfair to blacks. Social Security has helped promote
equal economic opportunity and it has benefited all Americans, including
African-Americans, for generations"
Whether Bond knew
it or not, he was actually addressing Bob Johnson, whose views are
identical to those expressed in the Kansas City script.
The crusading
The racial Social
Security bailout was Johnson's second major White House rescue mission.
The Death Tax, as Republican euphemizers dubbed it, ranks with Social
Security on the Hard Right hit list.
Bush was having
trouble. During his first year in office, a bunch of rich white people
kept insisting that the nation's social contract required that some
portion of inherited wealth be returned to society. Led by Bill Gates,
Sr. and including several members of the Rockefeller family and billionaire
investor Warren Buffett, the group took out an ad in the New York
Times. "Repealing the estate tax would leave an unfortunate legacy
for America's future generations" and "would enrich the
heirs of America's millionaires and billionaires while hurting families
who struggle to make ends meet," said the 100 signers.
Up steps Bob Johnson,
who had directed almost half-a-million dollars to Bill Clinton and
other Democrats in the Nineties, only to see a stranger take charge
of the White House. In 2001, Johnson was expecting an insider gift
of his own airline, the by-product of a planned industry merger in
need of Black political cover. However, the deal was caught up in
anti-trust and regulatory problems that only a President could fix.
Seeing an opening
to the Bush White House, Johnson threw his "strategic asset"
into the game: The Black Race. The way Johnson figured, African American
millionaires on the make trump rich, white bleeding hearts. Johnson
rallied 48 Black business types, including executives from his own
holdings, to concoct an African American spin on repeal of the Estate
Less than one-half
of 1 percent of Blacks are wealthy enough to pay federal estate taxes.
Taxation cannot be based on race. Johnson demanded that rich Americans
of all races be exempted from the Estate Tax, so that the tiny Black
group might pass on larger inheritances. The fantastic letter, published
in a number of newspapers, read in part:
The Estate Tax
is particularly unfair to the first generation of the high net worth
African Americans who have accumulated wealth only recently. These
individuals may have family members and relatives who have not been
as fortunate in accumulating assets who could directly benefit from
their share of an estate as heir. Elimination of the Estate Tax
would allow African Americans to pass the full fruits of their labor
to the next generation and beyond.
There has never
been a special pleading quite like this. In fact, Johnson's petition-like
document is not really a special pleading, at all, but the request
of a minuscule, Black fraction of the wealthy on behalf of the
entire wealthy class.
The document represents
an outrageous insult to the common sense and sensibilities of the
people whose interests are invoked: the 99 ½% of the Black
public that is not rich. Robert Johnson's gamesmanship is both shameless
and breath-taking.
As for the overwhelming
majority of Blacks and whites who are untouched by the federal Estate
Tax, but are in need of the services the tax on the very rich pays
for, Johnson's formula is the same old, trickle down Reagan dogma,
with a cruel and ridiculous Reparations-scented twist.
of the Estate Tax will help close the gap in this nation between
African American families and White families. The net worth of an
average African American family is $20,000 or 10 percent of the
$200,000 net worth of the average White family. Repealing the Estate
Tax will permit wealth to grow in the Black community through investment
in minority businesses that will stimulate the economic well-being
of the Black community and allow African American families to participate
fully in the American Dream.
Johnson's gall
has no bounds. He demands that white millionaires - there are more
than two million of them! - be exempted from the Estate Tax so that
a few tens of thousands of well-off Black families might benefit and,
presumably, pass on some of the cash flow to unrelated Blacks.
Bush loved the
show, and the ringmaster. In April of 2001, the President had cited
Johnson from the podium of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. "As
Robert Johnson, of Black Entertainment Television argues," said
Bush, "the death tax and double taxation weighs heavily on minorities
who are only beginning to accumulate wealth."
Bush killed the
Death Tax. With Johnson's help, Republicans won passage of a bill
that first scales back the Estate Tax, then eliminates it entirely
in 2010.
Of wealth and
committed an unpardonable sin. He used - no, he callously abused -
Black people as a group to advance his own, personal interests and
those of his class, rich Blacks and whites alike. But that's not what
makes him a Trojan Horse. He earned that distinction when he sat as
a Democrat on the sham Commission to Strengthen Social Security, this
spring and summer.
Richard Parsons,
the Black CEO of AOL-Time Warner, is an upfront Republican. He co-chaired
the Bush commission, and voted his class and party interest. Fine.
We are not denouncing
Bob Johnson because he is a billionaire but, rather, for being among
those stealth Democrats who act as Republican operatives. Johnson
is the most powerful Black Trojan Horse in the nation, by virtue of
his wealth.
In pursuit of
more billions, and while invoking the interests of The Race, Bob Johnson
sold us all out, and the Democratic Party as well. Black Democrats
should be outraged - that is, if they think they can afford to be.
What political
damage can be done by a Black billionaire Trojan Horse, a phony Democrat
in the service of the Hard Right? That's difficult to say. We never
had one before. It will be interesting to watch - closely.
Contact: [email protected]
Members of the
President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security
Full text of the
Black anti-Estate Tax letter and list of signers$253?print-friendly=true