The National Urban League’s annual State
of Black America reports
that the 2005 Equality Index is stuck at 0.73 – meaning that Blacks,
by a variety of statistical measurements, are less than three-quarters
of the way toward equality with whites. The index is “marginally unchanged” since
2004, but the April report warns that “to stand still in today’s world
is to fall further behind.”
In fact, the Urban League’s equality index is too optimistic, because
it does not – cannot – measure the swirling political/institutional
forces that are combining to bring yet more winds of destruction to
Black America. The barometer is falling a lot faster than we thought – while
the national weather people have been systematically lying to us.
Only half of African American youth (50.2%) graduate with a diploma
from high school – 42.8% of males and 56.2% of females, according to
an Urban Institute study, Losing
Our Future: How Minority Youth
are being Left Behind by the Graduation Rate Crisis. The report, released
in February in collaboration with the Civil Rights Project at Harvard
University and other organizations, reveals a national education reality
far bleaker than the rosy upper middle class landscape projected for
decades by corporate media. Although Black dropout rates are certainly
a precursor of social disaster, only 76.8% of Asian/Pacific Islanders,
the highest graduating ethnic category, pick up their diplomas at the
end of the 12th grade. Whites are roughly 2 points behind.
Thus, the national educational self-image, in which only marginalized
groups drop out of high school, and where college is the norm, is false
for all of America.
National Graduation Rates
By Race and Gender
By Race/Ethnicity |
Nation |
Female |
Male |
American Indian/AK Nat |
51.1 |
51.4 |
47.0 |
Asian/Pacific Islander |
76.8 |
80.0 |
72.6 |
Hispanic |
53.2 |
58.5 |
48 |
Black |
50.2 |
56.2 |
42.8 |
White |
74.9 |
77 |
70.8 |
All Students |
68 |
72 |
64.1 |
Nationally, only 32 percent of Special Education students, disproportionately
Black and brown, graduate.
Armies of invisible dropouts
The Urban Institute’s data are widely at variance with statistics
on which American educational and, to some degree, social and economic
policies are based. The report asserts its methodology is a “more accurate” way
to “provide estimates of high school graduation rates, distinguished
at the state and district level, and disaggregated by race” than the
numbers developed by the Current Population Survey and the Center
for Educational Statistics, which “relies heavily on underestimated
dropout data.”
It appears the underestimates of dropout rates are systematic and
nationwide – the result of purposeful ignorance: see no dropout, report
no dropout. “For example,” said the study, “schools often report students
who never receive degrees as successfully transferring to some other
school. In Texas, any student that cannot be accounted for is removed
from the calculation as if they never existed. Sometimes students who
are incarcerated or have left school but are over the mandatory attendance
age in their high schools are not counted as dropouts, though they
never graduate.”
The oficial graduation rates for Black youth, the least likely to
finish high school, are also the most highly inflated. “Incredibly,
some states report a 5% dropout rate for African Americans, when, in
reality, only
half of its young adult African Americans are graduating with diplomas.
For example, very low dropout rates for grades 9-12 are reported for
Blacks in Florida (3.9%), Texas (2.6%), and Missouri (5.4%), but as
this report reveals, Blacks in these states are graduating in the 50%
range or lower.”
In a society in which the rich and racist rule, every reputed reform
ultimately works to the detriment of the oppressed – for example, "urban
renewal" becomes "Black removal." So it is with No Child Left Behind,
whose implementation may actually accelerate a process that encourages
young Blacks to leave school. “The overwhelming focus of many states
and school districts aiming to avoid test-driven accountability sanctions
has led to increased reports across the nation of schools that ‘push
out’ low achieving students…in order to help raise their overall test
Schools are rewarded for making dropouts the invisible young men and
women of society. Administrators win promotions, most notably, former
Bush Secretary of Education Rod Paige, whose vaunted “Houston miracle” while
superintendent of that city’s schools was revealed as a huge scam committed
largely at the expense of youngsters pushed out of school, unrecorded. "It
is all phony; it's just like Enron," said Rice University professor
of education Linda McNeil, according to the November 8, 2003, Washington
Houston schools under Paige as a “dropout
The next generation of Black America is being inexorably pulled – and
methodically pushed – ever deeper into the non-person zone of society.
But it is an assault at least as old as the onset of school desegregation
efforts and the accompanying white flight, the period when urban public
education became associated with Blacks and, therefore, socially devalued.
As Jonathan Kozol pointed out in his 1991 classic, Savage
Inequalities, schools base their budgets on the expectation of
dropouts, and could not function if too many candidates remained in
class. Educator Elena Rutherford reviewed and
updated Kozol’s
findings for
on October 3, 2002:
Freedom from citizens
So we see that dropouts are institutionally manufactured, not the
inevitable product of some sickness in Black society. The Urban Institute
report recommends each new student be provided “with a single lifetime
school identification number that would follow him or her throughout
his or her entire school career. Until this nation implements and
carefully monitors such a system, we will never know exactly what
happens to students.”
It’s a sound idea, but one that will never be accepted by the class
that George Bush represents, who reject any social responsibility
for life outcomes, even the outcomes of very young lives. Why get
an accurate count of dropouts, when they – like everyone else, in
the corporate vision – are on their own? A true accounting of the
catastrophe might conjure up the words of President Lyndon Johnson
to Howard University’s graduating class on July 4, 1965: “We seek not just freedom but opportunity – not just legal
equity but human ability – not just equality as a right and a theory,
but equality as a fact and as a result."
Equality as a result, even a decent education as a result,
died as a national purpose amidst the flickering embers of affirmative
action, nearly two decades ago. Today, affirmative action is in a
persistent vegetative state – technically alive, but unable to impact
the world around it. If results are not relevant, there is no point
in getting a good count. No Child Left Behind, as administered by
Bush, is a tool to fail and erase from the rolls not just individual
youngsters, but whole school systems, so that the bells of total
corporate freedom might ring.What has been lost to America – or never
really found – is the general belief in a social contract. The human
deficit is immeasurable.